View Full Version : I'M IN FUCKING LOVE!!!!

Aug 24, 2007, 1:46 AM
Let's see the management scum-fucks try to turn my shit off now :cool:
Ain't it cute?

Aug 24, 2007, 6:09 AM
Hmm, very well.

Yep. You can clip that little sucker damn near anywhere.
A goofy stoner using his ipod to stimulate himself. I'm sure Steve Jobs would be thrilled.
I told you I LOVE music :bigrin:

Skater Boy
Aug 24, 2007, 6:49 PM
lol, ya, I bought my mother one of these for her birthday. She's cool with it, although she relies on ME to upload all of her songs. The only problem is that you can't MANUALLY manage its content... in other words, you have to keep ALL of your songs in your Itunes library, otherwise when you connect the Ipod, it all gets deleted. But still a cute toy.

Oh, and nice modelling of the product, Tom. You should send that photo off to Apple and see if you can get them to use it in their next ad campaign... ;)

Aug 24, 2007, 11:07 PM
hahaha, Azreal you are a nutter. I have a regular iPod, but alas I cant clip to to my nipples :tong:

Aug 25, 2007, 12:28 AM
LOL! It's amazing the things you can find new uses for!

Aug 25, 2007, 1:23 AM
If you like that.........

Then you will love this.


Oh yeah.

Aug 25, 2007, 7:03 AM
If you like that.........

Then you will love this.


Oh yeah.

The wheels in my twisted little head are turning :bigrin:

Aug 25, 2007, 7:32 AM
Let's see the management scum-fucks try to turn my shit off now :cool:
Ain't it cute?

hehe, i love your black flag t-shirt az...



Aug 25, 2007, 7:41 AM
hehe, i love your black flag t-shirt az...


Why danke!
...and A Circle Jerks Beanie, who played a few of the Keith Morris era Flag tunes when I saw them last year. Highly recommended, quality punk. Keith Morris was lecturing all these fashion punk kids about not using Punk as an excuse to be stupid. I'm like "this man is amazing"

Aug 25, 2007, 7:49 AM
Why danke!
...and A Circle Jerks Beanie, who played a few of the Keith Morris era Flag tunes when I saw them last year. Highly recommended, quality punk. Keith Morris was lecturing all these fashion punk kids about not using Punk as an excuse to be stupid. I'm like "this man is amazing"

punk is such a fashion item these days... you got to teach all these kids :bigrin: i really loved the days of the sst-label era, with my favorites being minutemen and the hüskers, of course!

Aug 25, 2007, 8:23 AM
Always been wanting to check those folks out.
I'm crazy about the early punk thrash crossover like Discharge, DRI, Cryptic Slaughter, and so forth.
One of the better newer bands is The Unseen.
Their 'Internal Salvation' album is pretty decent.
We need to set aside a day and just talk musik. I'm game. Pull up a chair,I'll start the coffee :bigrin:

Aug 25, 2007, 8:34 AM
We need to set aside a day and just talk musik. I'm game. Pull up a chair,I'll start the coffee :bigrin:

that's a cool idea... always nice to fuel my coffee addiction :tong:
and while the coffee is brewing let me start my trusted record deck. digital music and stuff may be nice and convenient. but when we are serious about music, vinyl discs still rule :bigrin:

Aug 25, 2007, 10:30 PM
that's a cool idea... always nice to fuel my coffee addiction :tong:
and while the coffee is brewing let me start my trusted record deck. digital music and stuff may be nice and convenient. but when we are serious about music, vinyl discs still rule :bigrin:

Couldn't agree more. Vinyl owns all (have a panasonic turntable and like 200 records)

shameless agitator
Aug 25, 2007, 10:39 PM
If you like that.........

Then you will love this.


Oh yeah.I'm thinking "Ride of the Valkyries" maybe Beethoven's Fifth

Feb 19, 2011, 1:52 AM
that's a cool idea... always nice to fuel my coffee addiction :tong:
and while the coffee is brewing let me start my trusted record deck. digital music and stuff may be nice and convenient. but when we are serious about music, vinyl discs still rule :bigrin:

Couldn't agree more. Vinyl owns all (have a panasonic turntable and like 200 records)

Hey -- new to this site! I thought I was the only person in the world to still love vinyls! Have a couple of boxes in storage -- but turntable died a few years ago. Keep telling myself to let them go -- but can't seem to do it. I have everything from the Beach Boys to Zepplin to Wagner on vinyl. Guess I better buy another turntable!

Florian -- you are German? I love Germany -- travel there once every couple of years.

Feb 19, 2011, 6:03 AM
I'm thinking "Ride of the Valkyries" maybe Beethoven's Fifth

1812 Overture

Feb 19, 2011, 8:05 AM
Nearly four year necro. Noice.