View Full Version : Anyone go to GLBT sponsored Bisexual group of any kind?

Oct 19, 2005, 11:17 PM
I just went to a Bisexual Support Group in Denver. It's the ony bisexual group i could find anywhere. I would really like to find a bisexual social group, but apparently we aren't out enough for that.

It was not too exciting... only four women (or is that womyn?) were there. But i still think it has potential. They have have two meetings per month. And I hear that the first meeting, on the first Tuesday, has a male facilitator, and there are a few more people there. I'm interested in meeting the male facilitator.

Does anyone out there want to come? It's kinda loney being in cyberspace.

Oct 19, 2005, 11:43 PM
I go to a discussion group that my Campus has formulated through their Health Services Center, I find it a nice social time to discuss issues that affect the GLBT community and ourselves. I really enjoy the group and look forward to making it to their weekly meetings. It is nice to have these gatherings and I would greatly enjoy finding a social bi/GLBT(LGBT)group that meets in the Cleveland Area other than my campus one; which is a fairly small crowd (4-7ppl Not counting the two facilitators).

Oct 22, 2005, 7:34 PM
Thanks DoctaDan2. I wouldn't want to think that I was the only one. I guess, if we don't go to a bi-group, or start one, there will never be a lively bi-group. Unless we wanna move to places like San Fransisco.

Ansil III
Oct 22, 2005, 11:44 PM
Thanks DoctaDan2. I wouldn't want to think that I was the only one. I guess, if we don't go to a bi-group, or start one, there will never be a lively bi-group. Unless we wanna move to places like San Fransisco.

you're quite right on that fact. however, down in the caribbean, it is very difficult to start any group because people fear being exposed in such a conservative society. it is rather lonely, but at least i have cyberspace. that counts, doesn't it?