View Full Version : Hi all my friends! :)

Aug 22, 2007, 6:17 PM
Howdy to all my friends :)

Hope all is well.

I am no longer online dating the girl I was talking about awhile ago.
One reason was there were just to many red flags popping up. After talking to 2 very close friends of mine I decided it was better to just end it.... mostly for my safely :)

Sooooooooo how has everyone been? Ive been doing well.

In my hands I now have the OFFICAL DIVORCE papers!!! My ex-husband is HISTORY!!!

Hows everyone summer going?


Aug 22, 2007, 6:50 PM
I know it's not my business, but I feel you have made a wise decision regarding your online friend.

I hope you find the right person in time.

Aug 22, 2007, 7:11 PM
I was divorced last year, and I can tell you that it only gets better every day. I hope you can enjoy your time and find someone who can give you the love you deserve.

Aug 23, 2007, 2:00 AM
Hiya Tash. Havent spoken in a while eh? Glad to hear that the divorce is finally through with, should be a whole new start to things.

As for me? Been doing pretty good. Summer has been fun and Im just getting ready to head off to Toronto for my first year of Uni. Pretty pumped about that!

Anyways, good to talk to ya again. Drop me a line here or on Facebook anytime. And lemme know if you ever make it over to the big "O" (Ontario I mean, not the other thing...:tong:)

Aug 23, 2007, 6:59 AM
I know it's not my business, but I feel you have made a wise decision regarding your online friend.

I hope you find the right person in time.

Ditto, with regards to the online freind that is.
You have a beautiful soul Tasha and there are those out there who would like to destroy it. Better to be safe that sorry.

I was divorced last year, and I can tell you that it only gets better every day. I hope you can enjoy your time and find someone who can give you the love you deserve.

It's been 4 years for me and HighEnergy is right in it getting better.
The less confusion and negativity that you have around you with the more positive affermations and thoughts dancing about you, the better your life will become. Always Remember Tasha
Change, is within your grasp and destiny can be influenced by your control of that change.

(BTW- If I am ever in your area again, may I stop by and buy you a coffee, latte, expresso or tea or something? Just to say Hello and visit with a freind?


Skater Boy
Aug 23, 2007, 7:31 AM
The less confusion and negativity that you have around you with the more positive affermations and thoughts dancing about you, the better your life will become.

Change, is within your grasp and destiny can be influenced by your control of that change.

Wow, "positive affirmations"... you sound like my therapist!

Repeat after me:

"I have all the resources within me that I need to be successful"

"I am worthy of other people's respect"

"I am an attractive and confident person"

Hehe, well, thats what I keep telling myself, lol.

Btw divorced??? I didn't even know you were ever married, Tasha! But he's right... hopefully it can only get better from here on.

Not sure what to say about your online lover, but if it wasn't meant to be, then it wasn't meant to be.

Mr chadw
Aug 23, 2007, 9:18 AM
congrats on your divorce!
and i hope you find the right person for you some time
good luck in all your indevers and be safe

Aug 23, 2007, 2:27 PM
Good for you. Glad to hear things are looking up!



Skater Boy
Aug 23, 2007, 5:28 PM
So we're sticking with the next plan: Wait two years until she's 16, and she can drive to my house. Ha. (:

WOAH!!! You're like, thirteen?! :eek: I thought there was a minimum age required to join this site? No offense, and please do tell me if I'm just being bitchy, guys. But there's some quite adult content on this website.

Aug 23, 2007, 5:37 PM
I agree skater boy. Should be a minimum age req'd


PS It's not that I think there's anything wrong with knowing that you are bi at that age. But there are places that you can go, dear that will be able to better serve your needs. And prevent this site from being shut down.


Danielle B
Aug 23, 2007, 6:00 PM
Congratulations on the divorce:) It DOES get better every day- and it clears out all that negative energy and leaves lots of room for the good stuff to come in...

Aug 23, 2007, 7:49 PM
Ha ha ha, wow....definitly you seem a bit perkier than usual Tash! Glad to see you back live and kicking.

The Barefoot Contess
Aug 23, 2007, 8:11 PM
Well, I don't know you, but, as everyone says here... "congratulations on your divorce". I always wanted to say that :tong:

Aug 23, 2007, 9:27 PM
Haven't had the opportunity to talk to you for about a year - but I'm glad to see things going good for you. Wishing you the best. :)

Aug 24, 2007, 7:51 PM
Ah, divorce. Been there, done that. Happiness is seeing your ex's picture on a milk carton (at least it would be for me) Be well Tasha. Hope for the best, don't worry about the rest. Worrying about things is like being in a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere. Sit back, relax, enjoy.

Aug 25, 2007, 12:35 AM
WooHooo!! Congrats on the divorce sweetie!! I'm so happy for you!!

It's sad that your online friend didn't work out though. BUT that just means that th next time you're down my way you'll be free for me to take you to dinner!! :bigrin:

Lufs ya hon. I've missed seeing you around.

Aug 25, 2007, 6:16 AM

congrats with your divorse tasha, I hope you are very happy without him. Its a shame it had to end with your online friend, but better safe then sorry, and there are plenty more queer woman in the sea.

In scotland we havent really had a summer tbh, howz urs been?