View Full Version : Debunking Bisexual Myths

Promising Galahad
Aug 21, 2007, 4:24 PM

I'm new here and thought I'd post this. I saw this on another message board and often send this to those who think I'm either confused or going through a phase.

Bisexuality Defined: A person who is sexually attracted to and engages in sensual or sexual relationships with people of either sex. A bisexual person may not be equally attracted to both sexes, and the degree of attraction may vary over time.

Myth: Bisexuals have to like both men and women equally
Fact: There is no right or wrong way to be bisexual. You are the person who determines your sexuality. If you only date girls but are also attracted to guys, you can be bisexual. The same goes for people who date guys, but still like girls.
Some people believe that your sexuality is always changing. If you are bisexual, you could be attracted to men and women at different points in your life. It is the individual you find attractive, not their gender.

Myth: Bisexuals are promiscuous, they can’t hold down a committed monogamous relationship
Fact: News flash: a bisexual can fall in love and hold down a relationship. Being bisexual might mean you feel attracted to guys and girls, but it doesn’t give you license to be unfaithful to your partner, or to expect him/her to accept another person in to your love life. Relationships still have the same rules.

Myth: Bisexual people are just playing around, they can choose to be straight
Fact: Can a gay person “choose” to be straight? Can I choose to have a different eye colour? You don’t choose your sexual orientation, you just feel it, be you straight, gay or bi. There’s a difference between being straight and falling in love with a person of the opposite sex and being bi and doing so. In the latter case, this doesn’t mean that they aren’t attracted to people of the same sex still or that they aren’t bisexual. You aren’t turned straight.

Myth: Bisexual people are just denying that they are gay
Fact: Being bisexual is different to being lesbian or gay. However, because your sexuality can change over time, it is possible to be bisexual for a while and then to be gay or straight. But most consider themselves bisexual for their whole lives and they tend not to change the category from one relationship to the next.

Myth: Bisexuality is only a phase.
Fact: Is being straight only a phase? Is being gay only a phase? For years the gay community has challenged heterosexuals who publicly state that homosexuality is only a phase. Bisexuals face the same generalization from both the gay and straight community. Many bisexuals are completely in touch with their emotions and desires for members of both sexes and often feel limited by the thought of attraction to only a man or woman. Emotional connections often take precedence when bisexuals pursue a potential partner. Bisexuality is just as much of a natural preference as homosexuality and heterosexuality.

Myth: Bi people have to choose to be either straight or gay
Fact: Bisexuals are attracted to both men and women on both an emotional and physical level. Some “lean straight” (meaning they prefer a member of the opposite sex, but same sex partners are always an option) and others “lean gay” (which means they prefer members of the same sex, but would consider a relationship with a member of the opposite sex). Nonetheless, they are not simply gay or straight and definitely do not have to choose.

Myth: Bisexual people are sexually confused.
Fact: A common misconception in both the gay and heterosexual communities is that bisexuals are sexually confused and cannot make up their minds which sex they like. However, that’s the whole point- bisexuals are attracted to both sexes and are in many cases more clear about their sexuality than most others.

Myth: Bisexual people will never marry.
Fact: Alongside the thought that bisexual men and women are sexually confused is the myth that they will never be able to settle on a partner of any sex. In many cases bisexuals put a lot of emphasis on emotional connections with either sex. This in mind, the opportunity for them to find a life partner is just as viable as it is for a heterosexual or homosexual. However, since same-sex marriage isn’t legal in most places of the world, only a heterosexual marriage in most places will be recognized by law.

Myth: Bisexual people are sexually promiscuous.
Fact: Bisexuals are no more promiscuous than any others. Promiscuity (or frequent sex with multiple partners) depends on the individual irrespective of their sexual preference. However, liking both sexes increases a bisexual’s chances of a sexual encounter or potential relationship (by shear numbers alone).

Myth: Bisexual people spread sexually transmitted diseases.
Fact: Bisexual people are no more likely to carry HIV/AIDS or other STDs than gay or straight people.
Another one I saw someplace or other (about me) was that since I had some failed relationships with females, I “turned gay”. Now that’s a load of ignorant crap that doesn’t deserve any further thought.
“It is important to remember that bisexual, gay, lesbian, and heterosexual are labels created by a homophobic, biphobic, heterosexist society to separate and alienate us from each other. We are all unique; we don’t fit into neat little categories. We sometimes need to use these labels for political reasons and to increase our visibilities.”

Aug 22, 2007, 1:30 AM
I'm glad you posted that.it never ceases to amaze me the amount of ignorance and pure stupidity there can be,not to mention of course all the prejudice and hate.Nice to hear the misconceptions and The Truth.I'm newly accepting of my own Bisexuality and still getting to know my own nature (i've been struggling and denying it)for way to long.That alone has been a big relief.I'm not as concerned with coming out to family,as I am with being kicked by the gay community as I just joined a GLBT support group.It's ironic to think I'd have to worry about this in a "Support group"but here I am lol.Anyways I'm new here(this is my first post),I'm glad I found this place.seems like a supportive and knowledgeable group of folk here.
All you need is love

Promising Galahad
Aug 22, 2007, 12:50 PM
Thanks Joey! Its a great list, isn't it? I have the same problem. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, if if there is zero truth to it at all. Look at politics for example.There are people who actually do not believe the holocaust happened and that the South won the war! If people wish to cater facts to their own beliefs I say knock your self out.What pisses me off is, who I sleep with and look for in a partner is no ones business! Why is Mike and Steve having a hissy fit because I have a romantic relationship with a woman then later have one with a man? How is this hurting them?

Aug 22, 2007, 5:57 PM
Great list of myths vs facts! I have learned most of these things on my own but it is good to see them in print. Kinda validates everything.

Thanks! and welcome to the site!

Aug 22, 2007, 6:23 PM
"Myth: Bisexual people are sexually confused.
Fact: A common misconception in both the gay and heterosexual communities is that bisexuals are sexually confused and cannot make up their minds which sex they like. However, that’s the whole point- bisexuals are attracted to both sexes and are in many cases more clear about their sexuality than most others.

I should get my mom to read that and the other Myths & Facts!!

My mom thinks theres no such thing as bisexually... you're either straight or gay/lesbian (she does believe in transexuals!)
She has said the above myth that bisexuals are confused people and a VERY DANGEROUS behaviour.

I think moms still in the past and refuse to come out.
For me, Bisexual just means your not limited to just one gender :)


Aug 22, 2007, 6:29 PM
I totally agree with you Galahad,
You know we have a great friend of the family's who's gay.The funniest person I ever meet,anyway I did tell him I joined a GLBT group and he was very supportive BUT what I convieniently left out was that I'm a Bisexual.I don't want to make an enemy out of a friend,I just don't know why it has to be that way.I am very Pro-Gay and I consider them my brothers,like family.You would almost assume a group that has been the victim of such discrimination would know better,I guess not.Myself I hate labels,I feel you cannot explain much about a person with a label(Although our society clings to them.)Everyone is soo individgual and it can be very confining and so forth.I'd get cruxified for saying this in a gay forum but could it possibly be that alot of gays have bi issues perhaps that they have'nt explored or worked through??If there were any truth to that we diffenetely would pose a threat in some way.Just a thought,I maybe totally off base with that,So far that's my theory though anyway.Hope I don't offend anyone,something I think about and I can of course be wrong.
It is a great list,just wish people would be as much intrested in the truth as they are at pointing the finger,I mean not only with Bisexuals but with all people.We can accomplish great things Unified,that we could never accomplish otherwise.The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,Is'nt that how the saying goes??.It's a shame that so many cling to their hate the way they do.Does'nt anybody ever learn??
It really should be nobodys business whom I choose to be involved and intimate with.People are just looking for reasons to throw stones.True understanding people are hard to come by in this world and it can wear anybody down.It's difficult enough to find happiness.I don't need anyone to lead me down misery lane.I won't generalize,I'm sure not all gays are like that,but the fact remains there is too much Bi phobia,with striaghts and with gays!!!OUCH!!It really does hurt!.I feel like I'm beggining to ramble on a bit,I get really wound up about things like discrimination espicially when its me getting discriminated against lol.

Give peace a chance-John Lennon.

jOeY* * *

Aug 22, 2007, 6:36 PM
Thanks Kitten,
Great to be here!!
:) *J