View Full Version : How do you meet other bi-sexual women?

Aug 19, 2007, 11:11 PM
I'm a bi-fem (and married) and want to meet other bi-fems for a little exploration and fun (and maybe even hubby). How do you meet other bi women? I have a hard time bringing up the subject and find it difficult to come out and ask someone if they are bi. I've recently told my best friend about being bi and my desires for her but it wasn't received very well. I'm really frustrated. Any advice will be wonderful!!!!

Aug 19, 2007, 11:20 PM
Write a personal ad.
Get out there and meet people.
Ask people about themselves.
Come out of the closet.

Aug 19, 2007, 11:35 PM
The South tends to be full of closeted, repressed folks, so I totally understand your frustration. I agree, post some personal ads out there. There are lots of sites around that cater to lesbian and bi women and you're bound to find someone if you keep looking. I can tell ya right now, most of the bi women I know don't go in for the 'with hubby' stuff. Some do, but that'll make the search that much harder.

Best of luck to you!

shameless agitator
Aug 19, 2007, 11:40 PM
Write a personal ad.
Get out there and meet people.
Ask people about themselves.
Come out of the closet.

A-FUCKING-MEN! I'm constantly telling people they have a moral obligation to the rest of us to be out. One thing I will add though, is a recomendation that you not necessarily ask your friends about their orientation or make passes at them if you're not sure. Just let them know your orientation and leave the ball in their court

Aug 20, 2007, 12:10 AM
To find another fun loving bi female is very hard. I have been a bi female for many years, and I'm having a hard time finding a right person. Do not get hubby involved, trust me ,it may work out ok but most of the time it will not , and then somebody will be hurt. I mostly try meet another bi women from other friends or sometimes I just get lucky by searching the web.
The best of luck, and enjoy.

Aug 20, 2007, 12:11 AM
The South tends to be full of closeted, repressed folks, so I totally understand your frustration. I agree, post some personal ads out there. There are lots of sites around that cater to lesbian and bi women and you're bound to find someone if you keep looking. I can tell ya right now, most of the bi women I know don't go in for the 'with hubby' stuff. Some do, but that'll make the search that much harder.

Best of luck to you!

That is so true! I have a hard time finding girls in my town tho that are TRUELY bisexual. A lot of them say it to get more guys sadly. I have it cleary posted on here and myspace that im looking. But I havent had any luck. I am married but my hubby doesnt get involved and I def. dont want to join in with someone elses hubby, even if I was single. I hope you find someone. Its not easy :)

Aug 20, 2007, 3:03 PM
I'm in the same boat. It's a shame you're not closer ;) Like Charmed I've met bicurious women and I'm SO done with them. It's hard to find the right woman especially when looking for your first time.

I agree with the others. Don't get hubby involved unless your gf suggests it. That's a path that can lead to no good.

Have you tried dating sites? BiCupid is a good one. I had success there. If you don't mind paying, Yahoo!Personals is another good one.

Good luck to you.

Aug 20, 2007, 3:07 PM
i'm in the same boat.

in my experience, online dating is not the answer. the best thing that i've found is to be social. a friend of a friend is much more likely to match up with you than someone you meet online.

if only we were closer...haha

Aug 20, 2007, 3:41 PM
Dunno bout u lot.. but generally me goes out an says hi!:bigrin:

Aug 20, 2007, 6:44 PM
:banghead:NOW THAT IS THE QUESTION OF THE CENTURY!....Better yet, how do u get into a chat room. this thing won't take me there no matter how many times i ask it to.

Aug 20, 2007, 8:49 PM
I would say that your best bet is to get online. It cuts through all the BS and although it may take time, if you really work at it, you are probably going to find someone. Another site I recently came across is bisexualpassions.com and it is 100% free. Good luck with your search!!!

shameless agitator
Aug 21, 2007, 4:09 AM
I'm missing something here. This may be a stupid question, but if y'all aren't looking for women to join in threesomes, why only look for bi women? It seems you'd have a lot more options if you included lesbians. Of course some of them won't be interested in a bi because of the stereotypes, but some will

Aug 21, 2007, 4:19 AM
My question is how do you meet straight people. I've only been with gay men and bi women :cool:
Seriously, though. How do people meet?
My first ex boyfriend was my high school math tutor. My ex fiancee was a friend of a friend. Other b/f I met over a drug deal at a random house. Other girlfriend hung out with these shady people I used to get my weed from.
I dunno- have drinks, go to a concert, go to a park, go out for coffee.
I could potentially hook up with one of the adorable girls or guys from the tiki bar I cook at, but I have this rule about not hitting the work pool. I see my friends who do, and it can really fuck up their work.
I think it's a good rule, I already have enough weird energy on the job.