View Full Version : Erotica Without Eros

Aug 14, 2007, 9:47 PM
An anonymous Scottish blogger who goes modestly by the name ‘Supercock” runs a website called “Supercock and His Little Minx” I’m not suggesting that you Google it, but I mention him because he and his eponymous co-author are writers of erotica of a certain kind. (She’s a much better writer than he is, for the record). Anyway, here is a brief but I think representative sample of “Supercock’s” approach:

"...Pretending I haven't seen him I start to stroke my naked nipples and then open my legs slightly knowing that he can now catch a glimpse of my pink cunt lips. The thought immediately brings a dampness to my pussy. Moving one hand down to my soft mound I lean back giving him a great view of my ample tits and a better view of my cunt…,suddenly I feel a rather large pair of hands emerge from the water and a tongue and mouth greedily licking and sucking at my cunt".

I’m curious to know how many readers here find this writing to be effective erotica? (I know, it’s just an excerpt, but still….). I can certainly understand how words like ‘cunt’ can be used effectively between lovers. But in cold print, a passage like the above strikes me as, well, cold. Diagrammatic. (“Insert Tab A into Slot B” [or Slut B, whatever). The reiteration of the word ‘cunt’ in an otherwise dull passage does nothing for me, especially since I don’t know who these people are and the writer has given me no reason to care. This is not an argument against erotic writing; it’s only to say that erotic writing is, in the first instance, writing, and that good writing is generally about people, not about the coupling of Barbie and Ken dolls.

What if we turn to the record of a cyber encounter?

"Supercock : I feel you move in your chair again, slouching a little and opening your legs for me wider..I catch a huge wiff of your very delicious cunt juices
Supercock : My hands insistently spreading your knees
Supercock : Nails raking across your flesh
Supercock : The shiver comes back again
Little Minx : Nipples starting to poke through the fabric of my dress
Supercock : Working towards your juicy cunt
Supercock : Lips following my fingers
Supercock : Teeth following lips
Supercock : Hot air on your skin
Little Minx : mmmm
Supercock : My tongue reaching your lips, flicking across your slick juices
Supercock : Exploring each fold of skin
Supercock : Each nuance of flesh, gently, insistently
Supercock : My tongue continuing the journey around your cunt, occasionally parting your lips and dipping inside
Supercock : One time, you let out a gasp, again causing a question from your colleague
Supercock : Fortunately you are looking at a news website and make an excuse about a bad story
Supercock : My tongue thrusting more deeply into you now, that you are used to it, almost slurping mouthfuls of readily flowing juices
Supercock : So horny now, you are flowing freely
Little Minx : I start to worry that the person at the next desk will be able to smell my juices
Supercock : I will just have to lick and suck more, to keep the exposure to a minimum".

“To keep the exposure to a minimum”? Sounds like something out of a first-aid manual. Wrap the patient and keep her warm. Check vital signs.

That said, this is better than the first passage, if only because narcissistic self-regard has been replaced by some sort of interaction. (“Little Minx” has told me that this was only a literary exercise, as opposed to the record of a true erotic encounter; but that’s not something that would immediately be evident to the reader -- and I’d like to know what Supercock’s view of the matter was). At the same time, I can’t honestly say that the passage makes me want to rush out and have sex. Or, more to the point, to stay in and have it alone. My prevailing sense is one of embarrassment, as if I’ve walked in on someone. Again, I’m curious to know the views of others on this.

The final passage is a PM written, quite obviously I think, by a man to a woman (it was afterwards reprinted on the web, which is why I know about it):

"hi sugar…i see u r still here…i can’t stay right now but i want you to stay here until you fuck somebody…..a guy or a chick….either is ok…..stay here until you get off with them and i want to know all about it later. If you like you can get gang fucked sugar…..be a good whore. See you soon".

To be fair, this was not written with the intention of sexually exciting anyone other than the writer and his solitary reader. Still, as it was later published it seems fair to comment on it. And again, while this may speak to my own limitations rather than to anyone else's, I find ithe passage repellent rather than erotic. I don’t want to talk this way a woman; and if I were a woman, I don’t imagine I’d want to be spoken to this way by a man. It has nothing to do with being uncomfortable with “animalistic sex”, of course. There is nothing animalistic about it. It’s human, all too human, concerning itself less with the pleasures and joys of sex than with power relations and projecting a persona. Which is fine, if that’s the preference of the couple involved. I just wish I could see what the appeal was. Is there anyone else out there who feels, as I do, that this is all erotica without Eros, and for that reason curiously sad, rather than arousing?

Aug 14, 2007, 9:54 PM
Naw, biwords, I'm feeling you on this a little.

And this is why I'm picky about who I play with online or on the phone. I may never hook up with them again. . .but I don't want to feel like...damn, I could have been screwing around with Photoshop or watching porn alone rather than going through this shit!

I mean, for every "oogy" experience online, there are one or two people... they know who they are.... who could bring me back from the dead, sexually. I was stressed as hell from my new job. . .and I ran into the right person at the right time and WOW! I remember why I liked them so much, and almost wish I could be with them in person for a weekend, to see if they live up to their words.


Aug 14, 2007, 11:24 PM
All three examples are pretty poor writing and probably accurately reflect the writer's style of actually having sex, i.e., pretty poor. But I don't see any reason to agonize about it, there is good erotica out there. You just have to reject the bad and keep searching for the good. (You gotta kiss a lotta' toads before you find Prince Charming)

Aug 14, 2007, 11:44 PM
Yea mate, its all about hit or miss, you gotta explore but realize you will find erotica that is not up to your standards, so yo just have to keep looking.

That cyber was just horrible.

Aug 14, 2007, 11:45 PM
IMO a lot of erotica that I've read (even the stuff that is in anthologies or collections of erotica that was supposedly published in magazines) is written VERY poorly, some stories have just plain horrible plots/characterizations, the sex is too mechanical and it's like the person is describing porn, and it's not something I want to masturbate to or something that really even turns me on that much and I just want it to end.

I enjoy bisexual writer Anais Nin's erotica because NO subject is taboo and she realized that the most erotic organ in the human body is the brain and that not all sex is nice/vanilla/"love making" or anything at all like that.

A friend of mine who is a gay male writes some of the hottest stories ever!

I get off to reading his stories each and every time since they're true experiences that he went through and unique and we're good friends and I like reading about the good old days of the early/mid 1970s before HIV.

Aug 15, 2007, 12:03 AM
I am reading Anais Nin's diaries right now and agree with Diamond Dog.

The examples given above are not my cup of tea.

I have lots more research to do in this department! :)

Aug 15, 2007, 1:30 AM
some may fine them flowery and overwritten but my favorite is the 3 book series the " erotic adventures of sleeping beauty" written by a.n. roquelaure( anne rice). a wonderfully twisted fairy tale. meant to be read with a glass of wine and a vibrator.

p.s.: am i the only one who thinks supercock might be the kind of guy who has bad teeth and dirt under his fingernails. ugghhh


the mage
Aug 15, 2007, 7:33 AM
The written words does nothing for me sexually.
I'm visually driven like most men, so I like to look at pics not words.

Actually I find most porn to be mind numbingly boring,
The oh so predictable formula of 2 minutes of blowjob, followed by 3 minutes of vaginal sex then 20 minutes of pumping ass holes and the big cum shot on the face just get silly and dull....

I like some kink and costume in the mix....

Aug 15, 2007, 9:11 AM
:bigrin:MMMM A lot of talk... My female partener do not like to use the word "CUNT" but many times when having intercouse ....she says...FUCK MY CUNT WITH YOUR FAT COCK. People use this words in real life when totaly arouse . I would not deare to say ...your cunt ..on a conversation, she will hit me with what ever is close to her ...EG a broom lol lol
Eroticisme is a very personal thing and accordingly to situations.
Lets just enjoy the moment, even then can be both

Aug 15, 2007, 11:14 PM
I found all three passages awful, the first was the least awful, the last was the worst. If someone spoke to me like that, "be a good little whore"....I'd hit them many times with the nearest blunt object.

That said, some people get off on that sort of fantasy. It's sure not mine.

Occasionally I go over to nifty.org for some porn stories that range from gosh-awful to really REALLY good. Good written porn stimulates my mind better than the same ol' in-and-out pictures.

There's a "romance" writer....Susan...I can NOT think of her last name, but that woman can write some of the most evocative porn - I think she could raise a dead man LOL I've never looked at plums the same again, after one of her really ripe stories :tongue:

Oh and I think you're right raistkit - Supercock gave me a bad case of the icks.