View Full Version : The OFFICIAL Report Bugs After the Upgrade Thread

Aug 12, 2007, 7:04 PM
Please post any bugs you are seeing, after the upgrade we did today, in this thread only, so we can track them and knock them off.

Also, those of who have been having trouble upgrading your profile the last 6 weeks or so should now be able to do so. :)

- Drew :paw:

Aug 12, 2007, 7:17 PM
THE BI WEB (http://main.bisexual.com/links/index.php?) link takes me to an "unauthorized" page:

$bbuserinfo[username], you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. You may not have upgraded your account to Confirmed by clicking on the link in the confirmation email sent to you when you registered.
2. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, or access administrative features?

I tried logging out and logging back in, same result. Is this a deliberate change?

The SEARCH PERSONAL (http://main.bisexual.com/index.php?do=search&) link works, but moves my Firefox 2 (Win XP) window half way down and halfway over to the right on my screen.

Aug 12, 2007, 7:34 PM
THE BI WEB (http://main.bisexual.com/links/index.php?) link takes me to an "unauthorized" page:

$bbuserinfo[username], you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. You may not have upgraded your account to Confirmed by clicking on the link in the confirmation email sent to you when you registered.
2. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, or access administrative features?

I tried logging out and logging back in, same result. Is this a deliberate change?

The SEARCH PERSONAL (http://main.bisexual.com/index.php?do=search&) link works, but moves my Firefox 2 (Win XP) window half way down and halfway over to the right on my screen.

The Bi Web should now be visible to members. You will not be able to post links for the time being however. Permissions will be reset shortly, and everything will be back to normal.

Pertaining to the second problem, has this started to happen just now, after the upgrade? Did it function properly before?

Aug 12, 2007, 7:58 PM
The Bi Web should now be visible to members. You will not be able to post links for the time being however. Permissions will be reset shortly, and everything will be back to normal.

Pertaining to the second problem, has this started to happen just now, after the upgrade? Did it function properly before?

Thanks for the update.

As to the second problem, I must say I cannot remember the last time I clicked on that link, so I can't help you. Sorry.

Ally Kat
Aug 12, 2007, 8:30 PM
I've tried to put ups some pictures, but it keeps saying invalid file, but one of them is one I had up previously ,tried it to make sure it wasn't the new picture I was trying. they are both jpg files by the way

Aug 12, 2007, 10:14 PM
ok, java problems for chat login .. sat there 18 minutes waiting for it to load.. went to java test page, the scan tells me that i'm working fine.....

also, at inital home page load, individual member frames load large and halfway across the page and do not load with back ground until they size themselves down, then it's like the whole page loads the background at he same time

Aug 13, 2007, 12:06 AM
The title for the web site does not say "Bisexual.com" all it says is "Home"

BTW, what was the upgrade all about? Did we move servers? Upgrade the board system?

Aug 13, 2007, 1:49 AM
The "Who's Attending" lists of names for various events are either not showing or lost. When I tried to re-add my nickname, I got an "Invalid Event" notice. This happened to me both for local Toronto-based event notes as well as two of the conferences listed on the left-hand side of the main page.

Aug 13, 2007, 4:41 AM
I've tried to put ups some pictures, but it keeps saying invalid file, but one of them is one I had up previously ,tried it to make sure it wasn't the new picture I was trying. they are both jpg files by the way

Are your files the correct size?
(Maximum Allowed Width: 860 px, Maximum Allowed Height: 860 px, Maximum Size: 150 KB)

Can anyone else replicate this?

ok, java problems for chat login .. sat there 18 minutes waiting for it to load.. went to java test page, the scan tells me that i'm working fine.....

also, at inital home page load, individual member frames load large and halfway across the page and do not load with back ground until they size themselves down, then it's like the whole page loads the background at he same time

There are currently 8 people in the chat. It seems to work fine. Can you please detail?

The second isn't a bug as long as the page loads correctly. :)

The "Who's Attending" lists of names for various events are either not showing or lost. When I tried to re-add my nickname, I got an "Invalid Event" notice. This happened to me both for local Toronto-based event notes as well as two of the conferences listed on the left-hand side of the main page.

Indeed. Thanks for reporting.

Aug 13, 2007, 4:46 AM
I fixed the homepage title - now says "Bisexual.com Homepage".

- Drew :paw:

Aug 13, 2007, 4:50 AM
ok, java problems for chat login .. sat there 18 minutes waiting for it to load.. went to java test page, the scan tells me that i'm working fine.....


Have you always had trouble with the chat, or is that new for you? Some very small numbers of people have had problems enterring the chat all along, for reasons that are a mystery. So it would be helpful to know if this problem is related to the upgrade or not. Everything is fine on my two computers here when I enter chat - and there were 17 people last night - so it seems to be working for most folks. Nonetheless, we'll see what we can do for you.

- Drew :paw:

Aug 13, 2007, 6:30 AM
Although there are a few people in chat, when I go to see "Who's Online", it says most people are looking at the index and no one is in chat.

Aug 13, 2007, 6:58 AM
I have been unable to enter the chat room for several months. I still enjoy coming here for topics and personal posts. I upgraded to current form of java, but nothing seems to work. (It happened after I switched to a satellite server).

Aug 13, 2007, 6:59 AM
Although there are a few people in chat, when I go to see "Who's Online", it says most people are looking at the index and no one is in chat.

Should now be fixed. Thanks.

Aug 13, 2007, 8:40 AM
When you try to click on the last post it does not send you to the last post it sends you to the first post.

Aug 13, 2007, 9:40 AM
I have been unable to enter the chat room for several months. I still enjoy coming here for topics and personal posts. I upgraded to current form of java, but nothing seems to work. (It happened after I switched to a satellite server).

Lallo and WanderingRichard, Are you guys getting any error messages or anything that might point me in the right direction on the chat thing?

- Drew

Aug 13, 2007, 1:21 PM
Click on the arrow 2 go 2 the last post in forums an ya end up on the 1st page of the thread... easy sorted but a pain in the booty. x

Aug 13, 2007, 4:30 PM
Click on the arrow 2 go 2 the last post in forums an ya end up on the 1st page of the thread... easy sorted but a pain in the booty. x

I get the same thing. Also in chat if you click (ok when I click) different tabs or open boxes someone from chat's name appears as if I clicked on them in my typing screen box as if I'm going to say something to them. I couldn't figure out why names were coming up with other things I said until I noticed each time I clicked on something a named appeared.

Half the time when I've logged out I come back to the site and I'm still logged in.

Skater Boy
Aug 13, 2007, 4:41 PM
Ditto with the first and last page links to forum threads.

AND... when I send private messages, I no longer have the option to track them... usually it asks if I want a "read confirmation" or something similar. Hasn't happened since the upgrade, and I don't think its listing sent messages at all.

Aug 13, 2007, 6:50 PM

Have you always had trouble with the chat, or is that new for you? Some very small numbers of people have had problems enterring the chat all along, for reasons that are a mystery. So it would be helpful to know if this problem is related to the upgrade or not. Everything is fine on my two computers here when I enter chat - and there were 17 people last night - so it seems to be working for most folks. Nonetheless, we'll see what we can do for you.

- Drew :paw:

no drew, hadn't had a problem with chat in over a year. am going to try again here in a few minutes after i go back to my java settings and reset to default. could you tell me what java versions are working on the site for win vista ?? i suspect that is the trouble.
btw, i like a lot of the new features i have seen here..

Aug 13, 2007, 6:52 PM
Lallo and WanderingRichard, Are you guys getting any error messages or anything that might point me in the right direction on the chat thing?

- Drew

no, at least i didnt , just a very long 18 mins of , well, waiting for chat to open after i clicked the link....

Ally Kat
Aug 13, 2007, 7:05 PM
[QUOTE=rakeadmin;71795]Are your files the correct size?
(Maximum Allowed Width: 860 px, Maximum Allowed Height: 860 px, Maximum Size: 150 KB)

they are well within those limits. and I had had one of them on here previously, but had taken it down a while before the upgrade, but had put it back up occasionally from time to time

Aug 13, 2007, 8:17 PM
Every time I click 'last post" it takes me to the beginning of the thread.

Aug 14, 2007, 6:39 AM
Every time I click 'last post" it takes me to the beginning of the thread.
5:39 AM
Ditto on clicking last post arrow

5:50AM Update

Dayum Drew - you're up early fixing stuff today! Seems to be working fine now (the last post arrow that is). Thanks

Aug 14, 2007, 6:58 AM
Ditto on the last post to first issue.

Aug 14, 2007, 9:17 AM
I am rarely able to get into chat anymore, but I believe that situation is due to something on my end--thanks to Verizon Wireless---but if I can get internet access from another source--I have no problem---

I am finding that when I go to different pages--I get a message that comes up saying that the page is unavailable---

Aug 14, 2007, 11:48 AM
The last post icon now works, the events as well. :)

Ditto with the first and last page links to forum threads.

AND... when I send private messages, I no longer have the option to track them... usually it asks if I want a "read confirmation" or something similar. Hasn't happened since the upgrade, and I don't think its listing sent messages at all.

Look below the New PM form, under Additional Options. You have both the read receipt and the option to save sent messages.

Aug 14, 2007, 12:05 PM
As you may know or not i continue to have the booting problem in chat. But that is due to the old computer i have. But i have noticed i am logging in to chat much faster,Thanks Drew...:bipride:

shameless agitator
Aug 16, 2007, 5:43 AM
Don't know if it's the site or the fact that I'm reduced to using the browser on my cell, but a lot of the time I can't get the last few posts in a thread. I've also noticed that view last unread isn't working properly. If I'm lucky it will bring me to a spot 5 or 6 posts back but it frequently takes me to the very beginning

Aug 16, 2007, 6:40 AM
For some reason last night, I was able to get on the site, but when trying to post it said page was unavailble. Checked everything out on my end for it was fine. ABout a half an hour I come back an low and behold my post is on the thread....then ability to maneuver around the site stops. Try to test it this morning as I am at work.


Aug 16, 2007, 7:21 AM
I am rarely able to get into chat anymore, but I believe that situation is due to something on my end--thanks to Verizon Wireless---but if I can get internet access from another source--I have no problem---

I am finding that when I go to different pages--I get a message that comes up saying that the page is unavailable---

Don't know if there is any connection but when traveling sometimes staying at Comfort Inn or one of the Comfort Inn family hotels, I can not get into the chat either.
This I beleive is due to proxy server settings filtering out some part of or all of the word Bisexual.

Aug 30, 2007, 2:24 PM
How about making the chat box blinks when theres a new message??

Say Im talking to someone in PM but they take thier time to reply so I check the forums or another site when waiting,.... sidetracked then get back to the PM and the person thinks Im ignoring them lol

It would be nice if the chat box could blink or "repop" to let you know someone left a new message. THat way your not forced to stay on the chat when you want to check another site at the same time.

Sep 1, 2007, 1:26 AM
no, at least i didnt , just a very long 18 mins of , well, waiting for chat to open after i clicked the link....

problem solved!
Drew, first, thank you and staff for being supportive and attentive to my needs. i never should have doubted you.

second; the problem has been solved by releasing my machine from the confines of a really really crappy wireless service provided by the hotel i was staying in. i should have suspected that it was the culprit, but never really dug into it as i should have. apparently, they are using low bandwidth ADSL
to run a wireless network for a 200 unit facitlity. soon as i got home here tonight, i put this machine on the home wireless setup.. as you see , zero trouble, including chat .. loaded right up and ran great

again, sorry i doubted you guys.. should have remembered that you always have our interests and happiness in heart and mind.:bipride:

Sep 1, 2007, 1:07 PM
[QUOTE=rakeadmin;71795]Are your files the correct size?
(Maximum Allowed Width: 860 px, Maximum Allowed Height: 860 px, Maximum Size: 150 KB)

they are well within those limits. and I had had one of them on here previously, but had taken it down a while before the upgrade, but had put it back up occasionally from time to time

Yes, I'm getting this problem as well. I have cropped the images and also compressed them for webpages and still get the same message

Sep 7, 2007, 3:06 PM
[QUOTE=Ally Kat;71900]

Yes, I'm getting this problem as well. I have cropped the images and also compressed them for webpages and still get the same message

I finally managed to get my pictures uploaded after I ticked the no option to "display x rated thumbnail images".

fred jones
Oct 10, 2007, 11:29 AM

I can't get into the chat no matter what I do.

I have:

1. Updated Java on both comps. One uses XP and the other, Vista. *spit*

2. fiddled with the firewall settings to allow port 8080 to be used.

What's left?


Oct 10, 2007, 11:50 AM

I can't get into the chat no matter what I do.

I have:

1. Updated Java on both comps. One uses XP and the other, Vista. *spit*

2. fiddled with the firewall settings to allow port 8080 to be used.

What's left?


I have this problem with Verizon Wireless service when I am away from home but now that I have ATT at home--it is no problem-I think that certain providers put blocks up for some reason---

fred jones
Oct 10, 2007, 12:36 PM
Thanks, 12volt.

I really don't of what else to do for this. Oh well.

Oct 30, 2007, 9:03 PM
the Site Will Not Allow me to Post a Personal Ad.

I have Tried Countless Times. and it Keeps Saying That I Have Not Filled Out All Required Areas When, in Fact, I Have. a Lot. /:

Nov 1, 2007, 1:27 PM
the Site Will Not Allow me to Post a Personal Ad.

I have Tried Countless Times. and it Keeps Saying That I Have Not Filled Out All Required Areas When, in Fact, I Have. a Lot. /:

Ever think it's because you shouldn't be here since you're not 18 or a legal adult?

This is a site for adults and not underage teenagers.

Try here: www.EmptyClosets.com

Nov 15, 2007, 11:12 PM
Yea. I'm having issues with the picture uploading too. Blah.

Dec 2, 2007, 1:29 PM
I'm having a problem uploading photos. A page comes up that says "error" and something about being redundant.


Dec 2, 2007, 8:38 PM
I've been told the bi web is under construction. Is this true? I wanted to submit a new link today but it said:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init() in /web/sites/coolegypt/main.bisexual.com/forum/includes/functions_vba_links_savelink.php on line 99

Dec 2, 2007, 10:29 PM
When viewing threads, the animated "Three Pillows Advertisement" at the bottom of the page drastically interferes with my ability to control the mouse. If I somehow manage to scroll up so it is not visible then my mouse functions normally. This is a major problem when trying to view the last reply or after posting a reply because there is no way to avoid viewing this animated advertisement. The computer I use for personal business is old (Windows 98). However, I have no reason to upgrade other than this "new problem” only on this website. I would appreciate assistance in fixing this problem.


Dec 22, 2007, 5:37 AM

I run IE6 on XP and I am unable to load the full page of this thread's 2nd page http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4768&page=2
i see the page loading but after a couple of seconds I get "Cannot Find Page" error page - here is the thread's 1st page

i posted a reply hoping to try another way around to view the whole 2nd page but it said "nu-uh!" while the page is loading and right before it changes to "Cannot Load Page" i hit the "Stop (loading)" button in IE6 and it looks like the top half of the page loads but not the bottom half. i can see up to the poster that says "puppy. i don't wanna grow up."


Dec 22, 2007, 11:48 AM

I run IE6 on XP and I am unable to load the full page of this thread's 2nd page http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4768&page=2
i see the page loading but after a couple of seconds I get "Cannot Find Page" error page - here is the thread's 1st page

i posted a reply hoping to try another way around to view the whole 2nd page but it said "nu-uh!" while the page is loading and right before it changes to "Cannot Load Page" i hit the "Stop (loading)" button in IE6 and it looks like the top half of the page loads but not the bottom half. i can see up to the poster that says "puppy. i don't wanna grow up."


I can see the whole thread with Firefox on XP. Your reply (http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showpost.php?p=88803&postcount=45) is there (#45).

I do have my profile set to show 40 threads per page though. I wonder if it would matter if you temporarily change your profile settings?

The "puppy" (http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showpost.php?p=88103&postcount=35) post you mention is #35, so it's on my first page.

Dec 22, 2007, 11:57 AM
Thanks for this chance to fix things! I get about 30 seconds of being on chat when I get bumped and the invitation to try later. What can I do? Help!!

Jan 6, 2008, 1:12 PM
One thing seems to have vanished in the last two days is the ability to edit your own posts. Apparently re-accessibility exists initially but then vanishes
if thebrowseer is closed, the site or page refreshed, etc.

It's always nice to be able to go back and correct errors or edit down a post for better readability.

Skater Boy
Jan 6, 2008, 2:22 PM
One thing seems to have vanished in the last two days is the ability to edit your own posts. Apparently re-accessibility exists initially but then vanishes
if thebrowseer is closed, the site or page refreshed, etc.

It's always nice to be able to go back and correct errors or edit down a post for better readability.

I agree. I've visited other forums where the poster's right to edit their posts is indefinite, which is always a good thing. plus, it gives you the right do delete the post should you decide, retrospectively, that this is the best thing to do.

Just suggestions, should admin still be following this thread.

(oh... and please re-assess the forum moderator situation... some people have expressed disatisfaction with the current standard of moderation).

Jan 25, 2008, 2:57 PM

Have you always had trouble with the chat, or is that new for you? Some very small numbers of people have had problems enterring the chat all along, for reasons that are a mystery. So it would be helpful to know if this problem is related to the upgrade or not. Everything is fine on my two computers here when I enter chat - and there were 17 people last night - so it seems to be working for most folks. Nonetheless, we'll see what we can do for you.

- Drew :paw:

a few months back i could access chat...not now!
nothing has changed on my computer; i have latest java, no firewall and popups unblocked.

the chat seems to load (icons loading etc) then i get a message 'Could not connect to main.bisexual.com:8080.'

Feb 3, 2008, 3:00 PM
when attempting to connect to chat:

my java console reads:
Host: main.bisexual.com:8080
java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.net.SocketPermission connect,resolve)

can you please help me with this?

i went to your chat client and was able to enter the chat there!

Jun 29, 2008, 4:38 AM
When I try to upload pictures, after about 30 sec it goes to a white page with:

is now redundant. Instead, use

Any ideas?

Jun 29, 2008, 8:49 AM

Nov 6, 2008, 8:54 PM
Hi there. I am unable to delete second person details when I update profile. Entered them in error but now seem stuck with them.

Many thanks

Bi Boi Indiana
Nov 7, 2008, 2:43 PM
a few months back i could access chat...not now!
nothing has changed on my computer; i have latest java, no firewall and popups unblocked.

the chat seems to load (icons loading etc) then i get a message 'Could not connect to main.bisexual.com:8080.'

I'm having the same exact issue as this guy is ..... Anyone lend a helping hand ?

the sacred night
Nov 8, 2008, 7:38 PM
I can't chat anymore. The security bar pops up at the top of my browser window and I right click it and pick "Install ActiveX Control," but it still won't install it because it can't verify the publisher.

Nov 19, 2008, 12:10 AM
tried to use the Java download and it kept saying the file was corupt. I delete my Temporary Internet Files every time I get off the web. My system is clean. I do spyware, adware, malware and spyware check every night. it takes about 5 hours to d but yes in 2 years I have found where someone has tried to attack my system once. Thank god I did not shut off the system it would have shut all the services down. I think it is a Java problem though. I can not use the chat though.

Nov 27, 2008, 6:53 PM
when i try to get into chats, internet explorer closes totally,as tho i was getting off the internet. i can search the rest of the website with no probs.........HELP!

Dec 18, 2008, 5:10 AM
Hello! I'm new to the site, and I was trying to upload my picture to my profile and I'm getting an error that seems to have come up before,
is now redundant. Instead, use
Any advice? Pictures are 815px by 825px, 128kb.