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View Full Version : April Contest: Win a Free Avatar!

Apr 16, 2005, 1:03 PM
I am very late getting this off the ground, but as promised, we are going to have our first contest this month. :) The prize is a free custom avatar done to your specs by our resident artist Dusty. Avatars are the little graphics that appear in your profile to the upper left, and next to all your posts in the Forums. (look to the left now, and under my username "Drew", that cute little cartoon mugshot is my custom avatar that Dusty did for me)

Dusty will make the avatar to your specs - in my case I described my appearance to Dusty, and he made the avatar to those specs (but to my great glee he knocked about 10 years off my appearance and made me cuter - I'll forever be grateful to him for that!!!) Your avatar doesn't need to be a representation of yourself - it could be an animal or cartoon symbol or just about anything, as long as it is within Dusty's realm of expertise to do.

It's about a $125 value this prize.

The way the contest works is you get one "ticket" for every post you make in the Forums (including comments in the Articles section, and comments on sites in The Bisexual Web listings) in the month of April. I will draw a winning ticket at random at the end of the month, and inform everyone of who the winner is. Pretty simple really.

So the more posts you make the better your chances of winning a custom avatar which will become yours to do with as you wish (you can use it on other sites too). If for some reason you don't want an avatar done I'll draw another winner.

Have fun!

- Drew :paw:

ps. Dusty's website, if you need a good bi-friendly designer/artist is : http://www.dhgd.net

Apr 24, 2005, 8:24 PM
does a reply count as a post?
bigregory :flag4:

Apr 24, 2005, 9:20 PM
does a reply count as a post?
bigregory :flag4: Oh yes, for sure. A post is: a reply, or a new thread, or a comment on an article, or a comment on a site listed in The Bi Web section. Basically any typing you do that appears publicly on the site, other than in the chat room is a post.

Also FYI, I am on a small vacation at the beginning of May, so I may not get a chance to actually "draw" (electronically) April's winner until I get back around May 8 or so.

And I should say, the contest repeats itself in May and June and July. So I will draw another name at the end of May from all posters in the month of May, and the same in June and so on...


- Drew :paw:

May 9, 2005, 10:06 AM
It took me a little while to do this because of my vacation (which was GREAT by the way! ;) )...

The winner of April's "Win a Free Avatar Contest" is 24Play (http://main.bisexual.com/forum/member.php?u=2370). There were 277 posts in April and I generated the random number of 220, and the 220th post was 24Play's so that is how it works. May's contest is ongoing - I'll draw another post at random early in June.

I've been in touch with 24Play, and Dusty will begin work on her custom avatar as soon as possible.

Congrats 24Play!

- Drew :paw:

May 11, 2005, 7:49 PM
OMG 24play
congrats on all the free time you have!!!!
bigregory :flag3:

May 24, 2005, 4:24 AM
Thanks for the avatar!!

May 24, 2005, 10:20 AM
You are very welcome 24Play! It looks good!

- Drew :paw:

May 27, 2005, 8:50 PM
those are great avatars... do you do couple avatars too? You know... 2 ava's in the same pic...:lol:

May 27, 2005, 9:18 PM
those are great avatars... do you do couple avatars too? You know... 2 ava's in the same pic...:lol: Yep, absolutely Cowboy. :)

- Drew :paw: