View Full Version : Question for the MEN, mostly

Aug 10, 2007, 3:08 AM
Who do you find yourself glancing, looking, ogling at? Men, women, both,?

Myself, most times I'm pretty oblivious to men out on the streets etc. yet I masterbate almost exclusivley about men. When I'm out and about, with my mind in neutral, I seem to notice the women..because they are so pretty and stick out way more for me. Maybe it's because they dress in a certain way?
Maybe I've been brainwashed by society to notice them? I don't know, but it seems a bit strange to look at them constantly and then rarely masterbate about them, how wierd am I ?? :rolleyes:

Aug 10, 2007, 3:52 AM
i look at women mostly, but do notice the cute guys, when i wank, men and women are involved

Aug 10, 2007, 3:58 AM
I hadn't really thought about this until reading your post.
As I think about it I have to say that I check out attractive people, M or F. I try not to be obvious, though...

Aug 10, 2007, 4:07 AM
Guy or girl if they catch my eye I'll have a quick stare and appreciate.

Aug 10, 2007, 4:58 AM
At the moment I am more looking at the guys, facinated and seeing something thats still new to me. I enjoy masterbating over women in nice underwear and straight porn though and get more turned on in the idea of doing stuff with girls.

Aug 10, 2007, 5:45 AM
You said you wanted responses from men, mostly, so my :2cents: is I look at both with great appreciation and generally fantasize about someone that I recently speak to or that I am getting to know.

Aug 10, 2007, 7:41 AM
I tend not to be attracted to either men or women unless I know them and feel they are attracted to me.
On the street, I am slightly attracted to women. Women are pretty and a few are stunningly beautiful. I can appreciate the difference between a handsome man and one who is not handsome. However, I have no attraction to men unless I know they are gay or bisexual and express interest in me. Then, I will find them sexually attractive.


Aug 10, 2007, 7:49 AM
I tend not to be attracted to either men or women unless I know them and feel they are attracted to me.
On the street, I am slightly attracted to women. Women are pretty and a few are stunningly beautiful. I can appreciate the difference between a handsome man and one who is not handsome. However, I have no attraction to men unless I know they are gay or bisexual and express interest in me. Then, I will find them sexually attractive.


Not to sound stupid, but how does that work? How can you turn it on and off like that?

RJ :lokai:

Aug 10, 2007, 8:08 AM
I mainly look at men in a lustful way but can be captivated by a beautiful women. I masturbate to both men and women, as a top each time.


Aug 10, 2007, 8:17 AM
Not to sound stupid, but how does that work? How can you turn it on and off like that?

RJ :lokai:

It did not work that way when I was 20. All women turned me on and men if I knew they were gay.

I am not sure why I turn on and off so easily now. It just seems to work that way.
I never find a straight man sexually attractive. A gay or bisexual man, just needs to express a little interest in me for me to become interested in them.
I can look at women and appreciate their beauty (like a beautiful piece of art). But, I cannot get sexually aroused unless I get to know and like the woman and unless she is attracted to me.

It is kind of strange that it works that way for me.


Aug 10, 2007, 8:49 AM
I am among the group that loves women, enjoys sex with some guys. When I'm doing a guy, it's all about the sex. With women, it's both physical and emotional. So I don't usually admire guys when I'm out in public.

the mage
Aug 10, 2007, 9:37 AM
I'm constantly ogling women.
Can't help it.
Here in Toronto we get all kinds of dress, form nudity on the beach at Hanlan's point to Muslim women fully covered except for the eyes.

Even nice eyes that simply return a smile can turn me on when its a woman.
My Lady tolerates me because I try to be discreet about it. Sometimes it doesn't work though, long legs in a mini will turn my head every time.

As with many others I am turned on by men only in a sexual situation, knowing they want me is the turn on. A good looking straight guy will not get a glance but an average in shape guy who sets off my gaydar can turn me on.

I have come to believe that the phenomenon of men switching sides in mid years, a very common thing, is directly related to women's being unable or unwilling to overtly express sexual lust.
Most women will not even let a beautiful man see them looking at him, never mind approach for play. The average guy with a boiler and bald head is as noticed as a mail box.

Aug 10, 2007, 10:48 AM
It's interesting that you posted this topic actually because it brings me back to a earlier though i had this week.

Early on in my teen years this situation where you masturbate to men yet only realy notice wemon while walking about was very much what i was expieriancing. Now As i grow older and became more comfortable with my attraction towrds men i find that i notice both wemon and men equally now. My point to this is that i read an interesting idea about bisexuality that it goes in phases throughout your life with your attraction to both men and wemon. So my idea is that there are sevral different phases of being bisexual as far as how you expieriance attraction. and the phases that each person expieriance throughout their lifetime depends on who the person is and the chemestry of how their body works.

Thats just my guess though, only thing that makes sence to me

Aug 10, 2007, 12:05 PM
If she is young, shapely and dressed right I cant help but oggle. Guys I only think about when I masturbate, and thats only oral with me giving. :bigrin:

Johnny Reb
Aug 10, 2007, 12:37 PM
I've always checked out girls when they catch my eye as attractive. I also do the same with guys. I actually spend more time checking out guys because I am more picky with men, if that makes sense. At first when I began to check out guys I was in denial, sort of, what are you doing you sick perv.

Aug 10, 2007, 2:33 PM
I mainly look at men in a lustful and romantic way, as in I'll think that one of my friends who I'm into both sexually and romantically would make a great husband if he wanted that sort of relationship with me. :)

I'll also look at men in a purely lustful way but it's more like kissing him and then blowing him or having him blow me or thinking about what his cock and balls look like or how he likes to j/o.

With women I can notice their beauty and while I used to find a lot more of them sexually arousing than I do now, I'll still ocassionally have sexual/lustful thoughts about them but it mainly happens when I see a woman and a hot man at the same time and I'll think about having sex with both of them at the same time. <EG>

I love to look at men and if I get cruised or flirted with back that's fine too!

Most hetero men are so dumb that they don't know when a guy is checking them out and wouldn't even think that another guy would find a man hot.

Aug 10, 2007, 7:53 PM
i tend to look at both, nothing turns my head faster than a shapely butt and legs, doesnt matter man or woman.. next i look at the eyes and the smile.. plus how well they are dressed. by that i mean do they dress in a confident, flattering manner or are they sloppy or trashy or appear not to care about themselves?? don't get me wrong, sometimes trashy is very appealing, but most of the time it's a major turn OFF!

Aug 10, 2007, 9:39 PM
I find my attraction is to women, I think they are sexy, beautiful and very pretty. I am not attracted to men in the same way. Now I do like looking at cock in pictures and having oral sex with men, but I can't say I am attracted to them, as to whether they are pretty or not.

Aug 10, 2007, 11:23 PM
I'm kind of all over the map. I notice women much, much more often than men, but on rare occasions, the sight of some man makes me positively wobbly. I enjoy sex with either equally. I'd be much more likely to fall in love with a woman, but I no longer regard it as impossible that I'd fall for a man. Masturbating to thoughts of a man? Only once in my life (to completion) -- and that very recently.

Aug 10, 2007, 11:32 PM
mainly men, but women also if they are really good looking

Aug 11, 2007, 1:57 AM
Have to think before answering this question. I notice both sexy women and men. Notice the sexy women for two reasons, they look sexy and are nice to look at, and from jealousy as I wish I could look as sexy dressed. I notice the men for one reason, lust, nothing turns me on like a sexy man especially if he looks available. :rainbow:

Aug 11, 2007, 2:03 AM
I love to watch attractive women. I am rarely attracted visually to men. There was a time when I sometimes looked at a man and noticed a slight arousal in my crotch. I usually tried to ignore it. I worried that it meant that I might be turning gay, and I didn't want to lose my attraction to women. Kind of a stupid thought, I know. I don't worry about that anymore.

For a long time I fantasized almost exclusively about men. Recently I have been fantasizing more about women. One of my favorite stimulation helpers is the Frederick's Catalog. I can sometimes get very turned on by some of those models, but it depends on my mood. For some reason I like the Fredericks models better than pictures of full nudity.

Aug 11, 2007, 11:42 AM
Guy or girl if they catch my eye I'll have a quick stare and appreciate.

Fairly the same here. Though, with having a wife, I'm more inclined to look at guys. And right now, I'm not looking at guys. Recently met someone who's special to me. :)

Aug 11, 2007, 12:00 PM
I am among the group that loves women, enjoys sex with some guys. When I'm doing a guy, it's all about the sex. With women, it's both physical and emotional. So I don't admire guys when I'm out in public.

Nor have I ever looked at a male and "wanted" him. Chatted with several guys from here and actually met 2 and may meet another. I suppose since I am not really attracted to men but do enjoy m2m sex...and still love to look at only women that makes me unique? When it comes to porn I do enjoy bi & gay as long as the guys seem normal and not twinks or fem types (no offense to anyone I hope). Can't fake an erection! ;)

:male: :2cents:

Aug 11, 2007, 12:23 PM
It depends on my mood but visually I appear to be more gay, when I see a guy with a defined build and clothes that show it, I cant help but get drawn to them over a girl. but somedays its the opposite. Mentally im straight, I get really turned on at the idea of girlies in underwear, doing stuff, having stuff done to me. Porn wise I enjoy straight porn more too, or even sometimes woman on woman. I think im just more visually intregued by men due to it being a taboo and not done anything about it yet.
I find that men are really boring naked, i dont really like the penis, and well find the build when naked a bit...dissapointing. Whilst girls can wear such nice bars, underwear and be so sexy...its really hard to describe. I wonder if things will change when I actualy try something with a guy.

Aug 11, 2007, 12:27 PM
Another thing I find is when i see a guy whilst looking at girls it notice them more, but if i decide to go home and say try masterbate over a picture, I dont really seem that....bothered...interested or attracted...

Cantaloupe Island
Aug 12, 2007, 3:11 AM
I find myself always looking at women. Occasionally I'll check out a super cute guy. But mainly women. However, I tend to masturbate to gay thoughts. And definitely I really won't check out or flirt with a guy unless he's bi or gay.

Aug 12, 2007, 5:33 AM
Most hetero men are so dumb that they don't know when a guy is checking them out and wouldn't even think that another guy would find a man hot.

I don't think it's that they're dumb, they're just not receptive to the male sexual gaze. Why would they take a second glance at you if they were not gay.
I was discussing this with a female straight friend, wondering if girls cruise the same way as guys, and she pointed out that guys are more visual orientated than girls when it comes to checking out. Actually a rather interesting point she brought up was that in her experience, straight girls tend to look more at other straight girls as a means of comparison e.g. how thin/beautiful is she.
In this way gay guys hit a double whammy of cruising - we lust after cute male bodies, but we also want those bodies to be our bodies. Now a straight guy may want to fukc a fantastic girl but he doesn't want to look like her. With me when I see a hot guy I want to fuck him AND look like him. I get lustful and jealous. Anybody expeienced this?
But no DD, I don't think straight guys are dumb in this respect, I just think they are not living in our sexual univserse.


Aug 12, 2007, 6:12 AM
I'm the same as Parkwings. My fantasies are largely man on man, but on the street or out and about my eyes are drawn to women virtually exclusively. I've often tried to figure this out but it maybe because i am in the bicurious wating room still and when I look at at women my past sexual adventures mean i see them in sexual way. Not having had any adult sexual experience with guys yet means its harder to look at straight guys and imagine... Perhaps when I let loose with another guy it might be different. if only biguys had Bidars!!! Now there's an idea......

Aug 12, 2007, 10:19 AM
if only biguys had Bidars!!! Now there's an idea......

Actually some bisexuals do!

I know that for myself I can easily tell if a person is bisexual or gay and they can tell if I am too.

This includes even if we're not in a "gay" space and even then it's sometimes even more obvious even if no sexual words are spoken.

Aug 12, 2007, 10:42 AM
I will have to agree with DiamondDog here, even before I accepted the fact that I was bi, both gay and bi men would approach me, not only in a gay space as Diamond puts it. I would nicely turn them down in those days. But apparently I put out the aura of bi/gayness...is that a word? Now that I accept the fact that I am bi, and probably leaning toward the gay side of sexual preference, I think I can tell if a guy is receptive to male interest also. But I could be wrong..... :2cents:

Aug 12, 2007, 3:14 PM
Women , but very attracted to hot couples

Aug 12, 2007, 10:22 PM
I think I am in the same boat as a lot of you... I olge women to the point of distraction... but love gay/bi porn, cyber mostly with men (though I think that is a lack of female chatters more than anything) and, at least the last seven years, fantasize more about men than women...

Guys... we are pretty messed up...


Aug 12, 2007, 10:43 PM
I think I am in the same boat as a lot of you... I olge women to the point of distraction... but love gay/bi porn, cyber mostly with men (though I think that is a lack of female chatters more than anything) and, at least the last seven years, fantasize more about men than women...

Guys... we are pretty messed up...


speak for yourself!

I don't view myself as being "messed up" because I like both men and women sexually/romantically, and I'm attracted to men both sexually and romantically in ways that I'm not attracted to women as much.

I've found men to be erotic and been romantically attracted to the male gender ever since I was a kid and I still feel this way towards men as an adult! :)

I'll even go through periods as long as half a year where I simply don't want sex with a woman at all and I'll be so into men that I don't want any sex at all with women. I find the idea of having sex with a woman to be disgusting, and I'm not turned on by a woman or seeing women naked.

During this period I wonder if I'm "gay" but I know I'm probably not based on my past attractions to women which come back eventually when I'm equally attracted to men and women and there is a part of me that is sexually attracted to women.

Aug 13, 2007, 7:09 AM
speak for yourself!

I don't view myself as being "messed up" because I like both men and women sexually/romantically, and I'm attracted to men both sexually and romantically in ways that I'm not attracted to women as much.

I've found men to be erotic and been romantically attracted to the male gender ever since I was a kid and I still feel this way towards men as an adult! :)

I'll even go through periods as long as half a year where I simply don't want sex with a woman at all and I'll be so into men that I don't want any sex at all with women. I find the idea of having sex with a woman to be disgusting, and I'm not turned on by a woman or seeing women naked.

During this period I wonder if I'm "gay" but I know I'm probably not based on my past attractions to women which come back eventually when I'm equally attracted to men and women and there is a part of me that is sexually attracted to women.


I agree, I believe I am fortunate in the fact that I can appreciate both sexes, sexually and emotionally. Although I masturbate to mostly gay porn, I can physically be attracted to women who are put together well. Sometimes the full package can be very alluring, but (and sorry here women) there happens to be alot of baggage that can come with the flirtations with women. I absolutely notice the handsome men out there and fantasize about their packages, and how they masturbate, or what they masturbate to, and If they ever had a male/male experience or had fanatasies of them, etc...


Aug 16, 2007, 12:33 PM
I always wondered if they was anyone like me.I LOVE to look at women,but I really get off on gay porn.When I masturbate,I'm usually thinking about men!! Yet I rarely look at a guy on the street and think sexual thoughts about him.

the sacred night
Aug 17, 2007, 1:25 AM
i'm going to point out the "mostly" and answer the question...

Actually I don't check out strangers as much as I used to. I look at someone and think they're cute or attractive, but rarely get turned on by it until I get to know something about the person. I find I notice men more often, but like others here, I think that's partly because straight culture has taught me that I should be looking at men that way, and at women in other ways, like for comparison as someone here said. Also, the type of women I'm attracted to, butch women, are not really sexualized in the media or thought of as sexy or desirable a lot of times, so it's not like I see a lot of them everywhere I go, because there aren't that many people rushing to imitate something that's going to get them mocked more than laid. When I do see a butch woman, though, I look long and hard :bigrin:

Sep 13, 2010, 2:55 PM
mainly men, but women also if they are really good looking

I am the sdame way! I love the HUBERT THEATER for that reason.:bipride:

Sep 13, 2010, 9:43 PM
You are not weird. It is who you are.

Personally I find myself looking at both women and men. Don't really know which sex I notice more as I have never paid attention to it. I do admit when I am masturbating my fantasy usally involves a man.

Sep 13, 2010, 11:11 PM
Much like the little fun meter thing we do on our profiles, I fantasize equally while mastrubating about M2M, F2F and M2F and any and all permutations. I guess that makes me equally bi to hetro or whatever.

While out and about, I will spin around in a red hot second to check out an attractive female but dont normally notice a cute guy, unless he is really cute and maybe it is the gaydar thing. Not sure, good question though.

But the real right answer is probably so what.

Sep 14, 2010, 1:19 AM
Who do you find yourself glancing, looking, ogling at? Men, women, both,?

I notice women far more often than I notice men. It takes more for me to notice a guy, but when I do it's a bit more intense simply because I thought for most of my life that was shameful. God bless religion.

Something Else
Sep 14, 2010, 1:46 PM
I've never really thought about this until this question was posed.

I had to break it down into two scenarios that affect how my interest becomes piqued.

When in formal or professional clothing or attire, women tend to draw my eye a lot more. There is an elegance and style that is very enticing and very mesmerizing. Especially if they have a curvy voluptuous built, the clothes simply accentuates that aspect. Whereas, guys have your basic suit and tie look. So it's not something that makes me stop and wonder, or even a bit curious, unfortunately :(

Now, reverse this and have sportive to very little attire (casual), then it's men that draw my interest a lot more?! Get to see the muscularity of the men as well as the hairiness too! Legs, calves, traps, shoulders, arms can all be on display when a guy wears his summer workout gear. The athletic look draws me in much quicker than a woman in similar sportive gear, ironically.

So to wrap it up...

a business woman with a sense of fashion & style; or the gym guy heading off to train his bod or play a game grabs my attention the most.

Don't know if I answered the question haha but there it is ;)

Sep 14, 2010, 2:07 PM
I loved reading these comments!...

I used to ogle mostly women, and would notice handsome men, only with a bit of jealousy, not some form of attraction. My mind would undress women for sexual reasons, but men were competitors.

Now that I've learned how many bi-married men are out there, I'm aways looking now for some sort of sign that a guy may go both ways...and I'm curious if I, myself, somehow express any signs of being bisexual.

I'm very tempted to ask some gay friends of mine, what kind of vibe they get from me.

and to finish, I'm always extremely pleased to be flirted with by women, like the other night at a Mad Men-themed birthday party...wow!

Sep 14, 2010, 2:11 PM
I think it's perfectly natural to notice the beauty of women, even if you feel more sexual about men. The media has programmed us to admire a woman's body, her sense of style and class.

Interestingly, when it comes to women, I'm am butt first. Unless I get eye contact right off, my eyes go right to the derriere, and if that passes muster, then I check out the rest of her. On the other hand, when I'm cruising to make a connection with a guy, it's always eyes first. The body is completely secondary. I've had better head from fat guys, and I don't seem to mind if a guy is not in great shape. Nearly every man's body is interesting and attractive in some way, but a woman has to be nearly perfect for me to take any interest at all. As I've not been with another woman than my wife for 26 yrs, one would think I'd be less picky. But, as the years go by, I get more choosy about which women I'm attracted to.

I do love to look at a beautiful woman, though, and when I see a perfect creation of femininity, I say, "Good work, God!" There is nothing more beautiful than a beautiful woman. (PS... fake tits turn me off big time!)

Sep 14, 2010, 4:47 PM
Who do you find yourself glancing, looking, ogling at? Men, women, both,?

Myself, most times I'm pretty oblivious to men out on the streets etc. yet I masterbate almost exclusivley about men. When I'm out and about, with my mind in neutral, I seem to notice the women..because they are so pretty and stick out way more for me. Maybe it's because they dress in a certain way?
Maybe I've been brainwashed by society to notice them? I don't know, but it seems a bit strange to look at them constantly and then rarely masterbate about them, how wierd am I ?? :rolleyes:

I don't think your weird at all, i do the same thing, i mostly masturbate to guys or Transexual women, rarely to a woman. When i'm outside i do notice hot guys but keep it all inside my mind, unlike if a hot woman goes by i might turn and look or smile at them.

Sep 14, 2010, 5:47 PM
I look at both men and women but, as some others here have written, I pay more attention to women, at least so far as time spent watching. I have much higher standards of appearance with men, despite being much more sexually interested in men than women.

I check out nearly every guy or gal I see each day. If a guy is even slightly overweight, or has unkempt hair, that's it for him and I move on. Since most guys where I live are overweight or have unkempt hair, or some other feature I deem unnattractive, I just don't spend much time looking at them.

With women, just looking at some nice long hair, from behind, can keep me focused enough to be sure and check out the front of that gal after I've walked or driven by her. If I think she's really hot, I might actually google at her from the corner of my eye as long as possible.

But that's in real life. On the internet, I see a lot of hot guys and I'm sure I do spend much more time online gawking at men than women.

Sep 14, 2010, 6:34 PM
Great question!

I notice women mostly, and I like women of various ages, sizes, races, etc. Women are just so beautiful and attractive in so many ways. With guys, I tend to have a few 'types' that I prefer. Guys usually need to be very masculine in some way for me to be attracted to them. I get a little less selective when I see guys naked, in photos or at the gym, but on the street or on TV I don't check out guys quite as much.

That said, and like someone else said, when I feel sexual attraction for a man I see or meet it hits like a ton of bricks. It is so unexpected and taboo that it is almost overpowering.

I tend to masturbate either to fantasies about men, my wife and other men, being with a man in front of his wife, or variations and combinations of all three.

Sep 14, 2010, 9:06 PM
I notice women mostly. I find women very attractive and beautiful, but when I see a beautiful women I do not normally try to imagine what they might look like naked or fantasize about having sex with them. My attraction to women is very broad.

For every 10 beautiful women I might notice one good looking man. However when I see a good looking man I normally find myself fantasizing about sucking his cock. My attraction to men is vary narrow.

Sep 14, 2010, 9:11 PM
I find myself noticing the men more and than my mind goes places, unless they are dark, curly hair women, ouch, they get to me.

Sep 14, 2010, 9:49 PM
I posted this question YEARS ago, and now it re-posted , by itself....hhhmmm, this website is fishy?


Sep 14, 2010, 9:51 PM
I ogle both men and women..

Sep 16, 2010, 1:24 AM
Mostly women but the occasional handsome lad as well.
I flirt shamelessly with women but I have never flirted with another man before...hmmm

Dark Fiend
Sep 16, 2010, 11:24 PM
Who do you find yourself glancing, looking, ogling at? Men, women, both,?

Myself, most times I'm pretty oblivious to men out on the streets etc. yet I masterbate almost exclusivley about men. When I'm out and about, with my mind in neutral, I seem to notice the women..because they are so pretty and stick out way more for me. Maybe it's because they dress in a certain way?
Maybe I've been brainwashed by society to notice them? I don't know, but it seems a bit strange to look at them constantly and then rarely masterbate about them, how wierd am I ?? :rolleyes:

Your not alone there. Actually, thats exactly how I feel about guys. Usually when out in public, I notice the girls a lot more than the guys. But if I'm masterbating, it's all about guys.

Sep 17, 2010, 7:12 AM
Your not alone there. Actually, thats exactly how I feel about guys. Usually when out in public, I notice the girls a lot more than the guys. But if I'm masterbating, it's all about guys.


Sep 17, 2010, 9:02 AM
To echo some of the others, I never really thought about this before. It's an interesting question.

I would have to say both; more specifically though, gender isn't really a factor in who I look at when out-and-about. If the person is attractive, or otherwise interesting, I'll look....ladies, gents, both. :bigrin:

Sep 17, 2010, 10:28 AM
I notice women way more. I can appreciate all types of women...big or small, blonde or brunette, older/younger....But with men it almost has to be a really cute guy who's in great shape before I'll take any notice of him. In my fantasy world, I think of men often and what I want them to do to me. But just out and about, I defnitely notice women more.

Sep 17, 2010, 4:25 PM
Men mostly, Very happy with the woman I have

Sep 17, 2010, 4:26 PM
Generally, I LOOK at girls more but if a man is giving ME "the eye", then that REALLY gets my heart pumpin'!

Sep 17, 2010, 5:06 PM
hmm I think that I have given myself more permission to oggle women than men. I surprise myself sometimes that when I see a woman who seems really hot to me or I catch their appearance and I want to double check, I will (still) actually turn my head and look back. A gay friend of mine told me that he doesn't see me looking at women or men. My answer was that I was quite subtle but lately I've really decided to buy into the dirty ol man philosophy....:bigrin:

I'm soooo freak'n careful about checking out another guy though. I don't know where I go when I jerk off..I never remember who or what I was thinking about. Hey, I'm an arstie...my right side of the brain takes over...lol

Sep 17, 2010, 5:51 PM
Girls turn my head *constantly*. It's crazy how often I notice beautiful women on the street.

Guys, on the other hand, I only "notice" if they're naked, usually in the locker room.


Sep 19, 2010, 2:28 AM
Women all the time..but very addicted to cock and cum!

Sep 21, 2010, 1:00 AM
actually both, but more at women, just a slut I guess

Sep 21, 2010, 12:41 PM
1) Does any one know how to increase ejaculation without buying pills?
2) Anyone knows... sites that "really" post great sexual histories.., for free. Thank to all.

Sep 21, 2010, 12:56 PM
2) Anyone knows... sites that "really" post great sexual histories.., for free.

What exactly do you mean by, "really" post great sexual histories? What is a sexual history? Sexual stuff someone has done in their past?

Sep 21, 2010, 3:54 PM
When i am out its the ladies i mostly look at,i like to see a pretty face or nice body and legs. but i do sometimes look at older men in my age bracket and wonder if they are bi and if i fancy them. but when i am in private i masturbate to pictures of both sexes.

Sep 21, 2010, 5:23 PM
well i look at men and women equally. equally wen they r in cloths then i catch my self watching more gay porn than i do straight porn. idk its wutever i find attractive.:color:;)

Sep 21, 2010, 5:25 PM
I get turned on with girls and guys but mostly guys.:rainbow:

BJ Hunter
Sep 22, 2010, 12:46 AM
I love women! I can't help but look at them, and the real sexy ones give me a tingle in my cock and butterfies in my stomach. I'm one of those guys that almost crash my car when I see a beautiful ass in tight shorts, and large bouncy breasts in a t shirt walking down the street. I rarely look at guys, and only a very few catch me eye. I get the cock tingle, but no butterflies. ;)

Jul 24, 2016, 10:25 AM
men,and young chubby men,when i jack off i am usually watching some chubby guy getting fucked by another chubby guy,i am not talking about obese guys just chubby.......like myself,i also love chubby gurls,girls

Jul 24, 2016, 3:20 PM
Oral Giver, I agree!

Maybe, since my very first m/m experience was gift from a chubby guy, I have remained more attracted to chubby figures of both genders.

We're all different...different strokes for different folks....... and I would not attempt to chide anyone for their own attractions, but that's just me.

I like 'em soft, smooth, and cuddly with smaller erections and large breasts!

Jul 24, 2016, 3:28 PM
Women. I don't look at men as a whole sexually. Sometimes there may be a cute twink with a nice bubble butt that will catch my eye but that is extremely rare.

Jul 24, 2016, 3:43 PM
Who do you find yourself glancing, looking, ogling at? Men, women, both,?

Myself, most times I'm pretty oblivious to men out on the streets etc. yet I masterbate almost exclusivley about men. When I'm out and about, with my mind in neutral, I seem to notice the women..because they are so pretty and stick out way more for me. Maybe it's because they dress in a certain way?
Maybe I've been brainwashed by society to notice them? I don't know, but it seems a bit strange to look at them constantly and then rarely masterbate about them, how wierd am I ?? :rolleyes:but u have been just as much brainwashed not to like the same sex but here u are the assumption being u are on some level bi :) sexuality is not allways simple so ur not any weirder than anyone else. btw i kinda feel the same way, checking out guys does not interest me but girls........there's something very pleasing about checking out girls! i rarely think of girls while i j/o because lately i can't even imagine any girl wanting to be with me. just reminds me i'm not getting any. although imagining a lesbian scene where i wouldn't be involved usually gets me going :) imagining being with a guy can be a relieve sometimes but even then sometimes it leaves me feeling empty. not just empty of cum lol. it's never an actual guy in fact i never give any thought to his face just his body parts especially 1 lol. with girls there more to them i desire.

Jul 25, 2016, 7:01 AM
I look at guys and can usually tell if they are interested, but a hot teen female will always warrant a smile and a stare. I try not to drool at the thought of eating their nice tight wet pussies.

Jul 25, 2016, 11:27 AM
Enjoy looking at both genders equally. Some I might drool over a bit, others not as much. Always chalk it up as a human being, being healthily interested in sexuality with other human beings.

Jul 25, 2016, 12:28 PM
My sentiments exactly. I am attracted to most women. Very rarely ever a guy in public. But, if I'm with a guy that I know what's on his mind, I get excited. That's what would prevent me from going totally gay.

Jul 25, 2016, 3:12 PM
It never occurred to me to only look at females, or males. I've always looked at both

Jul 26, 2016, 6:26 PM
I look at mainly girls. I like big girls not fat just chubby and tall. when they dress to accentuate all the right parts I love it. But if I see an attractive guy I'll try to steal as many glaces or looks as I can. If he catches me staring and it doesn't seem to bother him I look at it as a possibility and if we see each other again it might turn into something or maybe just 2 guys being friendly. one can only hope.

Jul 27, 2016, 2:47 AM
Nah, you're not weird or we both are. I always look at women and wonder would I fuck her? Really would I eat her. I never look at guys and wonder if I would suck their cock.
But when I am naked in bed surfing porn 99.9% somehow there is a cock involved and i will suck it sooner or later. If later I hope it has pussy juice on it.

Jul 27, 2016, 3:51 PM
Actually some bisexuals do!

I know that for myself I can easily tell if a person is bisexual or gay and they can tell if I am too.

This includes even if we're not in a "gay" space and even then it's sometimes even more obvious even if no sexual words are spoken.
agreed! I luv to ogle women with nice boobs and a guy in tight jeans with a bulge in the right place is a turn on. A guy who is effeminate also gets my mind thinking about doing something sexciting!

Jul 27, 2016, 7:15 PM
Who do you find yourself glancing, looking, ogling at? Men, women, both,?

Myself, most times I'm pretty oblivious to men out on the streets etc. yet I masterbate almost exclusivley about men. When I'm out and about, with my mind in neutral, I seem to notice the women..because they are so pretty and stick out way more for me. Maybe it's because they dress in a certain way?
Maybe I've been brainwashed by society to notice them? I don't know, but it seems a bit strange to look at them constantly and then rarely masterbate about them, how wierd am I ?? :rolleyes:
…In a word…yes…

Jul 28, 2016, 10:07 PM
I look at a girl's ass but at a guy's crotch.....

Aug 1, 2016, 1:31 AM
Women mostly although I do look at guys. At home 80% male porn with cocks a plenty. When not male porn at home, then lesbian or trans. I'm all over the place.

Aug 1, 2016, 7:20 AM
I enjoy admiring both men and women. Each has a beauty all their own.:suave:

Aug 1, 2016, 7:34 AM
Justforfunct wrote: "I like big girls not fat just chubby and tall."

I have similar tastes, but would add; short, or tall, with large breasts and butts. I'm attracted to smooth, chubby guys, too, and like smaller penises.

Personalities and mutual interests always win out, though.

Aug 1, 2016, 10:48 AM
I have always been that if I saw a person--male or female and they were attractive to me--I did like to continue looking at them--as discreetly as possible and not stare and such--just catch a glance every so often-scanning them to the highest degree I dare do so, but for most of my life--I didn't think that when I looked at a "hot guy" that I would either want to fuck him or he fuck me--I only thought that way when looking at ladies, but now--I do look at guys I see in public--noting their features more closely--look at their legs, arms, chest, ass, crotch, face and torso--in the same way that I have long looked at women--doing so discreetly of course--being in Florida and often being in an outside location--I always have my shades on--so I can just be looking in their general direction and they cannot see where my eyes are moving.

Now I do see a guy that I think is attractive and think of having sex with him.

A few years ago, back when I was still in Ohio--one of my favorite breakfast and lunch places was one particular location of a chain from here in Florida---First Watch--they have always had some very attractive female servers but for a time--they had this really cute young college boy as a busser--and man---when I saw him--I just had to watch him as much as dared to so--he was an overall "hot package"---he had a nice face, nice body and wow--what a sweet, sweet tush--and I also tried to determine if he had a nice cock too--not so easy to tell when someone wears a pair of khakis---he was much younger than anyone I would like to get with-but he was nice to look at, just like a few favorite female food servers they had at that restaurant.

When it comes to guys--I tend to like to bottom-but with him--I thought it would be nice to screw him and also have him do me too in return---just as fantasy of course.

It was something--a few weeks ago, after going kayaking, I went to eat a favorite eatery there----I sat at the outdoor bar of this huge waterside bar and grill. At first I had this one guy sit next to me, with us chatting, but just about fishing and such--but probably no chance of being with him since he talked at length about his girlfriend and had to go meet her elsewhere. A few minutes later, this one guy--pulled up the chair next to me-he could have moved further down and not done so, as most guys would probably do--myself included since there were plenty of chairs.

I sat there drinking my brews and waiting for my food but this really nice guy, struck up a conversation with me--telling me he had once lived in the area some years back and had just gotten there from Mississippi. In about ten or 15 minutes that we sat chatting--he told me about himself--he was a vet who had served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Before long he got a text from some buddies he was meeting up with, but before he went--he told me that he liked me and wished that he and I could go do something together rather then meet with them--it seemed that he almost wanted to ditch being with them but got up to go anyhow---don't know what he meant by that--but that sent my mind running--because he was a really nice looking guy and I would have liked to have spent some time with him. Sure would have loved to find that he wanted to do more than simply hang out and have a few brews.....it did sort of seem that without expressly stating it--he did have something more in mind.....oh well--easy come--easy go!!! :impleased

I did give him a nice once over finding him to be most desirable. Sure would have been great to find out if what it seemed he might want--was indeed true--I am sure that would have been a good night for us both....

Aug 1, 2016, 6:54 PM
I look at women more but I masturbste thinking about guys