View Full Version : How Common is it....

Aug 9, 2007, 10:25 PM
in a relationship involving 2 men in which one or both are bi, that one or both seek out a female 3rd/and or 4th?

Aug 10, 2007, 10:10 PM
Can't answer as to how common it is, but the only m/m couple I know where one of the partners is bi, the bi guy does seek out female company on occasion.

Aug 10, 2007, 11:06 PM
I have friends who are both male and bi and have a relationship with one another and neither of these men have sex with other women.

Aug 11, 2007, 2:03 AM
Sure not an expert on this subject, but from my limited experience I find the following:

Most M/M couples are gay, and if they do look for a 3rd or 4th, it is usally another male, bi or gay.

Most Bi's are either single or married to female partners and if they look for a 3rd or 4th, is is either a male or female, depending on whether both are bi or not.

I am sure there are exceptions to the above, but I think I am fairly on target.
:2cents: :three:

Aug 11, 2007, 1:56 PM
Being a BI male in a M/M relationship (at least what's left of it) Let me first start by saying that I had told him at the beggining I thought about girls, and he told me that he didn't ever want me to say that he made me gay.
My partner and I were having problems, and talking breaking up when we had a long heartfelt disscussion about what was going on in our lives at the time and what we should do about it. It was at that time I told him I still had BI feelings. He's tried to deal with it, and except it, but hasn't been able to. When I disscuss being BI with other people when he's around, he tells them that I'm not really BI.
So Back to the point of this thread. I would love to have experiences with women, but I don't out of respect for his feelings. I still have to live in the same house for a little longer, and don't want any problems. I would love one day to have an open relationship with open minded people to where it doesn't matter.