View Full Version : Fliudity

Aug 8, 2007, 4:05 PM
I know this may have been mentioned several times before but have u any idea how long it would take to find the thread again? So apologies for my lazyness but anyways...

I know sexuality is fluid and all tht but what Im wondering is just how fluid it is. D any of you find that sometimes you dont feel bisexual atal, just gay or straight?

For the last wee while I have become increasingly disinterested in guys, am I turning gay or could I just be at a perticular point of my sexualitys fluidity?

Wat do u think?

Aug 8, 2007, 4:28 PM
I can't speak for everyone, but mine bounces around quite a bit. I used to worry about it, but I'm used to it now.

Aug 8, 2007, 4:40 PM


Aug 8, 2007, 5:16 PM
Fluidity is an excellent word for how I can flow and ebb between my desires.
Yes, it happens but I am also accepting of my fluidity and it doesn't bother me.

Aug 8, 2007, 5:44 PM
I go through periods (sometimes as long as half a year) where I basically don't want women at all. The idea of having sex with a woman, seeing a woman naked frankly disgusts me, and I'm not sexually attracted to women.

I think that I'm "gay" but I know that I'm not based on my past attractions to women and my sexual attractions to women never fully go away like they do for my friends who are strictly homosexual/gay.

Then I'll go back to being equal to the point where I'll want/crave sex with both a man and a woman at the same time even if I'm only with one gender.

Aug 8, 2007, 11:01 PM
i seem to be in a 3 lobed 8-10 year cycle..each lobe lasting 8-10 years.. where i am more into guys than women, then the next is women more than guys, and the 3rd being both at the same time..tho there was a hiccup of 8 year where i was totally celibate..so, i'd say, yeah it's fluid, and maybe cyclical too...

Aug 8, 2007, 11:37 PM
As everyone else, I can only speak for myself, but while I am in a Hetero relationship, I do sometimes feel more inclined to feel sexually attracted to men from time to time, and other times I have no desire for men at all. Most of the time I feel almost equally attracted to both.

Aug 9, 2007, 4:38 AM
As all of the posts above, like the changing of the moon, my sexual desires towards men change as well. I think is it something most of us experience and have to learn to deal with it. Good Luck!!!!

Aug 9, 2007, 6:00 AM
For me even thou i've been leaning more towards men lately, i still want to be with women on occasion. I think as we explorer ourselves and our sexuality, we tend to flow one way and then the other. Just enjoy it no matter who your with.

Aug 9, 2007, 2:02 PM
yeah I bounce around more the ball does In a good game of tennis.
Sometimes I want my lady all over me, sometimes I just cannot be arsed with the female race at all.
Sometimes I'm like "yeah i dont mind trying something with a guy" and sometimes I feel physically sick at the idea of kissing a guy to begin with.
I say fluid as ever, but things that cna alter it is experiences, like after a really good shag with my lady I think "why on earth do I care about men at all, that was amazing I love women" suddenly i see a stunning guy and whoop tables turn sometimes. madness. fun but still madness

Skater Boy
Aug 9, 2007, 2:09 PM
Yeah, I'm pretty much the same. its quite uncontrollable for me though, which is a pain in the ass if a cool guy/gal comes along and I'm swinging the other way at the time. kinda hard to explain to them that I like them but I'm just not as "predictable" as I'd like to be. I think some might get the impression you're giving them the run-around or something. Still, what can ya do...

Aug 9, 2007, 4:26 PM
I agree with just about every post. I bounced around for a good many years, however for the last few years have turned almost 100 percent gay, and like it that way. The only problem is that I am happily married to a straight woman, it is a good thing that a good marriage is a lot more then sex.

Aug 9, 2007, 9:32 PM
For me it can be like flipping coins. I never know what turns me on. I'm not really a "practising" gay, because somehow reality and fantasy don't work the same way for me.

>I know sexuality is fluid and all tht but what Im wondering is just how fluid it is.
>D any of you find that sometimes you don't feel bisexual at all, just gay or >straight?

Yes i sometimes do feel that way. When I think I'm only straight, it kind of makes me more happy then when I think I could be only gay. I have to admit, I wouldn't mind getting rid of gay horniness. But since it's there I'm just gonna make the best of it and enjoy it.

>am I turning gay or could I just be at a particular point of my sexualitys >fluidity?

Could be both. Being afraid of turning gay makes your sexual orientation more gay. That's my theory. Maybe it's a question about how sure you are in liking hetero sex? Why should you have doubts about it?

I sometimes thought i must be only gay, because my "gay hard on" was somehow more instant. When a gay thought struck me, it went from limp to hard in 3 seconds. And the orgasm somehow came easier and quicker. but that doesn't always work. Especially after I tried gay sex and lived out my fantasies. The fantasies stopped working. Somehow they were not forbidden or... unreal anymore.

So...yeah I was afraid to try out gay sex, because I thought maybe it would make me 100% gay. But I had to find out.

I'm thankful every time I have sex or masturbate and don't have to use a gay fantasy to come. And it is possible to close the doors in your mind, and eliminate gay thoughts. I think it's possible. But, it's fucking boring. It would result in me getting horny only 5 times a day, instead of...say 7 or 8 times a day.
