View Full Version : Levi Jeans goes Bisexual?

Aug 7, 2007, 9:40 PM
The following advertisement for Levi jeans has both a same-sex and opposite-sex ending.


Aug 7, 2007, 11:28 PM
Well I do not know how long they will be able to advertise this way becasue christian groups are going to go crazy after Levi Jeans but it is a good step foward in markting to people of all sexual preferences. I approve of their idea I just wish people were more accepting.

Aug 7, 2007, 11:32 PM
Well I do not know how long they will be able to advertise this way becasue christian groups are going to go crazy after Levi Jeans but it is a good step foward in markting to people of all sexual preferences. I approve of their idea I just wish people were more accepting.

I've seen only one version. . .I sense they're going to confine the male/male ad to LOGO or Bravo, keeping it under the radar.


Aug 8, 2007, 12:10 AM
I've seen only one version. . .I sense they're going to confine the male/male ad to LOGO or Bravo, keeping it under the radar.


I'm sure they did a gay ad in the UK years ago.
two guys walking down the street, girls giving them the eye, and then one of the guys puts his hand on the others butt.
am i wrong UKers?


the mage
Aug 8, 2007, 7:47 AM
Levi's has degenerated into crap wear.

A pair of their jeans lasts about 2 months before it has holes.

Aug 8, 2007, 1:15 PM
There is some chewing gum that is being advertised with a "bisexual' theme to it---

First this young woman looks longingly at a hot guy--and at the end -this other hot gal is eyeing her and they eye each other----I can't recall which gum it is though-I have seen it just a few times in passing---

Aug 8, 2007, 9:54 PM
isn't there one of a chocolate bar too??

I don't know if this is bisexual ?

Shes in a store with a chocolate bar, sees a guy on the cover of a book move. (A romantic style novel.... you see the guy talking to her and a girl in the background looking annoyed at him.)

Chocolate bar girl leans forward, biting the chocolate as she looks at him as he begs.
Suddenly we see the girl in the book (red girl since she had a red dress on) rolls her eyes and walks out of the cover....
camera switchs to chocolate eating girl and the girl in red appers behind her. Says something to the guy and the chocolate holding girl looks at the girl then the guy and gives him a look and the 2 girls walk off.

The commerical wasn't closed caption so I don't know what was said.
Did anyone else see this?

Aug 9, 2007, 2:18 AM
I could be wrong about it being chewing gum--it may have been for a candy bar Tasha---I knew it was something like that---like I said--I only caught the commercial in passing--