View Full Version : This is me Quitestorm

Aug 5, 2007, 6:07 AM
I was born and raised in a family of six , molested by my brothers abused by my two husbands . The abuse varied from sexually to verbally to mentally etc ... I have only had one experience with a girl and that was a kiss . I am a complicated person true and men have only used me to suite there needs I guess thats is why I choose to remain by myself . I would like a stable relationship but if it happens it happens if it doesnt it doesnt . throught my life I have had ups and downs , mostly downs I dont not think highly of myself I admit that and I doent have anything to call my own thats partily if not all my own doing but this is who I am If there are any questions I will gladly answer them I am here to make friends and see where it goes from there .


Skater Boy
Aug 5, 2007, 6:25 AM
Welcome Quitestorm! :) Life is difficult sometimes, but try and keep smiling! I've had my own share of ups and downs... plenty of downs if I'm being honest. But try not to blame yourself, and stay optimistic if you can.

Wishing you strength and happiness for the future...


Aug 5, 2007, 9:14 AM
Welcome Quietstorm, you will not be abused, used or missused here (not without your permission :cutelaugh ). You have joined a community of fellow supporters and people globally who, some of, have been in or thru similar circumstances.
We are here to be your freinds, should you choose to have us as such.
Again, welcome. Come on in, relax and have a good time.


Aug 5, 2007, 9:53 AM
Welcome Quitestorm!

You are in a safe place here! We are happy to have you with us!
If you have any questions about the site or just need hugs, please don't hesitate to ask.

hugs to you,

Aug 5, 2007, 11:28 AM
Welcome Quitestorm!

I hope you'll find all the support & friendship you're looking for here!

Hugs n kisses


Aug 5, 2007, 2:00 PM
Welcome Quietstorm :) As a fellow abuse survivor and fellow bi virgin, I hear you loud and clear. You've found a wonderful place full of fantastic, caring people who go out of their wa to help each other.

It's like having a whole other family, cept this one doesn't give you wedgies or take the last piece of chocolate cake that you were saving ;) At least not usually.

Aug 5, 2007, 2:11 PM
It's good to see you back Quitestorm. I hope that your future is a reverse image of your past and that you have much happiness to help relieve some of the pains you have experienced.

Aug 6, 2007, 9:35 AM
Hi Quitestorm,It is good to have you back as Arana said. We have chatted many times before,or well at least attemted to chat many times before, Most were interupted buy my many boots,lol.. But it is good to have yu back. There are a lot of great people here to help you. All you have to do is ask us.. I for one have enjoyed our chat's and your company,you are a very plesant person to be aquainted with. So welocme back to the site!! :)

Aug 6, 2007, 10:10 AM
welcome quietstorm: we're pleased to meet you. you've found a safe harbor here. if you need to talk or vent pm me.


Aug 6, 2007, 2:07 PM
Welcome Quietstorm, please make yourself comfortable.

This group here is pretty friendly, and fun to be around as well.


Aug 6, 2007, 11:29 PM
Oh SO SO SO nice to see you again QuietStorm, I have missed you. How are things in PA? You are a most interesting women. I would never let the men of your past define who you are NOW. You are a most strong and vibrant woman who has a great head on her shoulders. Can not wait to see you in chat.
