View Full Version : Efficiency check

Aug 3, 2007, 8:19 PM
Lots of us (me included) love people they've "met" on this website. I love interracting with many people on this website (see section:"who on this site would you like to meet"), but one has to say... a man (or woman) has needs.

So I was wondering... how many of you have met and had sex with other members of bisexual.com?

As far as I'm concerned, I've met two guys on this website. Both great guys. I am still in contact with both of them (and not only for casual sex, in case you were wondering)... I guess you could say we became mates or "buddies" as you Americans like to say.

So did bisexual.com "work" for you?

Aug 3, 2007, 9:29 PM
I have had sex with one person met through bisexual.com and am hoping to make it two over the next week or so. Even considered apart from the sexual/romantic dimension, the first is a true friend and I'm guessing that the second will be, too.

Aug 3, 2007, 10:24 PM
I've never met, dated, or had sex with anyone on this site.

I'm not even that into internet hook ups or anything at all like that and I go on other sites to meet guys who I date/have relationships and maintain true friendships with.

The people from my area on this site seem to be either majorly closeted or just really flaky for the most part not even replying to PMs I'll send them about non sexual things, like saying how they have a nice profile/how we have things in common, or talking about the area where we're from, and most don't even have pictures of themselves at all.

Also even if they do have a picture of themselves that doesn't mean that they'll be my type of man or woman.

Also people have sent me PMs but they're married guys and they don't read in my profile how if you're married and looking to cheat how you shouldn't contact me at all but how if you're married and in an open relationship how it's fine as long as your spouse knows.

One guy who wrote to me telling me how I'm really "gay" is into barebacking as a bottom and being fisted without a latex glove. Talk about having a death wish. :rolleyes:

Lisa (va)
Aug 4, 2007, 5:32 PM
Never had sex with anyone I met from this site, though I have met a nice couple from this area, but it's just a friends thing.


hugs n kisses

Aug 4, 2007, 6:31 PM
Not in real time...ony fantasy. I haven't clicked sexually with anyone locally but have made some good friends. If travel, time and $$ were not an issue on my part - this would change. Maybe someday...deep sigh...

Aug 4, 2007, 6:33 PM
... So I was wondering... how many of you have met and had sex with other members of bisexual.com?
So did bisexual.com "work" for you?
I am currently in an on-going relationship with some one, and as long as that relationship lasts, I would not even consider meeting (for the purposes of sex) with someone from this site or anywhere else.

But I must admit that I have met a few very interesting and sexy people in here that I certainly would want to get to know better were circumstances otherwise.


Skater Boy
Aug 4, 2007, 6:37 PM
The internet is a blessing and a curse all in one. It has numerous good points and numerous bad ones. The same for internet dating. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of meeting someone from this site, but I'd have to know them pretty damn well before doing so, and even then, sex might not happen.

But I'm glad I've rubbed shoulders with the members I have, so far...

Aug 4, 2007, 9:39 PM
no, not yet, but that's mainly because i travel so much right now. for example, am currently in the harrisburg penna area and there are several members here i'd love to meet if i only had the time to do so..[ we're doing 7-12's for a whole month] maybe even traveling down to D.C. to meet one very special lady that i've only had a chance to talk with 2 or 3 times.. she's just got that aura of chill about her that pulls me in.. :rolleyes:

this site works well for most people looking for online friendships, support in coming out or coping with their lives and surroundings, facing the discovery that a spouse or loved one is bi and you've just found out and want to learn more, and even the occaisional face to face meeting for what ever .. so, i guess it depends on what you are looking for when you come here as to how effective this site is for you. :flag4:

Aug 12, 2007, 5:24 AM
I only ever seem to chat to foreigners - mostly French for some reason - which doesn't help me much here in the UK. The bi world of London is missing out on a treat ;)

Aug 12, 2007, 5:30 AM
Would definitely love to meet up with a few guys from this site, have not had yet had the pleasure of having or getting a bisex. group going but think it would be awesome!

So no, although Bisexual.com has allowed me to meet some pretty awesome guys here I have not met any in person.

Aug 12, 2007, 6:44 AM
Have never met anyone from this site :rolleyes: To me this place is a chatroom more or less, but others view it alot more. Would i meet someone from here in person? Ummmm for lunch or something perhaps :cool: Just for sex? Not my thing really, but I don't have an issue with those who do. Never say never though! Wouldn't be the first time in my life i've done something I never dreamed I would ever do. :tong: She better one charming girl is all I can say! As for guys? :( I'll just say nah, pretty much impossible.

Aug 12, 2007, 6:54 AM
As for guys? :( I'll just say nah, pretty much impossible.

That's my experience too, so far (scratch that second member I referred to above!).

Aug 12, 2007, 8:49 AM
I've tried, but alas not much luck.

One guy couldn't understand why I'd want him to wear a condom. (Sorry Diamond Dog, but not all of us straight women are stupid.)

One guy was incredibly nice on the phone, but just as offensive in person.

A couple of them have written to me describing sexual acts they'd like to do with me, but gee, call me old fashioned, but I'd prefer someone who can say hello first!

The rest of them have been married and I won't go there.

Or they cannot compose a sentence. Sorry, but basic intelligence required.

Aug 12, 2007, 9:03 AM
Been visiting here for years, met 3 guys here in person (one yesterday...wow that was fun!! ;) ) and many net friends I chat with, especially Belle (onewhocares) who is my best friend in my life! Overall a great group of people!

:male: :2cents: