View Full Version : HOBBIES

Oct 15, 2005, 2:04 PM
As most people here know i am an avid high heels wearer and collector, and i also have an extensive plastic model car collection, and i was wondering what other people like to collect and or do as a hobby

just a way i thought of to get to know each other a little better!

hope to hear from you soon!
m.in.heels&hose :grouphug: :flag3:

Oct 15, 2005, 2:33 PM
Fly fish for large trout.

Lisa (va)
Oct 15, 2005, 2:44 PM
Cute thread,
I like sailing on the lake (warm weather of course)
I like (trying to) snow ski
I like working in my garden
started collecting coins (with hubby's help)

Not too much I don't like (except maybe Nascar)


hugs n kisses

Oct 15, 2005, 2:59 PM
we should talk sometime, i have been tying flies since i was 15 years old

:bounce: MIHH :cool:

Oct 15, 2005, 3:37 PM
I read alot and it can be anything really. I also enjoy taking pictures. This is not on a professional level but it is more advanced than your average "say cheese and click" person...I had models of Star Trek starships but the grandkids made short work of those one day... :bigrin: :paw: :paw:

Oct 15, 2005, 3:42 PM
As most people here know i am an avid high heels wearer and collector, and i also have an extensive plastic model car collection, and i was wondering what other people like to collect and or do as a hobby

just a way i thought of to get to know each other a little better!

hope to hear from you soon!
m.in.heels&hose :grouphug: :flag3:
I collect Lionel Standard guage trains I have one that runs around my living room sealing my bi girl likes it to Chris

girasol 44
Oct 15, 2005, 5:29 PM
ok this r my hobbies kart raicing , coletting old coins romans and all and poker thats y i spend so much time on line lol 1 day i will make it 2 the world poker tournament in the usa.

Oct 15, 2005, 5:46 PM

Music/Film production

Graphic Design





Working out



and BiSexual.com of course! :)


Oct 15, 2005, 6:49 PM
fly fishing both fresh and salt water, species inmaterial, i catch and release

rebuilding computers

watching action movies

target shooting; i must be losing my edge, i can't hit the 800 yard target much anymore.

exploring the southwest when i have the time and money.

travel to other lands, work and explore there

Oct 16, 2005, 7:13 PM
--listening to, buying & talking about music
--playing my djembe
--hanging out on messageboards ;)

Not "technically" hobbies (to me, anyway):



Oct 16, 2005, 8:44 PM
I like to collect Old toys and vintage toys from my era. I also collect British Harry Potter stuff.

Another hobby is arranging mp3 files and making playlists. I also like to go Hiking, and camping. :tong:

Oct 16, 2005, 9:40 PM
:) Hobbies include collecting toys...action figures, photography, remodeling/redecorating, gardening and since the weather is finally cooling off a bit...back to fishing and camping...woo hoo :bigrin:

Oct 16, 2005, 9:59 PM
Reading (like crazy), writing, running, biking, wieght training, yoga (I'm with you Angel), and meditation.

Hanging out with my kids, guitar, music of any genre, laughing at good comedy, crying with a good movie (just don't look at me).

I also enjoy a good debate, arguement, or a real two way conversation where both people are completely focused. I have been known to post to the odd forum;)

Sometimes I watch TV...but not enough to learn anything lol.

I collect nothing but pictures (loved ones) and books (also loved ones).

Oh yeah, last but not least...sex (God I miss it)!!!!!

Oct 17, 2005, 6:33 AM
Oh this is a NICE thread.

Well I just love music - which consists of old vinly 7", LPs and then cassettes and of course now includes CDs CDRs and MP3s - all in all my music collection numbers 1500+ items - but then I have been building it since 1968!?

Love cycling, three - five hours at a time, when I get the chance. And I adore walking - although living in a city makes this seem like a bore London has many open spaces and my two youngest kids are just as keen - although times have changed - I now have to ask THEM to slow down!! lol!!!

Yep enjoy a good read as well - some books have become loved friends and paperbacks being so cruddy am now onto fifth and sixth copies of some old favourites.

I also enjoy the cinema and have built up a fair sized DVD library.

Photography is an interest (was a semi-pro for a time) as are the British "Pop" artists - and am still trying to become a watercolourist - it's an odd medium - very subtle.

Lastly - I love "seeing" things in the trunks of trees and in clouds in the sky - and no I don't mean drug induced - just de-foccussing the eyes and letting my imagination take over.

Sure there is loads more ..... oh yep - posting on this forum board!! lol!!

Peace and Love

Rupe :)

Oct 17, 2005, 12:29 PM
I myself enjoy hunting, fishing, cooking, casino gambling, and our pets.

He enjoys home improvement, and internet shopping as well as the pets.

:2cents: :bipride:

Oct 17, 2005, 1:20 PM
I read alot and watch movies
My television recieves no channels but i have the DVD collections for Golden Girls, Southpark, VeggieTales, Son of the Beach and a few other shows, but the TV is primarily for movies especially foreign films, independent films, and b-movies.
I collect Steiff Bears and usually get one or two a year, and I collect books, not antique ones or anything just good reads, I never get rid of a book, so i ahve a pretty large library now.

I don't have alot of free time between class, work, Spanish Club and fraternity ~ so I do these things whenever I get the chance.


Oct 17, 2005, 9:25 PM
Hobbies, eh? Here's a break from the norm and a welcomed one at that.

I love to read anything that keeps my interest (damn adhd :bigrin: )
Four words: Dicovery and History channles!
I play geetar in a band so it might be a bit redundant to say music :tongue:
DVDs, DVDs and more DVDs, I really should have an intervention on this one.
Haxx0r l337, pr0n r00lz!
As per above, I'm a geek and LOVE computers.
Hiking/Camping, one always leads to the other.
Oogling cute bois and grrls

That about covers it!

-IceLion :bipride:

Oct 19, 2005, 9:34 AM
I like to write, to draw, sports (now I only practice kendo) in first place, but I have some more, as collection (ancient/foreigner coins), etc...

Oct 19, 2005, 1:59 PM
I love to read...mostly sci-fi/fantasy and I love Terry Pratchett. I also do reproductionist 15/16th century fencing. Or used to...unfortunately I've been out of it for a while. I'm in school and I just got a part-time job as well. It's a bit too much to handle at the moment. Oh, also I love history and swing dancing with my boyfriend.

~Last Laugh~

Oct 19, 2005, 2:28 PM
To add to mine, I have an extensive dvd collection, collect ducks, wolves, and enjoy reading. I'm also into tattoos, though I only have two at present. :bipride:

Oct 19, 2005, 8:07 PM
I have a few hobbies the main ones are

1)Ham Radio/electronics
2)Messing with computers (hardware and digital photogrophy/video)
3)Painting minature models (mostly Games Workshop Lord of Rings range)
4)Long Bow Archery
5)Reading a good book (you guessed it LOTR is my favorite lol)
6)Listening to music (I like Rolling Stones, Scissor Sisters, Kaiser Cheifs, Frans Ferdinand, and 80's music in general. I also like some classical music especially film scores)
7)Surfing the net :bigrin:

I also have an interest in
1)Military history particularly the cold war and aviation
2)Film & TV (fav film is Lord of the Rings and war films, Dr Who my fav TV show)
3)Gadgets of all types

I also like to go out with mates now and again to pub etc and I goto Film & TV conventions when I can.

Oct 19, 2005, 9:09 PM
Not sure if its a hobby but I collect beer steins and enjoy trying the different beers of the world...
Also have quite the collection of thongs but thats a different story! ;)

Oct 20, 2005, 5:54 PM
Lets see, Hmmmmmm I like drinking, cooking reading, drinking, motorcycle riding, photography,drinking, hunting and shooting, drinking, camping, bushwalking and did I mention I like drinking :rolleyes:

Here's Looking Up Your Kilt ;)

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Oct 20, 2005, 6:27 PM
OH......and I forgot to mention my favourite hobby....Brewing my own beer :tongue:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Oct 20, 2005, 7:08 PM
Hobbies? Is this something that people do with this "free time" thing I hear so much about? :tong:

Anyway, when I had (and hopefully will have) free time, I enjoyed target shooting (.357, Mini-14) and skeet (antique double barrel 16 gauge originally owned by my paternal grandfather). I love to cook, trying and improving new recipes (yes, the rumors are true, I invented chicken stroghanoff.) But my favorite passtime is hanging with a group of intelligent people, having a drink and relaxing with some light philosophy and laughter (same diff). Guess that's why I'm found in chat here so often....

Oct 20, 2005, 8:45 PM
there just not enough time for me to do all my hobbies i enjoy doing, but i enjoy crocheting blankets,needlepoint,reading and enjoy the ocean or lake...but what i do daily that i enjoy is walking,cooking and um well other private things i love doing but cant say,lol..
gina :tong:

Oct 21, 2005, 2:02 AM
Im not sure if its a hobby or an addiction,
but i love to renovate my house, and re-renovate.
Finding the time is the kicker.
Love to read,almost anything
cook books
teck books
Steven King

And like Bithonglover
i collect beer stiens
To relax i go dirtbiking in the forest
that surrounds me here.

Oct 21, 2005, 6:57 AM
Hi mihh,Great thread. Iduess my main hobbie is collecting items with the old star trek series.Iam a trekkie from way back. Also i love to go fishing as you know. I like to cook,chat,Listen to music.Also listen to sports talk radio. Wach baseball,and football. Like to read.And thats just abouy iy i think.Ltely though ive been spending my free time in chat,lol. When i can stay in the room,lol. Thanks for the Thread Tex.

Oct 21, 2005, 8:17 PM
there just not enough time for me to do all my hobbies i enjoy doing, but i enjoy crocheting blankets,needlepoint,reading and enjoy the ocean or lake...but what i do daily that i enjoy is walking,cooking and um well other private things i love doing but cant say,lol.. gina :tong:

That's a hobby??? Can you spend too much time on a hobby??? lol

I like to do a lot of the same things as Gina and I like doing crafts and artsy stuff, photography and I love mail. The old fashioned way, not email. Mail art and just sending people cards and things to let them know they are thought about. :bounce: I'm also a packrat and collect things. I collect Japanese artifacts, Dragons, some fairies, T-shirts, lighters by marriage, some stuffed animals and toys, art supplies, Pens by accident, Movies, Music, Books (esp. Stephen King, Anne Rice, SARK), dust, etc.......

Oct 21, 2005, 9:10 PM
Well let's see, where do I start.....
:( I love to read but have no time for that with a 2 yr. old.
:rolleyes: I love to collect pens....weird I know but I have alot of them.
:bigrin: I cross stitch and trace my son's hand every Christmas on a tree skirt and then stitch around the hand and stitch the yr. so we can see how his hand grows each yr.
:eek: I also grew up in the era of "cabbage patch kids". I just love em!

:bibounce: But, my husband loves to drink beer from all over the world and collects the bottles. I have recently convinced him that I don't want these 50 or more bottles in my kitchen above my cupboards and boxed them up. I felt my Longenberger pottery looked better there. Poor guy is still pouting about it. :( Ask Flounder about his beer bottle collection! :bigrin:

Oct 21, 2005, 9:14 PM
Hi all..

Well I like:

triathlon - swim, bike, run
competitive swimming
anything athletic - I'm a bit of a jock

photography - b&w of my kids
ebaying (but not doing too much of that right now)


guitar - folk/accoustic type

movies - going to them w/ lots of popcorn. Artsy flicks and off mainstream films are best.
Books - have to be good literature or a really good story

Hate wasting my time - not into TV unless I'm multitasking. :)

oh, and I love cats. :bibounce:


Oct 22, 2005, 6:14 PM
Well this proving to be a very popular thread (and rightly so - lol!!). It's certainly letting us get to know one another rather better.

lastlaff44 - another Pratchett fan!! I really didn't expect to find another fan here!! And from "over the water" - I didn't realize he'd made it to the States - just thought of him as a Brit author. I've just started on "Thud" - very "Swiftian" - even more so than normal.

It's interesting to see the slight difference between Europe and North America - lots more hunting and guns use in the USA.

Anyhow - well done mmhh!!

Rupe :)

Dec 4, 2006, 12:41 AM
(bump) for those newer people who think all we do is talk sex...check out some of the older threads...bring them back to life...:tong:

Dec 7, 2006, 12:08 AM
i thot we'd done this before... hey, staff, consolidate the two threads about hobbies, will ya??

Dec 7, 2006, 9:35 PM
I make things and use them. I tye my own lures for fishing, I make and fly kites, master woodworker, do a little bit of pottery, 3 1/2 acres of garden, gourmet chef and baker. Hope to start making beer this year or next. love to walk and hike.

Dec 8, 2006, 12:59 AM
My hobbies are listening to japanese music & learning the culture;characters,lingo etc. . .Thats about it :bipride: !!

Ashoka & Kaurwaki
Dec 8, 2006, 10:24 AM
Well, I'm generally a pretty big geek when it comes to my hobbies:

I collect toys: Transformers and Gundam (yeah, I know - but it keeps me some what sane).

I also collect DVD's (this one annoy's Kaur a lot less :D) - somewhere in the neighbourhood of 200 DVD's (maybe even 300) and another 245 on VHS that we're slowly converting.

my other main hobby is studying religions and phillosophy. Anything from Zen and Marxist literature to Christian text and Hebrew history - anything any everything - I love to learn.

Kaur Collects books - lots and lots of books. She also has a love of music and games.

Dec 8, 2006, 1:53 PM
hobbies huh?

well i skydive every weekend. i shoot videos for first time jumpers. i love to drink beer from all over the world. i am looking into making my own beer. bought the beginner kit. i am into Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. Any thing midevil fantasy i guess. i love camping and hanging out with friends in the desert. :bigrin:

Dec 8, 2006, 2:06 PM
Hobbies, eh? Well, I really enjoy going to the gym. I've been doing it for the past year and I feel so much healthier and stronger!

I love to just kinda hang on my couch watching TV, or playing video games. Nerdy things like that. Nothing really extreme though... no 24hr gaming marathons for me. :tong:

Aside from that, I've been trying to improve my english lately. I sometimes found myself being unable to word myself properly, which is incredibly annoying. I'm not sure if you would call it a hobby, but I do enjoy learning new expressions and words. :)

Edit: I almost forgot! Cooking! I suck now at it now, but I'm making my mom show me all the secret family recipes. Shouldn't be too long till I can prepare a romantic dinner. ;)

Mar 10, 2007, 2:34 PM
I collect salt and pepper shakers, which are antiques so that means I like looking for them in antique stores.
I like to go bike riding, swimming.
I love shopping when I have the money to.
I love to go driving around town in my moms car with the windows down and the music blasting. She's got a Mitsubishi Eclipse GT 2006...of course I can't drive so my mom does but that's a different topic.
I like going to movies, out to dinner, bowling...anything that is fun, I'll do anything once.
I love to cook and bake.

Mar 10, 2007, 2:47 PM
Among my hobbies:

Anything on the water--boating, sailing, kayaking, swimming, scuba diving and snorkeling.

Bicycling, trail hiking, camping

Writing, reading, painting---all of these are also things I do for money but I love to do them all just to do them.


Glass figures--the very colorful ones they have in Mexico and the rest of South America; religious artifacts and icons such as crosses (Celtic, Mexican and South American styles); African wooden figurines; cobalt glass jars, bottles, etc.; electric pole insulators; old railroad lanterns; Navajo/Zuni/Hopi Kachina dolls; flags--I have some great ones!!!

Mar 10, 2007, 9:20 PM
Swing Dancing, Art Nouveau and Art Deco work, Photography, Drawing, and computer generated art. I'm trying to figure out an idea for my Avatar.


Mar 10, 2007, 9:49 PM
I make chainmail, see pics for proof...

Oh, and before anyone says anything, yes the pics are slightly edited, the pics were either coming out way too dark or way too bright so I had to burn certain parts of the pics...

Mar 11, 2007, 9:00 AM
Besides Sex?? :rolleyes:

Well, I collect books and love to cook - It's another way for me to get creative.

John in Calif
Mar 11, 2007, 9:31 AM
I fly R/C Airplanes and have so for almost 30 years. I also enjoy riding my motorcycle.

Mar 11, 2007, 9:50 AM
Im learning the Latin language, and I Square Dance, which isn't as corny as it seems once you get into it.

Mar 11, 2007, 10:25 AM
Favorite distraction 10 monthes a year for me currently is motorcycling. My sig has taken up the hobby and become an independant motorcyclist and together we plan at least one week a year for a 1500 to 3000 miles ride. Last summer I/we toured NY, NH, VT, ME and I did a solo of 2,000 miles in Canada. The year before that we did 1,500 miles in NY only see a fair amount of the state-although I read there is 44,000 miles of road so there are a few we have to still check out. All non-interstate riding. Absolutely the most fun sightseeing-carving up twisty bits of tarmac. I'm a preformance oriented rider and enjoy trackdays to get the very illegal racing speeds I so enjoy but nothing compares to empty stretches of backroads far from civilization alone at illegal pace. On the flip side bicycle riding road and trails. I have done a couple of bi-atholons and a couple triathelons-minis not the grueling super distance kind. Ran track as kid in HS and college but now adays pretty much its jogging not running.
Painting, drawing, furniture making (part hobby and profession), antique steel hand planes (woodworking), guitar.

Mar 11, 2007, 5:25 PM
I fly R/C Airplanes and have so for almost 30 years. I also enjoy riding my motorcycle.
OMG John, you tore yourself away from the offramp long enough to make your first post!!!!! BRAVO! Im proud of you! I look forward to your next post in 2 more years! lol :tong:

Mar 11, 2007, 5:29 PM
I make chainmail, see pics for proof...

Oh, and before anyone says anything, yes the pics are slightly edited, the pics were either coming out way too dark or way too bright so I had to burn certain parts of the pics...
This is neat but what do you do with it? Do you make them into chain clothing or something? I saw on Lord of the Rings where they did something similar to this with rings to make some of their war gear. Looks like a lot of time consuming work. Not to mention hard on the hands and eyes.

Mar 11, 2007, 6:15 PM
Well, my wife says I collect junk. I call it antiques and antiquities. We love camping, gardening and Renessance Faires. I also study religions, and when I have time I restore antique furniture.

Mar 12, 2007, 12:41 AM
Reading...listening to music...playing online sports fantasy games :)

Mar 12, 2007, 2:26 AM
Hello all!

My hobbies include:
#1) Playing rugby (love it)
#2) Playing guitar (I am currently re-teaching myself)
#3) Volunteering
#4) Reading (literary fiction mainly)
#5) Flying (when I have funds of course, I'm a private pilot)
#6) Hiking, camping canoeing and kayaking
#7) Trying to get into geo-caching

Mar 12, 2007, 8:51 AM
This is neat but what do you do with it? Do you make them into chain clothing or something? I saw on Lord of the Rings where they did something similar to this with rings to make some of their war gear. Looks like a lot of time consuming work. Not to mention hard on the hands and eyes.

Yeah, I'm currently making a chainmail shirt for myself. And yes it is very time consuming, fortunately though I have quite a few college courses where I don't need to be writing or typing and need to barely pay attention to the professors. Programming just comes naturally to me for some reason. And the professors don't seem to mind it much so I just knit the mail in class.

Oh, and in LOTR they used half inch pvc pipe painted with silver-metallic spray paint, actually a much easier way of doing it though. Not as durable or realistic or cost effective (once you factor in the price of paint it's about twice the cost), but easier.

Mar 12, 2007, 9:22 AM
Hobbies.....mine would include-

Brewing Beer / Mead
Reading (I have been reading on the languages of Middle Earth..wierd I know.)
Music (creating music on the computer with a program)
I love to collect Steins
and finally...Drinking the beer I brew!! :bigrin:

Mar 13, 2007, 12:47 PM
I read a lot, ride a motorcycle and my buddies are trying to talk me into racing my Porsche this year. We will see. My partner is into online games (World of Warcraft) and demolition derby. He is putting a car together to take to the demolitin derby this year. Like most 20 year olds, he loves anything that has to do with smashing things.

Mar 13, 2007, 1:42 PM

Well, I have the following hobbies:
1. Collect copies of old, old black and white movies.
2. Fabricate jewelry from precious metals and stones
3. Do 'Square Foot Gardening' in homemade raised cedar planter boxes

Also reading fantasy novels and watching football, basketball and ice hockey on the tele' keeps me occupied.
