View Full Version : Fantasy or Real?

Aug 1, 2007, 3:59 PM
I'd love to have a lover of both genders, I think it would be fantastic. But in reality, it seems quite tricky...any thoughts or stories please?

Aug 1, 2007, 4:37 PM
It depends.... for some people they have managed to do that but I think it would take a long time. Lots of commuincation and trust. It won't be something that happens overnight but takes time. You just have to find someone that is interested in that too. :)

Aug 1, 2007, 4:41 PM
I agree with everything Tasha just said. It can be done, it has been done.
You can do it. It just takes time and communication.

Aug 1, 2007, 9:36 PM
been there, done this, it's wonderful.. and all it takes is what tasha said ....

Aug 2, 2007, 10:33 AM
Before yesterday I was in that situation. I've been married pretty much forever (hubby knows and supports my sexuality) and I had been seeing a wonderful woman in a LDR for about a year. I just got back Saturday from spending an entire week with her. It was the longest block of time we had spent together.Yesterday we got into a fight and it all crashed and burned. It amazes me how things can go from good to gone so very quickly. :(

To answer your question, yes, it can be quick tricky. It's always a juggling act between the commitments you make. It takes a great deal of understanding on all sides. It's not easy.

I had a glorious year with her, though. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Aug 2, 2007, 10:49 AM
Hey Anne, sorry to hear that your relationship with your girlfriend is over. I am still searching for a "girlfriend". I would like it to be with just one woman, but if it isn't in the cards for me, then thats ok as well. I still don't get why some women like to have several different lovers, but to each their own. For me, one man and one woman is plenty enough for me. :)

Aug 2, 2007, 4:07 PM
When you guys are referring to both do you mean a full blown relationship with one of each sex or do you mean like sexual partner/buddy of each sex? I mean there is a major difference in the two?

Aug 2, 2007, 8:23 PM
When you guys are referring to both do you mean a full blown relationship with one of each sex or do you mean like sexual partner/buddy of each sex? I mean there is a major difference in the two?

My thoughts exactly.
Sex is easy - with a bit of thought and planning, its quite possible to have sexual relations with a person of both sexes - been there done that.

A full-blown relationship - now that would appear to take a lot of understanding, communication and heaps of emotional capital.

I too am heading that way, but atm its most unlikely that both would occur at the same time.

anyway, I wish you luck. :)

Aug 3, 2007, 3:24 PM
I'd love to have a lover of both genders, I think it would be fantastic. But in reality, it seems quite tricky...any thoughts or stories please?

I am married to a great girl and also lucky to have regular drunken "messy" sessions alone with two close male friends of mine. We (my mates and I) are all in our early 40's now but have been "close" since we were in our teens and are increasingly getting more kinkier and adventurous as we get older.

I couldnt imagine not having those two beautiful cocks to play with on a Thursday night. I wouldnt know how to get that kind of safe, trusting, erotic friendship if I was starting afresh now.

But I hope that you can find a way if thats what you really want. Take care though and good luck.