View Full Version : Your favortie way to spent a nice summer day?

Jul 31, 2007, 1:20 PM
Lets say you didn't have to work or do any errands and those with kids don't have to do anything with them.

You have THE WHOLE DAY TO YOURSELF!!!! Yep! All to yourself.
And its so nice out, "perfect weather"

How would you spent it?? :)

Jul 31, 2007, 1:51 PM
Out at a quiet park with a loved one, a good book & picnic stuff (after sex of course).

Maybe drawing stuff and camera as well.

Jul 31, 2007, 2:55 PM
if its sunny, work on my tan with a good book and some sminoff ice or if its not so sunny a book and the drinks

Jul 31, 2007, 3:39 PM
A special friend, good book, my flute and some cheese and drink! :-) And of course a quiet spot in the sun!

Abbey Road
Jul 31, 2007, 4:02 PM
I`d go to one of my favourite in the countryside with a good book & plenty of cups of tea!!!
I had today off work & had entire day to do whatever I wanted. I went to Buxton,my favourite small town 12 miles away from where I live.It was beautiful weather - sunny, blue skies & warm, so dressed in shorts, sandals & T-shirt I had a wander around the market, wander around the shops, had dinner in a great cafe & finally wandered around the most beautiful park, where I sat with a good book & cups of tea for an hour. Perfect.

Abbey Road.

:bibounce: :paw: :wiggle2:

Jul 31, 2007, 5:44 PM
At my nudist club.

Jul 31, 2007, 6:45 PM
We could be found at a nudist resort North of Tampa.

Skater Boy
Jul 31, 2007, 6:49 PM
A glass (or several) of Pimms (with plenty of chopped fruit n' ice) in the garden, lying in a deck-chair. Some gentle, relaxing Nuevo-Flamenco playing, and the water-feature trickling away in the background. *bliss*

Jul 31, 2007, 7:59 PM
On a nice, hot, sunny summer day I love to take some good rockin' tunes and head to a cool, clean, private swimming hole, with my gal and some friends. Some sandwiches, cold beverages and spend the day. Right on, oh yeah!

Jul 31, 2007, 10:49 PM
Get up early and work in the garden til it gets too hot for the breeze to keep me cool. Strip off the tshirt and shorts and jump in the pool until I am chilled and clean. Lay on the lounge chair listening to the cardinals singing until the sun warms me up and I am completly dry. Go in and fix a sandwich and fruit tray to eat with a huge glass of iced tea and sit by the window overlooking the valley. After I eat, I put on my favorite softest t-shirt and take a lovely nap.

Aug 1, 2007, 8:59 AM
Unfortunately i have no life! :( Ashamed to admit it but i'd probably spend it playing cards somewhere till daylight LOL. Reason I chat from time to time. Usually for a little station break. I really need to do something about that though! Every week I seem to do less and less social life stuff and to much work! I don't even have a job and probably work 60 hours a week. I sorta consider what I do my social life as well, but it isn't. Probably less than a regular person at a normal job. I go hours and if i ever say a word it's raise LOL. College football season will be here soon though! That I do enjoy even by myself. I get up early and watch gameday on espn at 10 every Saturday and watch games usually till whatever time UT plays.

Aug 3, 2007, 6:25 PM
we hop into the car with a couple of lawn chairs, newspapers, a couple of good books, and a cooler full of snacks and beverages. drive down to the river, and spend the day watching the boats, talking, reading, and necking on the blanket i forgot to mention.

kit :)

Aug 4, 2007, 12:01 AM
I would site outside in shorts and and tee shirt with a book and some cold Ice Tea and lay down and read my book.

Cantaloupe Island
Aug 4, 2007, 2:50 AM
Well what I did today! I start by sleeping in (never get up too early). Taking a long shower (I like at least 3 showers a day, not cause I'm smelly, more because I like them). Then I make myself an iced tea, grab my CD player, and a few books and head out to my backyard. By the time I'm done, I'm in a perfect state of bliss :)

Aug 4, 2007, 4:23 AM
going on a nice long hike in the woods alone or in a nearby park and sitting down with a book or two and reading them while I eat some food and drink some iced tea. :)

Lisa (va)
Aug 4, 2007, 5:37 PM
I have no desires to spend a day by myself really, I enjoy being married and being a mom.

Typically, during the week, I'll get up and feed everyone and kiss my Jeff as he leaves for work, then clean up a little and usually when the weather permits take our daughter to her pool to play for a bit. then after lunch we'll play and I'll clean or do some laundry and wait for hubby/daddy to get home.


hugs n kisses

Aug 4, 2007, 9:33 PM
Well Tash, since I am too old for you and not your type, I can't spend it with you. I guess I would like to spend it walking along the beach of Nantucket Island or Fort Bragg, California. I have been to both during the summer and I must say it will take your breath away.

Aug 4, 2007, 9:34 PM
if its the perfect summer day, i would spend most of the day at the lake we go swimming at, swim some, and lay out in the sun to work on my tan, swim a little more and spend some time with my wife, and friends (basically, just a day at the beach)

Aug 4, 2007, 11:09 PM
For me--a nice way to spend a summer's day is out on the boat on the lake--and modifiying the old saying about fishing to make it boating--"a bad day on the water beats a great day in the office (or factory, or store or whatever)




Aug 5, 2007, 7:58 AM
Giving a group of guys blowjobs with my wife!

Aug 5, 2007, 8:06 AM
Makin luff 2 Kate by the river ere an unda shade of a tree.... our place!!! :bigrin:

Aug 5, 2007, 1:09 PM
Makin luff 2 Kate by the river ere an unda shade of a tree.... our place!!! :bigrin:

See what I mean? A big mouth.

Aug 5, 2007, 1:57 PM
I'd be near the water. A lake if I had to but preferably the ocean. With a special someone in tow. Playing in the water, walking in the sand, if we're at my favorite beach riding horses, a picnic, prowling around all the silly beach side shops, cuddled on a blanket watching the sun go down.

If I can't get to the water, I'd like to spend it with the same special someone at my apartment. Big windows, lots of light. Lots of sex, sitting on my balcony in the breeze talking with each other, cooking a meal together, just enjoying being able to take each other in without feeling rushed.

Aug 5, 2007, 4:09 PM
See what I mean? A big mouth.
But ya havta agree its luffly tho.... tee hee :tong: