View Full Version : Ugh, some way to log in the site this morning....

Jul 31, 2007, 12:56 PM
Soooo I changed my profile a few days ago cause I found someone :)

This morning I get a private message from a guy saying "I'll love to be between you two" ? EWWWWWWWWWW
Im not into the threesomes thing.... neither is my parnter, we give each other our full attentions (no sharing and we're both LESBIANS... why would we want a guy??? *sighs*)

What a creepy guy. That kind of message gets someone ignored and on my ignore list :)

Jul 31, 2007, 4:54 PM
I hear you, Tasha... I still get, on occasion, a guy who is pissed off that I'm on here and I won't go down on him...

Best thing you can do is ignore him and don't let him mess up your day... and if it is getting on your nerves, just imagine he has a small dick :bigrin:

BTW: Glad to hear you're attached :)

Ally Kat
Jul 31, 2007, 6:15 PM
I get some of both of those too lol

Skater Boy
Jul 31, 2007, 6:45 PM
I get some of both of those too lol

I think EVERYONE gets a few of those. If you're not interested, they are best just ignored. Or if you're feeling witty you can use the opportunity to practise unusual alternative ways of saying "f*ck off!". :bigrin:

Jul 31, 2007, 6:56 PM
I almost feel sorry for that guy... he obviously got a kick out it and is under a demented illusion that you might as well!!!

Congrats on your new relationship hunnie, you deserve it x


Jul 31, 2007, 7:24 PM
I think EVERYONE gets a few of those. If you're not interested, they are best just ignored. Or if you're feeling witty you can use the opportunity to practise unusual alternative ways of saying "f*ck off!". :bigrin:

God, yes. . .Everyone, from Drew on down, gets the "Creepy PM" at least once. Consider it the price you pay. :p


Jul 31, 2007, 7:52 PM
There are worse things in the world than being hit on all the time i would think?? LOL Sure some are stupid as fuck but what the hell? I am lucky to even get a pc let alone one asking for sex! It's about like getting mad at the person who fucks up your order at mcdonalds in the drive thru. I mean geeez....if they where a genius do you think they would be working at a drive thru restaurant? It's a bisexual forum/chat site ffs. I'd say the odds of a few people saying something a bit pervy from time to time are pretty high LOL. Have a coke and a smile guys :cool: it's just chat.....

Jul 31, 2007, 11:26 PM
Soooo I changed my profile a few days ago cause I found someone :)

This morning I get a private message from a guy saying "I'll love to be between you two" ? EWWWWWWWWWW
Im not into the threesomes thing.... neither is my parnter, we give each other our full attentions (no sharing and we're both LESBIANS... why would we want a guy??? *sighs*)

What a creepy guy. That kind of message gets someone ignored and on my ignore list :)
Please be advised that you would never have to endure such annoying and obnoxious behaviour from myself.

In fact, I can not imagine having any interest in you what so ever.

It totally astounds me as to why some one with a "why would we want a guy" attitude would be hanging around in a bisexual chat room to begin with...

Is it just me, or am I missing something ???


Aug 1, 2007, 5:50 AM
Heh...ONE? Well since I got as many as I did I hope that means there was less to go around...

Aug 1, 2007, 7:05 AM
Congrats Honey on finding someone :) I really do hope you two have many good times together.
As for the weird one :eek: pffft! Ignore him and go one about your own and have a wonderful time. :bigrin:


Soooo I changed my profile a few days ago cause I found someone :)

This morning I get a private message from a guy saying "I'll love to be between you two" ? EWWWWWWWWWW
Im not into the threesomes thing.... neither is my parnter, we give each other our full attentions (no sharing and we're both LESBIANS... why would we want a guy??? *sighs*)

What a creepy guy. That kind of message gets someone ignored and on my ignore list :)

PS to Adam: {Correct me if I am wrong Tasha} TashaSW is here because she originally thought she might be Bi (she had an attraction to women) - and through her family here, has since found that she is actually a lesbian (to her and her new partner's joy).
So, once again Adam, you missed something. Now go to bed without any cookies for not paying attention - lol
Tasha - just because you aren't bi doesn't mean you can't be here - we hope you don't leave cause we love ya sweetie :flag4: .


Please be advised that you would never have to endure such annoying and obnoxious behaviour from myself.

In fact, I can not imagine having any interest in you what so ever.

It totally astounds me as to why some one with a "why would we want a guy" attitude would be hanging around in a bisexual chat room to begin with...

Is it just me, or am I missing something ???


Aug 1, 2007, 4:32 PM
Dogwood - You are correct :) *gives you a plate of homeade chocolate chip cookies*

Ally Kat
Aug 1, 2007, 6:52 PM
Please be advised that you would never have to endure such annoying and obnoxious behaviour from myself.

In fact, I can not imagine having any interest in you what so ever.

It totally astounds me as to why some one with a "why would we want a guy" attitude would be hanging around in a bisexual chat room to begin with...

Is it just me, or am I missing something ???

Adam hon....I'm a lesbian too...and like Dogwood said about Tasha, I started out coming here thinking I was bi, but discovered it was more than that over time , but I love the folks here that helped me through a tough time. I'm not gonna just take off and leave my friends because I discovered something about myself that might not be exactly fitting in with what most see this site as...we all see it as different things

Skater Boy
Aug 1, 2007, 7:00 PM
Ya, tbh, I feel a bit uncomfortable with "Sexuality Fascism" anyway. I just have no desire to hang out (physically or online) with 100% of people who have the same preferences as I do. So "different" people are always welcome in my book. Y'know what they say about variety...

Aug 1, 2007, 8:43 PM
Dogwood - You are correct :) *gives you a plate of homeade chocolate chip cookies*

mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! I love chocolate chip cookies!! More than the Cookie Monster does! :) And home made to boot, too! Thank ya kind lady.
Doggie kisses and a big hug to ya sweetie. :wiggle2:


Aug 1, 2007, 10:53 PM
I suppose that I should have had to good sense to not have gotten myself involved in this, and I think that I shall proceed to extract myself from it.

But not without a final word.

That little "what do we want with a guy" comment just sort of came across to me as being very typical of the sort of sexist, intolerant attitude toward men that I seem to find amoung a lot women that have decided that they are lesbians. It ranks right up there with the type of sexist, intolerant attitude that a lot of gay men seem to have towards women, and I don't like that either.

So, I will shut up about it and go away.


Aug 2, 2007, 11:14 AM
The guy was probably just referring to the pic that you have representing your profile of the hot babes...

Aug 2, 2007, 5:49 PM
ooh, ugh, and gross, if you don't want to interact with guys at all I'm sure there are plenty of lesbian only sights.

Skater Boy
Aug 2, 2007, 5:56 PM
ooh, ugh, and gross, if you don't want to interact with guys at all I'm sure there are plenty of lesbian only sights.

Ah, but its SECRETLY FLATTERING when you get such attention. The public outcry is just there to indirectly tell others that people are hitting on you, and thereby induce popularity! ;) :bigrin:

Aug 2, 2007, 10:04 PM
Ah, but its SECRETLY FLATTERING when you get such attention. The public outcry is just there to indirectly tell others that people are hitting on you, and thereby induce popularity! ;) :bigrin:

Sounds good to me. And sometimes, the rest of the board helps out by not brooking any criticism.
