View Full Version : vegansexuals ?????????????

Long Duck Dong
Jul 31, 2007, 6:43 AM
I saw this in the local newspaper.... has anybody met one... cos I haven't

Wellington - They say you are what you eat, and growing numbers of vegans are shunning sex with meat-eaters because they see them as "a graveyard for animals", a New Zealand researcher says.

These vegans not only refuse to eat meat or animal products but refuse to have sexual contact with meat-eaters because their bodies are made up of dead animals, the researcher was reported saying in The Press newspaper on Tuesday.

Annie Potts, co-director of the New Zealand Centre of Human and Animal Studies at New Zealand's Canterbury University, said she coined the term vegansexuals during her research.

She discovered the vegansexuals while interviewing 157 vegetarians and ethical consumers for a study.

"It's a whole new thing - I have not come across it before," said Potts.

Jul 31, 2007, 1:07 PM
I know a lot of vegetarians... but they don't care if they are around people who are meat-eaters..... just as long as the person eating the meat isnt trying to get the vegetarian to eat it.

Ive known some vegans but again, no problems being around people who like meat stuff.

I have never heard of a vegetarians not wanting to sleep with a meat-eating person!!!!! (or vegans) thats just crazy.

Jul 31, 2007, 1:17 PM
The word 'fanatic' springs naturally to mind.

Jul 31, 2007, 3:38 PM

This reminds me of something from high school. Two of my friends were dating (we'll call them Sally and John). A third friend of mine one day randomly said "Sally doesn't eat meat." She then paused, having obtained our bemused attention, and added gravely, "Poor John."

Jul 31, 2007, 3:38 PM
It's perhaps an unconcious way of limiting their sexual contacts to zero. My theory is that a great many people have all kinds of rules and requirements about sex because, down deep inside, they don't like it!


Jul 31, 2007, 4:10 PM
wow yea ! ok heres my :2cents: on it, sorry to say but as i study human behavior i noticed every time a bias is overcome the need for a new one arises, i have been turned down for sex because i smoke, not that i would smoke in someones presents thats dosent smoke, but it seemed he was just biased against smokers, now that we have out grown the black people bias, religious bias,hippy bias, gay bias and other biases, human nature seems to have to have a hatred for something, it just seems some people have to hate others for what ever reason, and i used the word hate because thats what a bias is a dislike for someone for whatever reason because they feel they are better or different.

Jul 31, 2007, 10:48 PM
wow yea ! ok heres my :2cents: on it, sorry to say but as i study human behavior i noticed every time a bias is overcome the need for a new one arises, i have been turned down for sex because i smoke, not that i would smoke in someones presents thats dosent smoke, but it seemed he was just biased against smokers, now that we have out grown the black people bias, religious bias,hippy bias, gay bias and other biases, human nature seems to have to have a hatred for something, it just seems some people have to hate others for what ever reason, and i used the word hate because thats what a bias is a dislike for someone for whatever reason because they feel they are better or different.

Guess it's true; Nature abhors a vacuum.

But on the flip side, do you really want to be with someone who's body is a mulch field? :eek:

I think I will stick to my omnivorous ways. After all I am a Human, not a cow, deer, sheep, etc. :bigrin:

Jul 31, 2007, 11:07 PM
I know the saying "You are what you eat". But "You are WHO you eat"???

Aug 1, 2007, 9:04 AM
It does not bother me they wont have sex with me!
This just avoids compatibility problems for the both of us.
Because, even if they would have sex with me, it is certain that they would never swallow. :(


Aug 1, 2007, 10:17 AM
What if people just lie to them and say that they're vegan?

Aug 1, 2007, 10:29 AM
It's perhaps an unconcious way of limiting their sexual contacts to zero. My theory is that a great many people have all kinds of rules and requirements about sex because, down deep inside, they don't like it!


You know, that rings true.........seems like quite a brilliant insight to me.

Aug 1, 2007, 11:03 AM
That's why I won't screw vegetarians. I consider it unethical to have sex with a vegetable. We were told that our first day working in the nursing home.

Aug 1, 2007, 11:08 AM
That's why I won't screw vegetarians. I consider it unethical to have sex with a vegetable. We were told that our first day working in the nursing home.


I'm sure that some people do fetishize the idea of fucking a comatose brain dead vegetable like Terry Schiavo.

Lisa (va)
Aug 1, 2007, 1:31 PM
I've been called vegan and vegetarian many times. Though I choose not to eat meat I do consume their byproducts (eggs, milk, cheese etc). It's not so much a lifestyle choice I just prefer veggies and fruits (and pasta). My husband on the other hand would be satisfied with a strict meat diet, it's all just a matter of choice. (And I am getting better at cooking meat). I have no issues with meat eaters though I would like to believe the animmals are at least treated humanely during their lives. But I am sure that there are folks that take things to extremes just like there are those that don't.


hugs n kisses

Aug 1, 2007, 3:00 PM
You know, that rings true.........seems like quite a brilliant insight to me.

Thanks for the recognition and compliment.

Aug 1, 2007, 4:36 PM
I've been called vegan and vegetarian many times. Though I choose not to eat meat I do consume their byproducts (eggs, milk, cheese etc). It's not so much a lifestyle choice I just prefer veggies and fruits (and pasta). My husband on the other hand would be satisfied with a strict meat diet, it's all just a matter of choice. (And I am getting better at cooking meat). I have no issues with meat eaters though I would like to believe the animmals are at least treated humanely during their lives. But I am sure that there are folks that take things to extremes just like there are those that don't.


hugs n kisses

I want to know why vegans won't eat eggs, cheese, milk ....etc???
I understand the Vegetarians, its cause they don't want to eat something that was once real (beef = cows.... pork = pigs....etc)
But no animal is getting killed for eggs, cheese, milk....etc. Maybe I don't understand vegans well. Can someone explain?

Aug 1, 2007, 5:58 PM
If we were meant to eat only vegetables, then we wouldn't have come from the factory with canines and incisors in our mouths to go with the molars.

Conversely, if we were meant to only eat meat, then we wouldn't have molars. :2cents:

Aug 1, 2007, 6:16 PM
I don't understand the whole vegan thing anyway. But, damn discriminated against, due to being a meat eater? That's new. Not to mention stupid. Sorry people I LOVE MEAT.

Aug 1, 2007, 8:06 PM
If this is true that some people are like this--it's their loss--

It is amazing the ways we can come up to self-segregate ourselves from our fellow man!!!

Aug 2, 2007, 2:56 AM
I want to know why vegans won't eat eggs, cheese, milk ....etc???
I understand the Vegetarians, its cause they don't want to eat something that was once real (beef = cows.... pork = pigs....etc)
But no animal is getting killed for eggs, cheese, milk....etc. Maybe I don't understand vegans well. Can someone explain?

The reasons people are vegan are many and varied. Some reasons include the rejectgion of the pain and suffering caused to animals in the manufacture of meat, milk, eggs etc, the environmental cost of meat production and religious grounds (Hindi for example)

The reason they don’t eat eggs, cheese etc is that although animals are not directly slaughtered, as in meet production, the life of an egg producing chicken or milk producing cow is ugly.

Most vegans don’t eat honey due to the pain and exploitation to bees!


Aug 2, 2007, 4:34 AM
Wow...I mean really, another WOW....this isn't just a bias, this another way to try and feel superior, nothing more and nothing less. A way to seperate people. offer unconstructive criticism that lifts the complainant to a self absorbed lofty position in their own mind.

There are 2 facts I cannot escape when I look at foods that paleontologically we are MEANT to eat, and in looking at how everything on this planet eats and lives:

1) Humans aren't meant to deal with highly porcessed foods, nor are animals. When we eat them, we wither and die slow or fast.

2) Everything lives on this planet at the expense of something elses life, however you wish to define it. Whether it is consumed vegetation or animals...everything lives that EATS based on the death of something else whether it is plant or animal.

Even bees gathering pollen to make honey remove reproductive possibilities from plants by their gathering, thus denying a huge proliferation of what could make more plants. True they spread pollen in their actions, but they still steal living plant material.

What we have to get by is the selfabsorbed way we look at things; this death is ok, that one is not. It's all death to live. Your morals or standards may not allow some, but realistically it's YOUR perception of reality on eating not the reality of the thing itself.

Raising food consumption to a sexual bias level is stupid, like me refusing to have sex with someone who eats only flowers I am allergic to for fear of me getting an allergic response from their ejaculate or saliva. It hearkens back to the biblical days of being "clean" and "unclean", and shunning those who dare to be unclean.

Good god, we need to have better biases, people. Can't someone invent one that makes some level of sense?

Aug 2, 2007, 5:21 AM
Very well put and sensible, Ian. And congrats on reaching your hundredth post.

Aug 2, 2007, 5:39 AM
It's perhaps an unconcious way of limiting their sexual contacts to zero.

Well, you're certainly right about that much!

When I was vegan, I was fairly open to all, becaue I already was a poly, bisexual, radical, anti-automobile, etc. eco-nazi.

So I still wanted to get laid. Good point there.

That said, as a vegan my senses were opened up to a whole new level of awareness, and I couldn't really stand the smell or taste of many folks who overindulged in animal products, especially processed, low-grade animal products. My body could feel the toxicity of the disease and chemicals in their system. It was nauseating at times. Just FYI folks - poor health literally stinks.

Aug 2, 2007, 5:47 PM
whatever happened to live and let live,i'm a vegetarian myself but i've never trashed anyone for eating meat. Your life your rules

Aug 3, 2007, 12:47 AM
That is really stupid....but I would rather know something like that up front because I would never be with fanatical idiot. :flag1: