View Full Version : bad way to say hello

Jul 29, 2007, 1:23 AM
One is given to wonder what some people are thinking when they send off, as a way of introduction, a private message or e-mail that is entirely the following;

"you look like fucking idots to me"

We got that from bi male 2, as a way of him saying hello.

What kind of idiot even bothers to do that? Seems an awful waste of time and effort just to irritate someone that you've never met and do not even know.

Really. We have to wonder just exactly WHAT this wanker is thinking.

Guys like this should be banned from the site. After all, it's fine to have your opinion of someone, but to go out of your way to piss someone off, by sending an offensive e-mail to someone just for grins and giggles, is just wrong.

Jul 29, 2007, 1:37 AM
It just seems that some people have their heads in a very bad place. There isn't anything we can do about it most of the time, so just move on and hope they eventually get better.


Skater Boy
Jul 29, 2007, 1:57 AM
Ha, thats funny! Its more offensive than the ones I usually get. The ones I usually get are like... "Hi, how r u" (end of message). To that I usually reply: "Greetings, I am well, thank you so much for asking!". They don't usually bother me after that!!! :bigrin:

Jul 29, 2007, 8:27 AM
That's a shame and I am sorry that it happened to you.
I happen to think you have some great pictures on your profile!
I see a gorgeous couple that shares so much with each other.

Thanks to the rude person that contacted you and prompted you to write this post. Otherwise, I might not have seen your profile.

Nice to meet you, FalconAngel!


Jul 29, 2007, 8:43 AM
One is given to wonder what some people are thinking when they send off, as a way of introduction, a private message or e-mail that is entirely the following;

"you look like fucking idots to me"

We got that from bi male 2, as a way of him saying hello.

What kind of idiot even bothers to do that? Seems an awful waste of time and effort just to irritate someone that you've never met and do not even know.

Really. We have to wonder just exactly WHAT this wanker is thinking.

Guys like this should be banned from the site. After all, it's fine to have your opinion of someone, but to go out of your way to piss someone off, by sending an offensive e-mail to someone just for grins and giggles, is just wrong.
It is best to prove them wrong by devoting a thread to discussing their insulting email. The longer and more indignantly opinionated the thread, the better. This will show them who is the idiots, by gum!

We have met the enemy and they is us.

Jul 29, 2007, 3:27 PM
Ah don't listen to those idiots that sent the mail....

I look at your profile often and its one of my favorties :)

You guys are a good couple, the pictures just shows the kind of fun you two like to have. Nothing wrong with that.
Heck, if I could, I'll wear victorian dresses all the time!!!!!!!!! :) *is a big victorian era fan*

*hugs* Don't let people put you guys down.... your profile is a lot better than some profiles Ive seen :) :) :) :) :)

Jul 29, 2007, 4:41 PM
kit here: the problem we run into is people who don't bother to read our profile properly. yeah we're kinda out there in left field. but we're a team. the ones that drive me bonkers, are the ones that say they are interested as a couple. then turn around message raist or i to meet them seperatly, the chatters are the worst.


Jul 29, 2007, 10:37 PM
Ha, thats funny! Its more offensive than the ones I usually get. The ones I usually get are like... "Hi, how r u" (end of message). To that I usually reply: "Greetings, I am well, thank you so much for asking!". They don't usually bother me after that!!! :bigrin:

We don't mind those kind at all. At least they are nice and maybe they can't think of anything else to say at that time, but they are compelled to say something.

Jul 29, 2007, 10:38 PM
That's a shame and I am sorry that it happened to you.
I happen to think you have some great pictures on your profile!
I see a gorgeous couple that shares so much with each other.

Thanks to the rude person that contacted you and prompted you to write this post. Otherwise, I might not have seen your profile.

Nice to meet you, FalconAngel!


Thanks, Kitten, and nice to meet you.