View Full Version : What's your type?

Jul 28, 2007, 9:28 PM
I never really believed I had "a type" (physically, that is). At least when I was younger. I always thought it was a sort of racism/discrimination. And I always wondered what "he/she's not my type" meant. I used to believe it was a bad excuse.

But I have to admit I find myself checking out a certain type of people more often than others. Even if I don't necessarily end up with "my type" (my ex gf and former love of my life is blond)

Girls: I'm attracted to mediterranean girls. Italians and Spaniards, mainly. Mixed raced girls (although I find the term awful), and black women. I used to have a major crush on that gorgeous black American exchange student back at uni. Lebanese and Moroccan girls too.

Guys: I don't seem to have a type at all. Just attractive (and friendly/fun). Not too hairy, and "fit". Very mainstream, really. Which I find quite strange, because I believe I have very specific tastes when it comes to girls. Maybe because I'm not looking for romance with guys.

Do you find that strange?

Do you have a type?

Jul 28, 2007, 10:20 PM
I've written about my type of men and women on my profile/personal ad on here.

I like butch men and femme women.

I like thin/slender (before anyone says anything, I'm into bigger guys and I'm 5'8"/120lbs) femme/boyish/androgynous women kinda like early/mid 90s riot grrrl fashion or the suicide girls.

For me I wouldn't get in a serious relationship with a guy that doesn't have some sort of facial hair or who doesn't keep it mostly all the time.

I'm not even sure if I could get it up for a guy that doesn't have any and if I did I'd be very surprised.

I have been on VERY rare ocassions attracted to guys who didn't have facial hair or who weren't my type, and while it was surprising I was more attracted to their personality, than their physical apperance. Also our emotions, friendship/relationship, and chemistry had something to do with it too.

Why should I lie just to suit others?

I'd rather just tell someone, and I do so often, "sorry but you're not my type" or "I'm afraid we're not compatible".

I say this rather than lead them on, or to pretend that I am attracted to them when I'm not.

Jul 28, 2007, 10:54 PM
I'll use pictures. . .And words...I'll have to split it into two posts:






Okay... I like. . .cream in my coffee. . .;) I thought there was something wrong with me for years for not finding black men attractive, but now I know I'm just different. I like tall guys. . .a bit flinty in the eyes, and the occasional facial hair, but a smooth body...because I want to be able to pour stuff on it and lick it off :tongue:. I like them with big smiles and sometimes full lips (Tom Brady comes to mind too). I guess most of the guys I like could have been classified as jocks at one point in their life, and I won't deny it.
While not an alpha female, a guy with an alpha male streak is nice, but if they're artistic and geeky, that's just as good and probably actually better for me relationally. I like gentle personalities, but not too gentle. . .I don't want to feel like I have to ratchet back from being myself in order not to outshine him when we're out and about. I always want a guy with a slight "dark" side. One who is willing to go a little dom when he's around me. I can deal with a guy who bottoms, but I perfer versatile men, because I'm the same way with women as well.
I do like masculine men. . .I just can't get into men wearing panties or womens clothes. I wish I could, but I can't. Yet, if a guy is comfortable with bending his gender just a little. . .eyeliner. . .nail polish on the toes. . .things like that, it drives me wild.


Jul 28, 2007, 11:04 PM



I love the girl next door with a little extra... whether it's a little slut, a little rocker or a little glam. Never got into the butch aesthetic, never will. Love the occasional tattoo, but dislike her being covered in ink. I like women who are as smart as I am, and always being into sports is a plus. So, I guess you could add girl next door with a little bit of jock to it. Being ticklish in both sexes is nice. . .and tits. Don't forget the tits... while I may occasionally be intimate with a more flat chested woman, I can't get into them as much.
Sometimes I like "trashier" women... don't ask me why, but sometimes I am in the mood to be with a woman who looks a little worn by life, but not too much so. It's wierd. Maybe because the first woman I was with was like that.


Jul 29, 2007, 10:38 AM
its the aura. some have it most dont.

Jul 29, 2007, 3:03 PM



I love the girl next door with a little extra... whether it's a little slut, a little rocker or a little glam. Never got into the butch aesthetic, never will. Love the occasional tattoo, but dislike her being covered in ink. I like women who are as smart as I am, and always being into sports is a plus. So, I guess you could add girl next door with a little bit of jock to it. Being ticklish in both sexes is nice. . .and tits. Don't forget the tits... while I may occasionally be intimate with a more flat chested woman, I can't get into them as much.
Sometimes I like "trashier" women... don't ask me why, but sometimes I am in the mood to be with a woman who looks a little worn by life, but not too much so. It's wierd. Maybe because the first woman I was with was like that.


Taylor I think you have fine taste in men and women :)
**Fans self**

Ist it just me or is thot ???

Fire Lotus
Jul 29, 2007, 3:09 PM
I try to think of myself not having a *type*, but it seems more often than not, I find myself attracted to people (men and women) with dark features.

Jul 29, 2007, 7:25 PM

Lisa (va)
Jul 30, 2007, 12:50 AM
Not really sure I have a particular type as there are more differences than common factors between the people I have dated: that said I do tend to gravitate towards folks that are older than me, and I find that a man with a little greying is so sensual.


hugs n kisses

Cantaloupe Island
Jul 30, 2007, 2:22 AM
People shouldn't be ashamed that they find one race slightly more attractive. It's true of all people. Remember sexual preference does not equal friendship preference!

When it comes to women, I'm really open to all. I don't really like black women as much.

As for guys, I tend to like mainly white guys.

Jul 30, 2007, 6:49 AM
Yeah my preference is white men and woman, however I do really like some asian girls at times, theres even good looking guys mainly in the films that are hot too.

Main preference is the geeky kinda nice girl, who is pretty hot, but not too hot, I dunno why but I feel more confident arounda girl who is not stunning and plus tend to find the ther type of girls more interesting.

As for men as im still new, im going off looks, I tend to get drawn more towards the pretty boy look, slender too, cant do macho or anything but may change if i decide to take myself up on it. I have yet to meet a guy I talk to that I ever fancie really

Jul 30, 2007, 8:40 AM
I like all sorts, don't really have a preference for skin colour, although I go quite weak at the knees for North Indian/Pakistani guys esp those with long eye lashes, and also tall Arabic men. I've tried to ignore it but I really don't fall head over heels for a guy unless they're taller than me, which is infrequent as I am 6'2". I don't mind women who are shorter than me though, actually I prefer it.
I look for bright eyes and good skin in everybody.
That's about it appearence wise. I prefer looking at the persons personality. Someone mentioned the word 'aura' on here before and I think that's a good description. Oh and f they can't make me laugh, forget it. :cool:


Jul 30, 2007, 10:58 AM
As far as women, I like them to look slightly on the tough side.
As far as men, I have a preference for black guys, I love to pleasure them orally.

Jul 30, 2007, 4:02 PM
Anyone who can hold my interest for more than five minutes :bigrin: I generally go for the bad/party type girl. Way more fun to hang out with! :cool:

the mage
Jul 30, 2007, 4:06 PM
I like intelligent women who dont wear makeup.
Very tall or very tiny turns my head, along with long long hair on men and women.
In men I like a strong looking man self confident with a cut cock, size not a big issue.

Jul 30, 2007, 4:31 PM
I have always had a weak spot for the girl-next-door type. i prefer women as my equal.

Aug 3, 2007, 5:46 PM
i love thick guys,with thick thighs,ass,arms and nice belly,hairy,beard of goatee,tattos and piercing and just hott ....i love a big thick man

Aug 4, 2007, 7:40 PM
I've known for years that I am attracted to - or at least there will be certain key focus points which will make me look twice - of course after that it comes down very much to the actual person as a person.

With men , not really a lot; more negatives, I think. Those things which will not cause me to give a second look. I don't like pierced faces, visible tatts or pot bellies.

With women - there are a few definite plusses. Long dark hair rather than blonde; tall rather than short; a generous backside definitely rates a second look.
But its more the peals of laughter, the smiles the positive personality that will keep me interested.

Aug 4, 2007, 10:32 PM
Hmmmn.....with men, it comes down to personality 90% of the time.

With women, my 'type' is petite, slender, pale-skinned and perhaps a little mousy.....that said, none of the three women who matter most to me approximate this type, which says a lot about what one's pre-existing preferences really mean in practice (diddly).

Aug 4, 2007, 10:49 PM
For me, I am most attracted to a mans intellect, his eyes, his wit. Sense of humor is a given

Aug 7, 2007, 4:47 PM
I think Taylor Made has excellent taste tooo - but if I had the facility I would put her own picture up here above those she has chosen.

TM dear you're not weird, just got a bendy mirror babe.

Aug 7, 2007, 5:07 PM
I think Taylor Made has excellent taste tooo - but if I had the facility I would put her own picture up here above those she has chosen

I gotta agree with ya there ;)

Aug 7, 2007, 9:50 PM
I don't have too much of a type when it comes to my attraction to girls. I like really curvy girls, lovely hourglass shape...mmm. But I also like the more boyish, less curvy girls too. Lol! I also seem to have a thing for punk/goth girls. And cute nerd-girls of course, since I'm a big nerd...automatic attraction. ^_^

For guys, I like cute nerd-boys. I don't think I have a particular physical type that I'm attracted to, though.

~Lastlaf~ :female:

Aug 7, 2007, 10:40 PM

Women - I prefer darker women, height and weight aren't too important, neither is eye, hair or skin colour. I don't like subservient, 1950s housewifey women and I can tolerate most religions but no fundamentalists.

Men - Pretty much the same as women.

Aug 7, 2007, 11:12 PM
ne 1 me fancies! :bigrin:

Aug 8, 2007, 10:27 AM
This may be a tough question. I mean, i only get used on blonde Scandinavians, since i'm surrounded with them, you know, naturale blonde hair, hazel blue eyes, very very pale skin so somehow theoreticly it's hard for me to date with anyone from the south.....i mean i caught myself in situations when i'm in Italy, Spain or anywhere to pay attention mostly on blonde and pale skin people.
But on the other hand i found very attractive some brown and black haired people with some "charisma", and i don't know if it is for some other and various reasons,,,,just, now, at this moment i can't imagine myself in relationship with some latino girl for example, or i need some time to get used to that type.

Aug 8, 2007, 6:18 PM
Women -- I tend to like the artsy/bohemian type. I prefer dark hair either cut boy-short or kept long and teased. (Natalie Portman, Elyse Sewell, that girl in my dance class are good examples.) As for build, I like them tall and lean... and a good smile is always a plus. If I'm not going for the artsy, I like the old-fashioned classic beauties... Naomi Watts in King Kong comes to mind.

Men-- Tall and lean, with a quirky smile and a sense of humor. Jason Bateman would pretty much be my ideal-- dark hair, nice smile, and witty.

In both sexes, I tend to lean towards the intellectual and slim/slender... I've never been to attracted to muscle men. I also tend to be attracted to straight women *sigh*

Aug 8, 2007, 6:20 PM
If I could figure this out I'd probably save myself a hell of a lot of grief :(

Ally Kat
Aug 8, 2007, 6:40 PM
slim, athletic, usually blond(but not always) women, I seem to go for shorter than me too...but I'm fairly tall for a woman so that may just be a coincidence

Skater Boy
Aug 8, 2007, 6:51 PM
Depends. On whether I'm feeling femme or butch. If I'm feeling femme I'll go for a butch, and if I'm feeling butch, I'll go for a femme. This works for either sex, although its just one of my "theories" about myself. I'm also attracted to a pretty or handsome face and personality makes a BIG difference in many cases. Again, just theory... I'm a complex person.

Aug 8, 2007, 7:44 PM
ne 1 me fancies! :bigrin:

Fran, last of the great Scottish Empiricists! :)

Aug 8, 2007, 9:08 PM
lol all of my friends say that i always check out blondes lol i never really noticed before but i guess i kinda do go towards blonde girl next door types i do like brunettes though

Aug 8, 2007, 10:25 PM
When I was younger, I liked athletic women best (not thin, not heavy, in good physical shape). I still find a young physically fit woman attractive, but I am too old for young physically fit women, so my physical interest in them has waned.
Now that I am older, I like nice people and I like happy people and I like smart people and I like nice happy smart well-educated people.
It is hard to find it all in one person (male or female). But nice is not that difficult to find and keeps my sexual needs very well satisfied.


Aug 9, 2007, 7:19 AM
Typical billionaire nympho who loves to cook,rarely home and loves reading a book while the game is on! I kinda prefer her to be a little on the insecure side and try and buy her love :cool: you know the drill....bmw for your birthday, rolex on valentines day, yacht for xmas! Another big turnon would be if she was old fashioned and didn't believe in a prenup :bigrin: A girl like that? wow....makes me hard thinking about it! LOL :tong:

Apr 12, 2015, 6:41 PM
Do the bump!