View Full Version : living la vida celibate

Long Duck Dong
Jul 25, 2007, 10:11 PM
lol thats possibly one of the oddest things you will see in a forum that is mainly sexual and sexuality based.....lol but its true

I am bisexual and celibate........

at 36, it seems like its not right.... that I need help and treatment...... but thats the fun part, I don't need help or treatment.... I am quite comfortable as I am, I have no medical issues or mental issues, I am in near peak condition health wise..... I just can't be stuffed having sex

being celibate has given me the chance to live, for as long as I remain celibate, a lifestyle that is not influenced and controlled by the availability of sexual partners...lol
also it has greatly reduced the conflict around me.... I find that I do not have to deal with * jilted * lovers, jealous people, accusations of not being able to commit, risk of hiv / aids / std etc

one of the biggest parts of my life is that I am not talking with people and feeling the underlying current of * will we fuck, can we fuck, should we fuck * thoughts and feelings running thru my head and body lol

I have to admit that I love the looks that I get from people when they find out that I live without sex...... lol sex is not air, people.... I am surviving quite well without sex..... sex, i mean, not air...lol

before people ask, yes the desire for sex is there.... but its only a desire to fuck.....kinda like a hard wired human response to stimulation......and having tried sex a few times like that, well its like doing pushups...... 10,000 of them....

what I have found, is that sex is a short burst of energy, groaning, grunting and drooling....... lol....and without sex, I was finding that I spent more time talking to and listening to people.... really getting to know them....
out of that, I have come to value my friends so much more, and realised that in a number of my sexual encounters... that I never gave a shit about the other person, it was all about my desire to get laid and get my rocks off.....

some people still feel that I look down my nose out people that are sexually active and constantly seeking that occasional fuck with whoever is available....and the truth is, I don't care...... *one size doesn't fit all * as they say....and whats right for others, just didn't work for me

one of the biggest issues with being celibate, is that I am no longer as polite and nice as I used to be....lol
I find now, that I am more blunt and clear with people, cos it doesn't ruin my chances of fucking them.....and I can now be quite at piece when I occasional tell some people that despite the fact that they are quite attractive and may make a good sex partner, they are also rather rude, obnoxious and about as much fun as losing a condom up ya partners ass.....

one of those days I will go back to fucking people...... instead of fucking people off...lol..... but until that time comes, I think I will just sit here and watch people running around in their endless pursuit of sex........cos its actually quite hilarious watching the way people act..... and if they were celibate, they would act in a totally different manner lol.........

just as a word of warning tho.... living a celibate lifestyle is not a easy one.....you have to allow it to happen, and doing something stupid like deciding to be celibate and then having to fight your desires, wants and urges, is about as much fun as getting a bikini wax using chewing gum lol

so the next time you are mattress munching, doing the funky chicken, dancing the horizontal mamba etc, take a second and think about lil wee me.... and laugh.... cos in a few moments it may sink into your head.... that I am not out fucking some of the ugliest things on earth after a hard night on the grog....
all cos I am living la vida celibate lol

Jul 25, 2007, 11:52 PM
Several of my closest friends are celibate. I will admit when I first found out, it was a little confusing to me. But, it's right for them, it works for them, they are happy, so hey? Good for them. I can understand now that it must free a lot of ones mental power for other pursuits and does allow a lot of freedom from emotional drama. And allow for more control over your life. So, hey, good for you.

Jul 26, 2007, 12:33 AM
There's nothing wrong with being celibate and lots of people are but just don't talk about it.

I have a friend that's 50 and he's gay and he's celibate and it's by choice.

My friend wants a relationship but doesn't have time for one since he works full time and takes care of his nephew as a guardian, and he is very picky about men and wants to find the one he is going to settle down with for the rest of his life and he has had sex in the past.

Jul 26, 2007, 1:28 AM
did over 8 years of that.. a bit by choice, but mainly from social and environmental causes..and, honestly, i'm not sure i'm any the worse off for it.. at one point during that time i was almost homeless and very very under employed.. to have had a family during that time would have been a total disaster.. hell to have anyone other than me in my life, would have been just as bad..

so, to a point, i do agree with most of what you've said here.. but as i've recently found out, when the time comes round again, it makes things all that much sweeter :flag4:

Long Duck Dong
Jul 26, 2007, 1:39 AM
lol richard,

I am the same in a way..... looking forward to the day that I become a sexual being again.....but without the crap of my younger lives....

have to admit that a lot of the emotional and mental issues that I faced, were ones that I created....lol

but its good to know that the green WILL be greener on the other side of the fence........just not sure how hungary i will be when it comes to eating it lol

Jul 26, 2007, 1:44 AM
trust me, it's a great feeling..it's like your soul has been reborn totally free and uncomplicated :cool:

shameless agitator
Jul 26, 2007, 2:07 AM
Congrats. Celibacy can be very freeing. I was celibate for about 4 years just because I couldn't be bothered. It was amazing to realize how much time I'd previously spent thinking about sex. As Richard said it is even better once you start up again

Jul 26, 2007, 11:03 AM
I've had long celibate periods as well, and they must have felt OK at the time, but in retrospect I regret them. You're going to be dead for a long time. And, truthfully, I've never had a sexual experience I've regretted. Never. So you won't hear me singing paeans to celibacy anytime soon.

Jul 26, 2007, 1:31 PM
I've gone long periods of being celibate as well--I think that it is, as are many elements of human sexuality--perfectly normal and natural---and there should not be any wrining of hands over it--if that is the situation of your life for whatever reason--then so be it---

Once again--when it comes to the way people live their lives--it is no business of others as to how a person choses to live his or her life---if someone choses to be celibate or not---straight, gay, bi or whatever-

You are in good company LDD...

Jul 26, 2007, 3:39 PM
Hada cuppla periods wen celibacy wos the flavour of the month... didn enjoy them much cos me wos rite down in dumps... an jeez...wen the penance wos ova..omg wotta relief!!!