View Full Version : Obsessed

Jul 25, 2007, 1:26 PM
I suffer from one or two bizarre obsessions and wondered if anyone else had experienced them.
I have a terrible fear at work, that when I submit a document I have instead actually written all over the paper what I *really* think about my boss and my colleagues e.g. so and so is a pig wanker, or I hate you all <expletive expletive>
When I gave out thank-you cards to people last week (because I was moving on) I kept having to check that I hadn't written obscenities all over the cards.
I actually had to convince myself that I hadn't written "thank-you for....all your shit, you worthless, annoying.....", etc etc.

How weird is that?
Also when I am in really formal situations I keep thinking of really inappropriate things to do: like at this interview, I kept imagining jumping across the desk and ripping the interviewee's bra off, or screaming really loud, or saying "fuck you" to every question.

erm really I'm a nice guy. i guess it's part of OCD.

Anyone empathise? <silence>
What are your obsessions?


Jul 25, 2007, 1:50 PM
Hmmmn......back in my teens, when attending any live theatre event, I would start to worry that I'd begin shouting and disrupt the performance. I never came remotely close to doing so, but I worried about it! I'd long since forgotten this, but your post reminded me of it. Maybe there's a name for this in some Viennese textbook :).

Jul 25, 2007, 1:58 PM
I empathize with the checking and rechecking part of things. I am a compulsive list maker. I make lists from my lists. and then I check my lists.
and then I make another list. and they all sit in a pile on the corner of my desk at home and I check through them often.

Dunno why but have always done that.

shameless agitator
Jul 25, 2007, 3:04 PM
Well the fear that I may have written something I shouldn't only comes up if I write when really tired. Otherwise I can generally remember what I wrote. Definitely identify with the inappropriate ideas though. I'm constantly thinking of ways to shock people and sometimes it just hits me out of the blue how easy it would be to kill them. That used to scare me but now I just let it go

Jul 25, 2007, 4:10 PM
Like Kitten,

Im always checking and rechecking things. Its annoying when I turn something off, walk out of the room but haven;t moved more than 10 steps and go "umm" (turn around and go back into the room I just left to make sure I turned whatever it was off or on.)

I make lists all the time too.
Things to do, things I need to get, things to remember (for later dates).....etc lol
Always been like this... my mom said Ive been doing lists since I learned how to write.... she did say it was a VERY GOOD HABIT to have actually hehe But I think it can be annoying cause then your friends/family seem to expect you to remember things for them. (such as "remind me to do (whatever it is) on (date)" .... knowing you'll write it down hehe

I also have a obbession with the number 2.
NO ONE KNOWS WHY..... Mom said ever since I was a baby everything had to be in twos. 2 water glasses, 2 cookies, 2 toys, 2 clothes..... EVERYTHING IN TWOS. Supposely when I was a kid, I'll get a glass of milk and cookie before bed but that wasn't good enought so I would have 2 cookies BUT the glass of milk was all wrong so I'll refuse.... but set 2 glasses of milk and 2 cookies, I was happy. lol

Today the Two thing still sticks... when Im shopping, I buy things in two.
Everythings always in twos.
Sometimes someone will tell me to pick up something for them from a store then go "ONE please... not two... ONE!!!!" lol

Everything's always in twos :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: This is why sometimes I think I was born a twin who didn't live..... cause twins usualy do the double thing. :)

Jul 25, 2007, 9:47 PM
Hell I've got all kinds of things that would qualify me as someone with marginal OCD.

I'm very particular about my work space. A clean desk top, a place for everything and everything in its place. I'll stop periodically throughout my day to restore the order. I like to have then pens in my drawer arranged by type (markers, highlighters, ball point pens, ink pens). I like for them to be facing the same direction. I put things into order by height (notepads, books, whatever qualifies). I'm forever dusting and wiping down my desktop. When I create files I always type up labels and print them, never handwrite, and I color code files. All of my in baskets have typed, color coded labels as well. The bulletin board at my desk is very orderly. No haphazard attachments. Everything is lined up with equidistant space between items.

Its the same at home. My home files are kept in the same meticulous order as my work files. All of my boxes of stuff in storage have printed labels. I keep my closet organized by style and color. Shoes perfectly aligned, not tossed about on the floor of the closet. My bookshelf is organized by genre. My cds are organized by genre and then alphabetized by artist. I love to clean. I'm a total clean freak.

I can let go of the organizing of things for a little bit, but then it starts to drive me nuts. So no constant checking to make sure the pens are in a row, I can function, but I feel it when I've neglected things too long. There's probably more but some obsessions are just between me and those closest to me. :bigrin:

Jul 25, 2007, 10:10 PM
Also when I am in really formal situations I keep thinking of really inappropriate things to do: like at this interview, I kept imagining jumping across the desk and ripping the interviewee's bra off, or screaming really loud, or saying "fuck you" to every question.

erm really I'm a nice guy. i guess it's part of OCD.

Anyone empathise? <silence>
What are your obsessions?


I always think of inappropriate things. Especially in the men's room standing at the urinal while another guy is next to me doing his business. They always finish quickly once I start laughing...

I'm not sure why.

Oh, and just so no one thinks I'm odd (is that possible), I'm really not laughing at them, lol. No, really.
