View Full Version : bisexual board games

Jul 21, 2007, 11:38 PM
I've been doing some writing and fortunately have had some stories published. Now I'm researching a story and I need a bisexual board game. A party game that leads to.........let your imagination run wild. I've found a few different ones but the bisexual usually means ladies. And the ones with male bisexuality aren't very imaginative or erotic. Any suggestions, tips, links would be very helpful. Thanks for the help :compuser:

Jul 21, 2007, 11:44 PM
Spin the bisexual bottle.

Slide n
Jul 22, 2007, 12:34 AM
what's my cut on the profits?

Jul 22, 2007, 1:08 AM
Use your imagination!

You're the writer here.

A hint.

Don't use twister, chess/checkers, strip poker, closet type games in the dark (think post office or 7 minutes in heaven), Master/slave type stuff, truth or dare, or naked twister.

As these things have been done A LOT before and are overkill in erotic fiction.

Where have you been published?

Jul 22, 2007, 2:06 AM
Thanks for the responses so far. I've already written one story using spin the bottle. I'm looking for a board game. One that dictates the actions rather than having the players make something up as they go along. I remember years ago seeing some board games that were for 2 or more couples and were fully bisexual. Swingers games. That's more of what I'm looking for. And more than likely try and get one or more for personal use.

Jul 22, 2007, 6:25 AM
Truth or Dare

ummmm....Bisexual Pictionary...
haven't looked for actual existing games but these are two that we enhanced and play sometimes.

Jul 22, 2007, 11:11 PM

It is a game I made up But can't find someone to play with me.Ether they are not into men or don't play chess.

It is played like regular chess but when a piece is captured the player loosing the piece gives head to the other for point value. (no going over)If, when you lose a piece, you can say "I saw that coming and had planned on capturing that piece with this one". you can then do a 69 for the combined times of the two pieces. (3 + 5 = 8) Should any player cums before the game is over he looses the game. If the game reaches checkmate, it is winners choice as to what happens next.

All you need is a chess set and a timer.

Pawn ....... 1 point
Biship .....3 points
Rook .......5 points
Queen .....9 points
Knight ....4 points Really it is 3 1/2 points but for the game we make the change

It is fun because it can be played with any gender combination and It gets you all hot and bothered then you have to constraight on the gave again. It gives a player who looses a lot of pieces because the better player can't consenstraight after getting so much head. remem if you cum you loose

Let me know if anybody tries it. Of if anybody nearby wants try (central PA)http://main.bisexual.com/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&noquote=1&p=67786#

Jul 23, 2007, 11:44 AM
I remember a few years ago finding a couple of computer board-type games, both were for 2 to 6 players, and could be configured to allow bisexual (both m & f) action. I think they were called "4Play" and "WinParty." Both were Windows only -- I'm on a Mac now, so I don't have them online. Google them and see if you can find them anywhere (I may have them in an archive somewhere, but I'd have to search).

Jul 23, 2007, 6:04 PM






Jul 23, 2007, 10:30 PM
Thanks again for all the responses. My imagination does run wild.

for a computer there are sexyplay and i4play. Both have a seeting for bisexual. i4play used to have a separate action card set for bisexual but not right at the moment.

I haven't checked the links out yet but thank you very much. It is appreciated