View Full Version : The joys of dating sites

Jul 17, 2007, 2:57 PM
I have decided that dating sites sucks :)

I just shut down 2 more of my accts on dating sites. I think I was on 11 back in Jan.... then in March 8.... and now theres only 3.

The 3 I kept cause I actually have had activity and made a few friends. :)

But you know, as I glance at other dating sites I often wonder the purpose.... why is it there? nothing happens... course the main reason is people just don't want to PAY in order to email someone when they can just go to another site that lets you do it for free.

I know I'll meet someone.... deep down I now have a feeling its not gonna be from a dating website but it'll be someone that I already know in real life or will meet in real life someday.

I also think dating sites are a waste of time....
--- person you meet on a site and you have great chats for weeks then one day they just stop talking to you. You know they are NOT busy cause thier profile said they logged in very recently so yes, they are ignoring you.
--- You're serious.... but keep getting not serious responses.
--- You get smiles/flirts and when you sent that person a message, no response ever.

Why do I bother? :-)

Oh ya.... MATCH.COM sucks!!!!!!!!! :) lol


PS It is creepy when you see the same face on several dating sites but never sent them a message nor have they ever sent you one. You're working at your till as a cashier..... look up at the next customer and looking face to face at a REAL BLOOD AND FLESH person of the picture you've been seeing on the sites lol
Ahhhh!!! Spoooooooooky even tho you were well aware that could happen. hehe

Jul 17, 2007, 4:03 PM
Write in your profile how you want to meet people or how you are looking for local women only.

I've met guys from dating sites and so far it's gone quite well and I'm currently dating and getting to know a guy I met online and things seem to be going well for us. :)

Lots of people do just spam flirty stuff on online dating sites. It can get annoying but that's just how some people are, and a lot of times they just want the attention from other people or they'd rather just cyber or flirt online than actually ever meet or date.

Also keep in mind that the person might not be ignoring you when you message them. I'll sometimes login and get busy with other stuff and I won't log out or close the browser tab so it says that I'm logged in.