View Full Version : Call for workshop proposals for international bisexual conference in Toronto, June 06

Oct 13, 2005, 1:27 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm posting this to bisexual.com's forums on behalf of the planning group for the 9th International Conference on Bisexuality, happening in Toronto, Ontario, Canada on June 15-18, 2006. This originally came from Margaret, one of the co-directors of the Toronto Bisexuality Education Project, organizers of the conference. It is a call for workshop proposals for the conference.


Call for workshops

I'm the programming director for the Ninth International Conference on Bisexuality. I'm looking to put together an amazing collection of workshops for this conference. I'm hoping to provide a lot of workshops on male bisexuality, partly because of recent news articles claiming it doesn't exist. I'd love to get proposals about body issues, bonding, and different expressions of male gender, but I'm open to new topics as well.

The workshop streams I'm working with are below. For each topic read "bisexuality and..."

activism; books/literature; class issues; film/media; gender; health; history; networking; race issues; relationships; religion/spirituality; research/theory; sexuality; women's issues; youth issues.


9th International Conference on Bisexuality
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Call for proposals

***Please forward as appropriate***

Deadline: December 31, 2005
Contact: Margaret Robinson margaret.robinson@utoronto.ca

The Toronto Bisexuality Education Project is now seeking workshop proposals for the 9th International Conference on Bisexuality to be held from June 15-18 2006, in Toronto, Canada.

The goals of this conference are to strengthen connections between international bisexual activists, to exchange views and strategies and to share challenges and successes. The conference aims to move beyond the introductory level to address issues in depth. Proposals should assume that the majority of the audience comes with a strong familiarity with bisexuality.


Skill-building session: teach us something we can use. Ex:"how to organize a coming out group for bisexuals," or "how to choose the best sex toy."

Facilitated discussion: host a group talk on a specific topic (ex: bisexual separatism). Make sure that everyone gets a chance to speak if they want and that no one talks all the time.

Visual presentation: Show us art, a film, or other visual media, and tell us why it's important and relevant to bisexuality or bisexuals. Ex: "Images of bisexual women in films from the 1990s" Take questions from the audience at the end.

Lecture: speaks on a selected topic, may also answers audience questions at the end.

Academic paper: Tell us about a paper you've written, highlighting its main argument, key points, and conclusions. We'll arrange a respondent (or you can suggest one). We'll end with questions from the audience.

Please answer the questions below

What is the proposed title of your workshop?

What kind of audience is best suited to your workshop (ex: beginners, experienced activists, bi men, etc.)?

Which of the workshop types outlined above does your proposal most closely resemble? Are there key differences? (Ex: I would like to do a lecture, but with a discussion instead of questions at the end.)

What do you hope to accomplish or offer in this workshop? What is its content and purpose?

Have you presented this workshops or a similar one before? If yes, when and where? How will this workshop differ from your previous presentations?

Do you need specific material or equipment which you will not be bringing yourself? (Overhead projector, television, VCR, DVD player, large writing surface, etc).

Tell us a little abut yourself and how you came to choose this topic. Please include a brief description of your
experience or affiliation as an activist, organizer, academic, etc. (300 words max)

Please provide your contact information, including full name, mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail, or website. If there will be more than one presenter (ex: a panel discussion) please provide bios and contact information on each person) If you would like, you may send a photo, approximately 200x200 pixels (wallet size).

Please have your proposal to us by December 31, 2005.

Email your proposal to margaret.robinson@utoronto.ca

If you can't email the proposal you may send it through regular mail to:
Margaret Robinson
30 Charles St. West #1816
Toronto, ON M4Y1R5

Presenting provides a unique chance to share your work or ideas with other bisexual activists and also gets you a
reduction on your 9ICB registration fees.

Have questions? Want to present something, but need to work out the details? Get in touch and we'll work it out
together. You can reach me through email, or by telephone at 416-924-3782.

Margaret Robinson
Director, Toronto Bisexuality Education Project
Finance & programming coordinator, 9ICB
June 15-18, 2006

submitted to bisexual.com
by Stephen Harvey aka Polybear
co-director, Toronto Bisexuality Education Project