View Full Version : Question: To all the women

Jul 15, 2007, 12:24 PM
Do you prefer to sleep with bi guys or straight guys?
or does it not make a difference?


Jul 15, 2007, 2:27 PM
Well, speaking from a bisexual married women's perspective, I don't feel that it makes a difference whether the person I sleep with is bi or straight. As long as there is protection involved and regular testing, I'm cool with either.

Jul 15, 2007, 3:08 PM
No problem either way.

It would be nice, though, to have a male partner who didn't find my bisexuality to be a threat to him.

With that one thought in mind-- I'd prefer the bi man.

Jul 15, 2007, 3:11 PM
I'm going to jump in here.

As a transwoman i'd rather sleep with a Bi male

1. I'd be safer than if I was with a straight male
2. I know that the bi male would be turned on by girls :)

Jul 15, 2007, 3:14 PM
No problem either way.

It would be nice, though, to have a male partner who didn't find my bisexuality to be a threat to him.

With that one thought in mind-- I'd prefer the bi man.

You wouldn't prefer a man that wasn't turned on by men? Deep down, wouldn't you need a man that was girl driven?

Jul 15, 2007, 3:16 PM
I'm going to jump in here.

As a transwoman i'd rather sleep with a Bi male

1. I'd be safer than if I was with a straight male
2. I know that the bi male would be turned on by girls :)

no.2 - why?


Jul 15, 2007, 3:17 PM
no.2 - why?



no.1 - why?


Jul 15, 2007, 3:42 PM
You wouldn't prefer a man that wasn't turned on by men? Deep down, wouldn't you need a man that was girl driven?

1. If the bi-man in question wasn't girl driven, he wouldn't be sleeping with me.

2. I'm turned on by other females: I'd find it better to be with a man who understood the ability to be aroused by the same sex.

Jul 15, 2007, 3:44 PM
1. If the bi-man in question wasn't girl driven, he wouldn't be sleeping with me.

sorry should have said...exclusively girl-driven.


Jul 15, 2007, 3:49 PM
No question about it. If I could have my ideal male, he would be a bisexual. Same for girls.

Jul 15, 2007, 4:24 PM
As long as there is protection involved and regular testing, I'm cool with either.

But i do have to say that i think bi guys are a little more open minded to trying new (but safe!) sexual activities and they also don't appear to have quite the same hang up with "every holes a goal" Anal for me (i'm fem) has to be with someone i trust and am comfortable with and *blush* not too big!!!!!!!

Jul 15, 2007, 4:44 PM
bi male with the same kinsey rating (K-3) as myself. In my observations, that seems to work best.


Jul 15, 2007, 4:51 PM
bi male with the same kinsey rating (K-3) as myself. In my observations, that seems to work best.


do you ask them..."excuse me, but before we 'connect', what is your Kinsey rating?


Jul 15, 2007, 4:53 PM
I have never really thought about it before I discovered my husband was bisexual. But now I notice that bisexual guys are more open minded and don't judge people (as much).

I am very glad that I have married a bisexual man. :)

Jul 15, 2007, 4:54 PM
Well, being that I'm still kinda new to looking (mainly on the internet) you can just ask.

But I'm sure when the rubber meets the road, I'd ask which sex he's more likely to form a lasting relationship with.

If he says female, then I feel like I can proceed.

If he says male...well, that leaves me out, doesn't it?

If he says, either. . . then I'll get to know him and see what happens.

Probably should have said all this at the outset.


Jul 15, 2007, 6:18 PM
I prefer bi men......even better, two of them. ;)

Jul 15, 2007, 7:26 PM
Having slept with men with widely varying sexualities, my preference is for a guy that is bi. In my experience I've found them to be more open, more accepting, more adventurous, not threatened by my sexuality, and not drooling at the prospect of seeing me with another woman. (Although open to it in the right situation. lol) Quite honestly I'm a girl that loves m/m action and I love sharing that with a male partner, whether as part of a mmf or just watching the porn.

That being said, there are exceptions to every rule.

Jul 15, 2007, 8:38 PM

no.1 - why?


Straight guys can be homophobic (often violently so) even if they know you're trans. If their buddies find out and start to make an issue of it, you could end up dead. Not everyone agrees that Transwomen are women so that make the straight guy with a transwoman in a same sex relationship.

Gay men aren't turned on by femme girls they want Men, therefore a Bi male is the best and safest chance for me to be with a man (when and if that time comes.)


Does that answer your questions?

Jul 15, 2007, 9:09 PM
Well, I guess I am not really the norm around here. I am STRAIGHT. I have no desire to be with a woman. But....I adore men. Up until two years ago, I was only with one man, my husband who is bisexual. Since that time I have had the pleasure to be with several men...all bisexual. To be honest, I would not want it any other way. I straight man would not want to have me as his wife as I want to see and enjoy the man I am with with another man. That sight is so incredibly erotic-straight men would be freaked by that.


Hopeful Romantic
Jul 15, 2007, 10:14 PM
Having slept with men with widely varying sexualities, my preference is for a guy that is bi. In my experience I've found them to be more open, more accepting, more adventurous, not threatened by my sexuality, and not drooling at the prospect of seeing me with another woman. (Although open to it in the right situation. lol) Quite honestly I'm a girl that loves m/m action and I love sharing that with a male partner, whether as part of a mmf or just watching the porn.

That being said, there are exceptions to every rule.

what she said!!!!

I have found that telling a straight potential partner that I am bisexual leads to the eventual question, or suggestion, that a threesome is expected. Perhaps it is the limited group of males that I have been exposed to, but I find that bisexual men understand the idea of duality, and don't assume that a threesome is immediately on the table. With the right man, the possibility of adding others, either male or female is definately there, but that is after long discussion.

Jul 15, 2007, 10:22 PM
My boyfriend is bi and I wouldn't trade that for the world! It's nice for us both to be able to comment on the hotness of some random stranger passing by. It's also nice to have him be able to understand me that way. :)

~LastLaf~ :female:

Jul 15, 2007, 10:48 PM
I prefer to sleep with straight guys i dont know what it is i just like to know that the guys are going after me. LIke i would love two girls and a guy i love that. I love that alot but to see two guys and then just a girl i'm really not into that. Not saying nothing about the peopel that like it. it's to all there own. lil bit

Jul 15, 2007, 11:20 PM
I have been married to a bi guy forever. I like the fact that we check out both sexes together. It's fun to people watch with him, though our tastes are quite different. There's a certain comradery we share that goes along with being a bi couple.
I like everything about being with a bi man. I wouldn't change it for the world. :2cents:

Jul 16, 2007, 1:20 AM
I have been with straight and bisexual men and my preference is 100% a bisexual man. In my experience they are more free,without all the hang ups.Trying new things,comfortable with their own body,and comfortable with their own sexuality makes for a far better lover. I am so happy to be married to bisexual man!!!!!!!! :bipride: :)

Jul 16, 2007, 7:54 AM
I don't think I've knowingly bedded a bi-guy. (And I've been bedded quite a few times.. :rolleyes: )
I let me do the bi-stuff!!! :flag2:

Jul 16, 2007, 12:02 PM
Straight guys can be homophobic (often violently so) even if they know you're trans. If their buddies find out and start to make an issue of it, you could end up dead. Not everyone agrees that Transwomen are women so that make the straight guy with a transwoman in a same sex relationship.

Gay men aren't turned on by femme girls they want Men, therefore a Bi male is the best and safest chance for me to be with a man (when and if that time comes.)


Does that answer your questions?

Yes totally! Thanks

Does it annoy you that you have to use the female T icon for your gender by your profile name? Wouldn't you rather have the female circle and cross?


Jul 16, 2007, 3:10 PM
i have never been with a bi man. in fact i do not personally know any [although i'm sure i do, and am not aware of it :)]. but i have no problem with the thought of sleeping with a bi guy, as long as i feel appreciated and connected to my lover. :)

Jul 16, 2007, 3:46 PM
I prefer to sleep with straight guys i dont know what it is i just like to know that the guys are going after me. LIke i would love two girls and a guy i love that. I love that alot but to see two guys and then just a girl i'm really not into that. Not saying nothing about the peopel that like it. it's to all there own. lil bitWow, thank you!

I was starting to think that no women preferring to sleep with straight men were going to voice their preference.

I know that we are in a bisexual site, therefore a lot of people here are bisexual, have a bisexual partner or are understanding with bisexual people, so I guess that if we do the same question dafydd did on his first post of the thread in a wider group, including proportionally the same amount of straight, bisexual and gay people, the results would probably be quite different.

I have experienced that gays are usually threatened by us being bisexuals and to a certain point, straights also, but not as much, at least according to my experience. It would be also interesting making the question to men and women and checking what would be the difference between the men and women asked.

All the best,


Jul 16, 2007, 3:49 PM
Wow, thank you!

I was starting to think that no women preferring to sleep with straight men were going to voice their preference.

I know that we are in a bisexual site, therefore a lot of people here are bisexual, have a bisexual partner or are understanding with bisexual people, so I guess that if we do the same question dafydd did on his first post of the thread in a wider group, including proportionally the same amount of straight, bisexual and gay people, the results would probably be quite different.

I have experienced that gays are usually threatened by us being bisexuals and to a certain point, straights also, but not as much, at least according to my experience. It would be also interesting making the question to men and women and checking what would be the difference between the men and women asked.

All the best,


I guess most of my straight female friends would rather sleep with a straight guy- they don't trust bi guys.
Seems that most of the bi women here would rather sleep with bi guys, they don't trust straight guys.


Jul 16, 2007, 4:15 PM
I guess most of my straight female friends would rather sleep with a straight guy- they don't trust bi guys.
Seems that most of the bi women here would rather sleep with bi guys, they don't trust straight guys.

DYes, I would say so too. I guess the difference is based on asking here to bisexual women or women who have had/have a bisexual man/bisexual men as partner/s.

All the best,


Jul 16, 2007, 5:30 PM
I have a straight guy for my partner, and I've usually gone out with straight guys. it just seems the dice rolled that way for me *shrug*, but i'd like to do a bi-man or have two bi-men =9 ...

i suppose it really depends on what i want at the moment. atleast with a bi guy i could discuss attractive males AND females, but with my straight guy we discuss attractive females and he listens to my comments on guys. shrug. dunno really. i love my straight guy. but i would have to be the anti straight guy and ask a bi guy to have a threesome with me, same as a guy would ask of me... fair's fair.

on the other hand, any threesome is fun.

on the third hand, i guess i lucked out in finding an open, non jealous, understanding straight guy.

Jul 17, 2007, 5:20 PM
Yes totally! Thanks

Does it annoy you that you have to use the female T icon for your gender by your profile name? Wouldn't you rather have the female circle and cross?


It's better than nothing , and I'd rather be upfornt and honest about my status than decieve someone into sleeping / being with someone they don't want.

After all I *could * have just chosen female when I signed up, it's not as if they check or anything right?

Maybe after I have the surgery(if I have it), I will just check the "F" and let it go.

Who knows?