View Full Version : New Harry Potter Movie

Jul 14, 2007, 2:03 AM
I went to see the new Harry Potter movie--in my opinion--it is the best of the lot---but if the movies were ever OK for younger kids to see--I don't think they are any longer--it was a definite degree darker then the previous movies---

For those who have seen the movie---did you like it? and for those who have not yet seen it yet--are you planning on doing so???

Jul 14, 2007, 2:24 AM
I saw it and felt that a lot of little things seemed to be missing.

On the other hand I saw it at the drive-in and couldn't see the actual projection of the movie very well and the sound was bad so I might have missed some things.

RJ :lokai:

Jul 14, 2007, 2:56 AM
I just saw it today. And yes as always things got left out, but the main ideas were conveyed better in this one than a few of the others. I agree that it is definately darker than the rest of the movies. I will eventually let my son watch it but not for a few years. But in the end this will be a good series for him to watch when he can understand it all.

Jul 14, 2007, 9:06 AM
I took my girls to see it at the Imax the day it came out. We've been waiting anxiously to see it. It is definitely dark, just as the book was the darkest of the series. I think it reflects Harry's age and the very human reaction to being unaccepted and rejected. Thinking that he might be turning into or possessed by something as evil as Voldemort requires deep soul searching and that process is dark and full of anger. It is definitely the dark night of the soul. I am amazed when I talk to my girls, just how much they "get" things even at 9 & 11 years old. They understand the concept and know why Harry is angry, and it's good to see him rising above that in teaching his friends, and deepening his relationships with them even as he rejects their love.

But, back to the movie, I think it was the best yet, and kept the important things in the movie. I think it was very well done.

Next Friday will find us dressed as book characters attending the party at the library as we await the stroke of midnight. If JK kills Harry off, my middle child will want to fly to England to strangle her. Dark is one thing, but I am hoping good can triumph. We will do nothing but read until it's done, I'm sure.

meteast chick
Jul 14, 2007, 9:24 AM
My friend and I took my boys to see it and I have to say I was not impressed. I attribute it to the fact that the book had so much detail that was hard to convey onscreen, but even the action sequences didn't seem to be up to par. I was so looking forward to some things and they completely left them out.

We then went to see Transformers an hour later and it rocked the socks! I loved the other Harry Potter movies but I suppose the kid in me was hoping for something closer to the other ones.

Just my :2cents:
luv and kisses,

Jul 14, 2007, 12:06 PM
I saw it and felt that a lot of little things seemed to be missing.

On the other hand I saw it at the drive-in and couldn't see the actual projection of the movie very well and the sound was bad so I might have missed some things.

RJ :lokai:
Wow there are still drive-ins somewhere....neat-o! I will wait for it to come out on video. :)

Jul 14, 2007, 1:20 PM
We will be going to see it at the Imax here in Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow. Can't wait.

Jul 14, 2007, 3:00 PM
I can't wait until Daniel Radcliffe comes to the United States to perform his play Equus!

Jul 14, 2007, 4:01 PM
Having see HP5 twice now, I feel for something that is over 2 hours long, it mirrors the key moments necessary in Book 5 in order to still have the necessary parity with the novels and with past and future films. Of course the movies can never convey the full richness of the books on which they are based. However, keep in mind that J.K Rowling still has a say in what needs to be in the movies, in order for them to properly lead up to the grand conclusion that is Book 7, especially when it is transformed into film. Miniscule elements such as the 2 brief appearances of the house elf, Kreacher, were put into the film on Rowling's say so, as sources say Kreacher has an important role in the last book. The director had originally left him out. His part in the 5th movie is nondescript, but he's there nonetheless.

With a PG-13 rating, and the mirrored darkness of the corresponding book, it is definitely not a movie for younger crowds. Only parents can tell what their children can and cannot handle, but I would hesitate to take a child under the age of 10.

Next Friday night will also find me partying, in partial costume, at my local bookseller -- in anticipation of procuring my reserved copies of the last book... both in Hardcover and in unabridged Audiobook. Regardless of the ending, it will be an awesome thing that unfolds!


Jul 14, 2007, 4:25 PM
Wow there are still drive-ins somewhere....neat-o! I will wait for it to come out on video. :)

A few years ago I read an article on our local drive-in and it said that ours was one out of about fifty left in the US. Since then I know of two that have closed. Drive-ins are still around, just hard to find. :wiggle2:

RJ :lokai:

Jul 14, 2007, 9:59 PM
Just saw it today, and I quite enjoyed it. I had been a little scared after reading the reviews that said it was too dark and just a set-up for the following movies, but I was pleasantly surprised- riveted to the screen despite knowing what was going to happen.

I particularly found Imelda Staunton's performance as Delores Umbridge to be awesome . . . a character you can absolutely love to hate.

And while it was a little dark, it totally worked. My only complaint would be the glossing over good details for a more streamlined movie. But still, I loved it.

Jul 15, 2007, 10:22 AM
The one thing you have to remember with a movie based on a book--it is a movie that happens to have the same name of a book--it is impossible to put into a movie--all of the elements that make up a book---

You just have to consider the movies of Harry Potter as being very different animals than the books of Harry Potter--

As a movie---and in the realm of the Harry Potter movies---I really liked this one the best thus far---

But yes--the books are better than the movie--and I am looking forward to seeing how the Harry Potter saga ends when the book comes out this week--and I hope that I don't hear how it ends before I get to the end of the book--but since the hype and reporting will be so focused on the release of the final book---I am sure I will hear what happens to Harry and his pals and if "you know who wins" or does the good guys----

Jul 19, 2007, 5:51 PM
I'm with Meteast. It left m feeling a bit unsatisfied, like when you almost sneeze, but don't. Yes, I know a book can't get everything in there, but there have been some, like the Lord of the Rings movies, that captured some scenes so well that I felt like they had reached into my head and projected what was there onto the screen (unfortunately, they don't do that with the dirty movies that are in my head...)

Anxiously awaiting the new book. I read faster than my wife, and she has to go back and read 6 first, so I get first dibs on it....