Oct 11, 2005, 6:30 PM
I came up with a great idea and as usual decided to check and see if the idea had already been thought of.. Sure enough it was! This is a great day for all you Americans..


((modification: see below))


Oct 11, 2005, 6:34 PM
Upon second inspection this day is actually INTERNATIONAL


I think that it's very dissapointing that I have never heard of such a day living in Ireland..

out of curiousity, just how many people were aware of this day..?


Oct 11, 2005, 9:29 PM
Wow, didnt know about it at all..

Oct 13, 2005, 5:34 PM
Found out about it just 20 minutes after the day had finished. Guess I'll have to wait until next year!

Oct 14, 2005, 1:10 AM
Found out about it just 20 minutes after the day had finished. Guess I'll have to wait until next year!

I found out a half an hour before it ended.. i was so dissapointed but i managed to tell my mom about my orientation so all was not lost. She's cool about it.


Oct 14, 2005, 3:41 AM
haha, yeah, i heard about the day from my sister. there is also a talk like a pirates day that she was telling me about. (but i guess that one isn't relevent here! lol) anyway, happy coming out day! (even tho i'm a few days late 'cause i rarely read the threads here!) :bipride:

Oct 14, 2005, 3:50 AM
I found out a half an hour before it ended.. i was so dissapointed but i managed to tell my mom about my orientation so all was not lost. She's cool about it.


Sounds like you had a great Coming Out Day...better late than never. I'm so happy to hear that your Mom was OK with everything! Speaking as a mom myself, I think all we really want for our kids is for them to be happy, and luckily, your mom seems to feel the same way.

Kate :tong:

Oct 14, 2005, 10:04 AM
Thanks kate, I was gonna leave it till next year's Coming Out Day to tell the rest of my homophobe family (all males) but I think instead i'll challenge them man to man to show them it hasnt changed the "me" that they already know. As harsh as this may seem I know my family's mentallity very well and realise that the only way to make them understand is to defy their previous belief (and distract them from the fact that Bi's "fuck" other men) lol

In the meantime I really wanna see what I can do to promote this day in Ireland next year. Sooo many of us (especially in a crap-hole like Ireland) live our lives in fear for our physical health when it comes to coming out but I really feel a nationally recognised day such as this will, at the the very least, increase the percentage of people willing to take the big step and tell someone that they normally wouldnt have dared. (alcohol and/or a good excuse like International Coming Out Day will grant Irish Queers courage and bravery I hope)

Lets all do our little bit that makes the big bits come together..


Oct 14, 2005, 1:42 PM
Congratulations Damon!!!

Its great your mum has taken it so well and I hope the rest of your family are just as understanding. If I had known about the day sooner I might have told my folks too. I'm pretty sure my folks think i'm gay anyway so I guess I dont have anything to loose by telling them, and like Kate said I'm fairly sure they will just want me to be happy.

I think we should all do what we can to promote the next coming out day where ever we can.

Oct 14, 2005, 5:10 PM
haha, yeah, i heard about the day from my sister. there is also a talk like a pirates day that she was telling me about. (but i guess that one isn't relevent here! lol) anyway, happy coming out day! (even tho i'm a few days late 'cause i rarely read the threads here!) :bipride:

Ok, sadly enough I DID know about Pirates Day but not about Coming Out Day. What is wrong with my life? :eek:
Thanks for alerting us to this day so that it can be marked on calendars for next year. Hopefully Drew will include it as part of a calendar event for the site also.

Arana :tong:

Oct 16, 2005, 8:50 PM
I was so busy having fun for Nat'l Comming-out day, I forgot to some on here and wish you all a happy Day!

Philly had a wonderful Block party in our Gayborhood.

Hope evryone had a wonder day!