View Full Version : Happy Friday 13th :)

Jul 13, 2007, 10:42 AM
Friday 13th has always been a good luck day. Good things happen even if it was in a dream!!

This morning I was woken by the most arousing dream that its still fresh on my mind! lol

What is everyone up to today??
Im gonna go out and do errands :)


Jul 13, 2007, 10:57 AM
I'm think I might try to get some plans together later tonight, but for now I'm biding my time until I gotta put Mr. Simmons in my VCR hahaha. Yes I do Richard Simmons in the mornings! :P I know it's cheesy, but it the only workout where I get to laugh half the time. Plus it's nice when he says nice things during the video like, 'I'm so proud of you!' or 'Let's do it sistah!' ;) OOPS! I'm rambling!

I've already dug up my friday the 13th collection and I'm debating whether I should watch it from start to finish, or just jump straight to 'Jason takes Manhattan'! Hmmmm, decisions decisions......

Jul 13, 2007, 2:23 PM
I'm stuck in Washington DC, hoping my project finishes on time so I can go home tomorrow. It's looking good so far, but you never know. :bigrin:

Jul 13, 2007, 3:35 PM
So far so good. Went to the gym this morning, ran some errands and now I'm taking a break from school work.

Really, I love Friday the 13th. It's like Christmas and Halloween all rolled into one!

Jul 13, 2007, 6:02 PM
Mediocre day, but going to go meet a few friends at Holiday Park in Ft. Lauderdale to see a free, open air concert (happens every Friday).

As far as Friday the 13th being unlucky, it was on a Friday the 13th that the Pope's troops, in a (surprisingly) well coordinated move seized the Knights Templar and their assets.

Jul 13, 2007, 6:15 PM
its like 23:15 and im just winding dow after an odd day...not bad not great lol ^^

Skater Boy
Jul 13, 2007, 6:20 PM
I *wish* I could say I got ANYTHING other than tidying up my bedroom done today. But I didn't.

On the bright side, no psycho in a Jason mask attacked me with a kitchen knife, so I guess it wasn't that bad a day after all.

Jul 13, 2007, 10:59 PM
Actually, it has been a fairly good day...

First time in weeks that I have not gotten negative feed-back about my posts in this forum.

And it is the first day in quite a while that my cat has not pissed all over my shoes.


Jul 13, 2007, 11:20 PM
AHHHHHHHHHHHH i HATE FRIDAY the 13th unlucky day I know something is going to go wrong since the day is not done.