View Full Version : Getting ticked off... whats wrong with the stupid D drive?!?!

Jul 12, 2007, 3:56 PM
Ok. lately every time I try to install a new game in the D: drive... it ALWAYS tells me to put in the disk... hello... ITS ALREADY IN!!!

Nothing I do works. I even tryed "Run" "D:" and it tells me to put in the disk but its already in??

These games are NEW.... the back looks fine. No straches or anything.

This has been happening with a lot of things that require the D drive so I wonder whats wrong with it?? I have not done anything to the drive. I have NO IDEA if my ex even did anything when he lived here last year but I know he removed a bunch of programs without my permission so I don't know if he removed the D drive somehow????

Someone help! :( I need my SIMS!!!! (hehe)

Thanks in advance and whoever helps will get hugs and kisses :)

PS I have windows XP My moniter is only a few years old... 2004

Jul 12, 2007, 4:09 PM
Tasha not to get excited yet. Your "D" drive is your cd r/w correct? Put an everyday music cd in it and see if it plays. If it does then thats another deal....if it doesn't then its generally one of a cupla things cd drive is bad or possibly a loose connection such as data or power cable going into the cd...thats where you probably need to start and if that doesnt get you in the ball park...mite need to have someone local look at it JIM

Jul 12, 2007, 4:17 PM
I don't have any music CDs since I don't listen to them :tongue:
But my scrabble game CD is working.

But I want to instaill Sims2 Deluxe and thats giving me problems just like another game did (not sims) even tho Im following what the manuel booklet says.

Jul 12, 2007, 4:24 PM
You are probably trying to play a dvd/rom game in a regular cd/rw drive..

Jul 12, 2007, 4:31 PM
You are probably trying to play a dvd/rom game in a regular cd/rw drive..

No, this is a dvd/game drive. I have no need for music or other cd drives other than play movies/games.

The drive is playing my scrabble disc game fine... just not letting me install Sims Deluxe 2... This has done the same thing with a couple other games I tried to install too.... yet different games work just fine when I put the disc in the drive.

The only other disc drive I have is A: (small disks)

Jul 12, 2007, 4:41 PM
Are the games that you are trying to install new (OEM new) or are the copies?

Jul 12, 2007, 4:46 PM
Are the games that you are trying to install new (OEM new) or are the copies?

New. Purchased from EB Games. i never buy the used games.

Jul 12, 2007, 5:11 PM
Tasha - I'll check back later tonite - do you have the original re-install discs that came with your computer. If so, you might have to back up (make copy) what you want to keep (so you can re install it later) [merely precautionary]and re-install the drivers. When your ex deleted the files, some drivers or syntax (batch) files may have been deleted as well.

Jul 12, 2007, 5:38 PM
Ok, let me try to be more clear.
I only use my D drive to play my dvds and games. In the past it has always worked with no problem when I put in a disc (dvd movie or game)

I bought 2 games BRAND NEW this weekend and one plays just fine. D drive ran and installed the game and it works.
Now, the other one... I put in the disc. Nothing happens so following the booklet I click "run" and "d:\autorun" It tells me to put in the disc
BUT THE DISC IS IN!!!! So why is it telling me to instert disc when its already in?

I try game #1 again and that disc still works.
I try another game I haven't played with for awhile and that one brought up the install screen.
So why won't the problem disc work?

Was this more clear?? This has done the same thing to another game I tried to install awhile ago. Put in disc, nothing happens other than telling me to put the disc in and its ALREADY in. lol

The disc looks fine so it should work.

This was not a cheap game and I can't return it as I bought it in Ontario. *sighs* (Unless you can exchange at the same store but different location?)


Jul 12, 2007, 6:47 PM
If you know how to access the drive using windows explorer, just access the drive files and look for the executionary file that starts/installs the game and double click it. The autorun file may be corrupt. Obviously nothing is wrong with the drive if other disks work. There will also be a readme file on the disk that will give you work arounds if they are needed.

Jul 12, 2007, 7:19 PM

If I'm understanding you correctly only one disk is giving you problems? Then take it back. You can't tell if it's ok just be looking at it.

Jul 12, 2007, 8:05 PM

If I'm understanding you correctly only one disk is giving you problems? Then take it back. You can't tell if it's ok just be looking at it.


I can't take it back since I bought it at EBGames in Ontario. and Im back in BC but we do have a EBGames here too so I don't know if I can exchange?
BUT the problem Im having with Sims did the same thing when I tried to install another game (Neverending Nights (sp)) .... I got an exchange thinking it was a faulty disc.... the exchange didn't work either... so they gave me another to try and THAT one wasn't doing anything either. Yet my other games were playing OK when I put in the disc.

Jul 12, 2007, 8:45 PM
Go into your Windows explorer and see how many drives are showing in your system.

If D is there, then look at it and see how much free space is on it. It may be that it doesn't have enough free space for the game or it could be that there are corrupted files in the computer.

Worst case scenario, you would have to reformat the drive (or all of the drives), reinstall your operating system and try again.

Jul 12, 2007, 9:37 PM

I can't take it back since I bought it at EBGames in Ontario. and Im back in BC but we do have a EBGames here too so I don't know if I can exchange?
BUT the problem Im having with Sims did the same thing when I tried to install another game (Neverending Nights (sp)) .... I got an exchange thinking it was a faulty disc.... the exchange didn't work either... so they gave me another to try and THAT one wasn't doing anything either. Yet my other games were playing OK when I put in the disc.

If you still have the receipt, take it to the store where you're at now. thet should refund or at least exchange it.

Jul 12, 2007, 11:10 PM
Tasha, I don't know how technical you are but I'll stake the claim you have good computer skills to attempt the following: <long technical babble rabble below. Gawd i'm working from home again>

There could be some dust on the laser lens that may make it more difficult to read the disk. A Quick blast of canned air to blow out the dust can help but be careful when doing that. DRY AIR, don't tilt the can and frost the inside of your drive or you may not be happy with yourself later.

Try "Exploring" the disk from My Computer. In the window Right click on the D Drive and select EXPLORE. It shouldn't take a real long time to display the directory structure on a clean and readable disk. If it takes a LONG time start to suspect something is up with the disk. Compare times by exploring a different disk you know is good (DVD vs DVD or CD vs CD).

At the root of the D drive you should see the autorun file. It usually points to another file called setup.exe or some similar executable file. THat setup file could also reside in a directory folder so you may have to poke around a bit. You could attempt to doubleclick on the setup file instead of Autorun.exe to jumpstart the install.

If that doesn't work but the drive seems like it can read all the files and directories OK then you could attempt to copy the disk to your hard drive (if you have room. DVD's can be upwards of 4+ gig on one side) and run the installer from your HD. Create a temporary directory at the ROOT of the C drive then COPY all the directories and files off the disk to the temp directory. (Select ALL then Drag and Drop from one window to another)

If you get any errors on the copy operation windows should halt or warn you it cannot read something. If this happens then the disk just might have a bad burn or poor optical qualities and/or/ the D drive may have problems reading the image due to a weak laser or some other mechanical/electrical problem.

If the copy operation seems successful then before you attempt to double click on the setup file you should compare the temp directory and the disk for total number of files and bytes of data. In My Computer Right click on the D Drive and select PROPERTIES. Explore your C Drive and right click on your Temprary directory and select PROPERTIES. You should have the same number of files and the byte count should match. If your temp directory #'s are lower than the D drive then the copy operation missed something. You may have to hunt and compare to see what didn't copy. (there are utilities that can do this for you if you look online for them.)

But it is not 100% guarantee that if the copy operation does work that the installer will work. If it copies bad data byte for byte then you still have bad data. OR if the installer does work from your copied image BUT the game requires the disk in the drive to play then you may still have problems running your game.

Is your D drive a Burner for the same type of media as the disk? If you believe you got all the files copied off try burning the files back to a different disk. or if you have a friend that can make a copy for you on a quality disk... Try again. Not all CD/DVD media is created equal and not all plays well in certain brands and models.

Good luck


Jul 14, 2007, 1:01 AM
Ok, I go into EBGames today and get a replacement for that game that keeps telling me to put in the disc WHEN ITS ALREADY IN

THIS one isn't doing anything as well!!!

I abandon it and just load my oringal SIMS 2 game and it installs fine.

The one that was giving me problems is "SIMS 2 DELUXE" which has both Sims 2 and Nightlife. I can't find Nightlife anywhere and wanted it.

So tonight Im sitting back in my comfy chair, drinking my tea, looking at the 2 game cases on my desk. I noticed something I failed to notice before.

Very top:
SIMS 2 Deluxe - PC DVD

Now Im aware.... and now I understand too.... I hadn;t realized they made 2 versions these days since I was used to buying whatever game in the past and it always played on my comp.

Ahhhh no wonder.
