View Full Version : Story submitted

Jul 9, 2007, 11:02 PM
I submitted a story to threepillows over a week ago but never heard back. Is there any other way to get in touch with Drew? Advice appreciated. Thanks y'all. Anyone who helps me out can get an advance copy! hehehe. :-)

Jul 9, 2007, 11:14 PM
Not sure how long it takes but your story might have been declined by three pillows. best of luck......

Jul 9, 2007, 11:40 PM
I submitted a story to threepillows over a week ago but never heard back. Is there any other way to get in touch with Drew? Advice appreciated. Thanks y'all. Anyone who helps me out can get an advance copy! hehehe. :-)

Atrus---I would give it more than a week for a response--like with most any publisher of material--they get so much stuff "over the transom" as they say in the publishing world--that it takes time to sort through it all---

It may be likely that just like with printed publishers---you may never hear back--that is just part and parcel to trying to get work published of any kind---

Just be patient---I am sure you will hear something at some point---

Jul 10, 2007, 4:43 AM
Just submit it to a free site that's updated often like Nifty.org or MenOnTheNet that way you'll reach a wider audience.

Jul 10, 2007, 6:55 AM
Just submit it to a free site that's updated often like Nifty.org or MenOnTheNet that way you'll reach a wider audience.
I actually have a few stories on Nifty as well. I just really wanted to see how the membership @ threepillows would respond to my writing. I'll give it some more time. Patience isn't my strong suit. LOL!