View Full Version : Mystery of Male Bisexuality Solved!!!!!

Jul 9, 2007, 11:51 AM
Guys-I have finally figured out why males are "bisexual/bisexual curious"!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :smilies15

Every since we were little ones--what have we done? We have liked to play with our own dicks---and maybe we played with the cocks of some of our friends and they played with ours-----

We still like to play with our own cocks, but after awhile---it is not as much fun to simply play with our own---we want to play with someone else's too and have someone else play with ours---

So--forget all of those academic, philosophical and other fancy-schmancy theories--its simple--we love to play with cocks---we are facinated by them--and somehow----we decided not to follow the prohibitions that are dictated that a guy does not play with another guy's cock or let another guy play with his..

Mystery solved----thank you very much--

You can make out your checks to..... :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin: ;) ;) :) :) :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :smilies15 :smilies15 :smilies15 :rotate: :rotate:

Jul 9, 2007, 12:45 PM
As good an explanation as any, and better than most.
Having fun with your book, volt?

Jul 9, 2007, 12:51 PM

Jul 9, 2007, 1:29 PM
that's a good one.

so, does that work for women too? we can't have enough booby play so we want to play with others and have others play with ours?

Jul 9, 2007, 1:32 PM
Yeah, ya know it just dangles down there, waiting to be played with. It's always handy, never on vacation, never has a head ache, always responsive to attention, provides immediate feedback - so the bigger question is, men's dicks are so convenient, why do we want to work so hard sometimes to get to play with a woman and her naughty bits?

Now I know the answer for me, at least I think I do. Women are beautiful, sexy creatures and the very fact that they are not so convenient, makes their allure even more powerful.

But I can definitely see Both Sides Now. (Was that a shameful Joanie Mitchell reference? :bigrin: )


Jul 9, 2007, 1:42 PM
It actually scares me as to how much sense Voltman is making.

Anyway, Nobody about So I'm off to play with my cock. Why? Because it's there!

:bigrin: :bigrin: :tong: :tong: :bigrin: :bigrin:

Jul 9, 2007, 2:06 PM
That explains eevrything I am just to my cock and want to play with another for a while.

Jul 9, 2007, 2:18 PM
I also have another theory--when guys (who can afford to do so) buy things like high performance cars, boats, motorcycles and other similar things--it kinda goes back to the cock too--kind of like saying--"my cock's bigger than your cock"* *or at least I want you to think it is!!! LOL

As far as why women might be bi---why would they find a hairy, smelly body all that attractive!!!!! :bigrin: :bigrin: :bigrin:

Jul 9, 2007, 8:43 PM
Personally, I don't find it a mystery at all. The mystery to me is why all people ain't bi. It seems so natural once you understand that all people (genders) are sexy and have pleasure to offer and like/need to receive. Some the same and some different - just like people.

That sums it up for me.

Jul 9, 2007, 10:50 PM
Right on 12voltman. Good insight.

That is a much better explanation than any others that I have ever heard.


Jul 9, 2007, 11:37 PM
Personally, I don't find it a mystery at all. The mystery to me is why all people ain't bi. It seems so natural once you understand that all people (genders) are sexy and have pleasure to offer and like/need to receive. Some the same and some different - just like people.

That sums it up for me.

I know volty was joking when he wrote this post.

But I don't agree with it, or the quoted text that NakedInSeattle posted since I don't agree that "we're all bisexual but we don't know it", that "everyone is bisexual", or "all men secretly want sex with other men but just don't want to admit it".

The truth is, not everyone is bisexual or even wants sex with the same gender. Heterosexuals are in the majority of the population but this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Just because someone is gay or hetero and they tried sex once or a few times with the opposite/same gender when they were younger and figuring things out that doesn't mean that they're bisexual but they're in denial.

There are people who in the strict clinical definitions of the words are homosexual and heterosexual.

For example I have a good friend that is a gay male and he's told me how he's utterly disgusted by women's bodies/genitals, and that in this lifetime he'll never have sex with a woman since he wouldn't even want to try it since he's simply not sexually attracted to any women at all.

I believe gay men when they say that they're not sexually attracted to women at all, or how they say well this is how I am I'm not into women when it comes to sex/relationships, I'm only into men.

Nobody decides to be gay or wants to be something other than heterosexual. Ithere is someone out there that has they've got no ego, zero self esteem, and are rather void of a being person.

I also believe my hetero friends when they say that they're not interested in having sex with men at all and the idea disgusts them. Contrary to what most gay/bi men can sometimes believe, and what you see on the gay porn sites with "straight" men (these guys aren't really hetero they're just marketed as such), hetero guys don't want sex with other men.

Jul 10, 2007, 6:17 PM
According to the book Bisexuality for Dummies, human sexuality follows a bell curve distribution with two standard deviations from the norm. On one extreme end of the curve are those who are helplessly and hopelessly totally heterosexual, and on the other extreme end are those who are helplessly and hopelessly totally homosexual. Everyone else lies some where in between.

It gives me great comfort to know that I am normal, and that I am not one of those extremists heterosexual or homosexual lunatics.

Adam :)

Jul 10, 2007, 9:11 PM
I didn't say anything remotely like..."we're all bisexual but we don't know it", that "everyone is bisexual", or "all men secretly want sex with other men but just don't want to admit it"...I said that personally, I don't know why everybody isn't bi because I think that both genders are sexy and all people offer and need a great deal of pleasure which both genders can supply.

Jul 10, 2007, 9:16 PM
I didn't say anything remotely like..."we're all bisexual but we don't know it", that "everyone is bisexual", or "all men secretly want sex with other men but just don't want to admit it"...I said that personally, I don't know why everybody isn't bi because I think that both genders are sexy and all people offer and need a great deal of pleasure which both genders can supply.

I know you didn't say those things but your post implied them as did Voltman's humorous post.

I get annoyed at the bisexual chauvanism that some people can have where they think that "everyone" is the way that we are.

In my opinion, people claiming that "everyone is bi" are simply flagging bi chauvenism themselves.

Jul 10, 2007, 9:24 PM
According to the book Bisexuality for Dummies, human sexuality follows a bell curve distribution with two standard deviations from the norm. On one extreme end of the curve are those who are helplessly and hopelessly totally heterosexual, and on the other extreme end are those who are helplessly and hopelessly totally homosexual. Everyone else lies some where in between.

It gives me great comfort to know that I am normal, and that I am not one of those extremists heterosexual or homosexual lunatics.

Adam :)

What's wrong with being gay or heterosexual?

I get annoyed at the heterophobia and biphobia I see on gay message boards and I get annoyed at the homophobic posts and ideas I've seen people post on here.

Being gay and hetero are both "normal" orientations as bisexuality is.

I do sometimes wish that most people were bisexual or homosexual and that they identified this way, and that it wasn't so controversial to be bisexual or gay, and that bisexuality and homosexuality were in the majority of people/the human population instead of heterosexuality being in the majority of people and the human population.

But I also enjoy and embrace being unique and not being like most people, including heterosexuals. Anyway it's not like I can change any of it or that I'd even want to if it were possible.

Honestly if you do look into sex research you'll see that most people are heterosexual.

If you need further proof just look at how heterosexuality is the norm and how most people are heterosexual and don't even have a clue what it means to be gay or bisexual since they can't even imagine it.

I know that Kinsey and his study did a lot for us queers but as much as I do like him his study and research were biased and flawed at points.

Jul 10, 2007, 10:57 PM
Lighten up.... I was just kidding.


Jul 10, 2007, 11:59 PM
Why the need to be a part of a normal distribution of heterosexual sexual preference?

I agree with DiamondDog.
Men are compelled by nature to seek relief if they do not have a partner. So men like to play with their own dick, but usually not other dicks. Rather, orientation is going to match what they fanaticize about and their choice of a sex partner (male/female) if they could have either and if they would want to have sex with the same sex, if the opportunity arose. I suspect the majority would be well within the heterosexual label. (Heterosexual bell curve?)

What about us? If you are bisexual, have you always wanted to have sex with men and women (maybe not at the same time/maybe at the same time)? (Bisexual bell curve?)
If you are homosexual, have you always wanted to have sex with men and have always been ambivalent or turned off by women.)? (Homosexual bell curve?)
As bisexuals, we should not consider ourselves, to part of a universal “normal” (bell shaped curve) distribution of sexuality. I suspect that the distribution of sexual attraction is not a typical bell curve.

Why care if we are not a variation of heterosexual?
Possibly, it is because we are stressed by the penalties that are imposed by the majority. This is a dam good reason to want to be a slight variation normal.
However, I do not believe we are part of the heterosexual bell curve.

Maybe, our views on acceptable sex span a totally separate identity, (separate bell curve) with little overlap with the majority. Then statistical methods (discriminant analysis) are valid for classify in which bell curve (heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual) we belong and where in that distribution we rank.

Independent of being “out” or “ private” about our sexual identity, in the privacy of our own thoughts and in the company of intimate friends, let us be happy with what we are.


Jul 11, 2007, 12:36 AM
Wow that turned from light hearted to heavy stuff real quick!!

Jus to lighten the mood once more, i am a bi female and i have to say that whilst i love women and our bits... i could never be a lesbian i love willy too much! :tong:

Jul 11, 2007, 1:46 AM
Wow that turned from light hearted to heavy stuff real quick!!

Jus to lighten the mood once more, i am a bi female and i have to say that whilst i love women and our bits... i could never be a lesbian i love willy too much! :tong:

Damn tootin Creach---I did mean this to be just a fun little, humorous thread--but jeez Louise--it had to get all serious and all!!!

Come on folks--lighten up --there is too much other serious crap to be concerned with out there---try to have some fun once and awhile!!!!! LOL

Jul 11, 2007, 2:08 AM
I didn't mean to imply that everyone IS bi...just meant to say that everyone SHOULD be bi....lol. And also meant to keep it in a light mood.

Jul 11, 2007, 3:17 AM
Does this work for women as well? They have boobies so they probably want to play with them to?

Jul 11, 2007, 3:22 AM
Damn tootin Creach---I did mean this to be just a fun little, humorous thread--but jeez Louise--it had to get all serious and all!!!

Come on folks--lighten up --there is too much other serious crap to be concerned with out there---try to have some fun once and awhile!!!!! LOL

I don't think it went 'serious'. I enjoyed reading what Diamond Dog had to say as much as the original poster. What's wrong with a bit of dissemination?
And going back to the OP, actually I sometimes find other men's cocks quite disgusting. Cocks do NOT turn me on. Men turn me on. That's why i like women...they don't have cocks. this makes no sense to me right now.

keep discussing. DON'T LIGHTEN UP! NOBODY! EVER!

d :male:

Jul 11, 2007, 3:24 AM
i could never be a lesbian i love willy too much! :tong:

Creach, also, can you elaborate....


Jul 11, 2007, 6:25 AM
I don't think it went 'serious'. I enjoyed reading what Diamond Dog had to say as much as the original poster. What's wrong with a bit of dissemination?
And going back to the OP, actually I sometimes find other men's cocks quite disgusting. Cocks do NOT turn me on. Men turn me on. That's why i like women...they don't have cocks. this makes no sense to me right now.

keep discussing. DON'T LIGHTEN UP! NOBODY! EVER!

d :male:
yeah vaginas can ick me out too, especially if they're not clean/washed with soap and water, it's that "time of the month", there's a yeast infection, a woman hasn't cleaned away the smegma that her vagina produces (which by the way is A LOT more than an intact penis with a foreskin produces), or a woman is skunkin and fishy because of an infection. UGH! nasty.

A gay male friend of mine he finds sucking cock to be gross.

Especially if he's not in the mood to do it at all.

He finds swallowing or having someone cuming in his mouth to be disgusting and doesn't do either of these things.

Also he doesn't like to be "forced" to suck cock or feel like someone's slut, cocksucker, or personal whore.

Jul 11, 2007, 7:58 AM
I'm soooooo confused, u have a really interesting phillosophy DD. I just say sex is great and can be the best gift ever to mankind. But anywho... I guess people do it cause they can?

Jul 11, 2007, 11:38 AM
Why the need to be a part of a normal distribution of heterosexual sexual preference?

OK ...OK.... I admit it ..... I just made all that up.

There is no such book as Bisexuality for Dummies, and I have not got the slightest notion what the bell curve distribution of human sexuality might be, or if there even is one

Jeesh .... :bipride:


Jul 11, 2007, 11:46 AM
Bisexuality for dummies would be a fun book and a heck of a good read.

Probably would have to rate the book xxx or sell in the adult section of bookstores. LoL.

Jul 11, 2007, 12:44 PM
True, but it would probably help many poor 'confused' heteros and homos realize what's been missing for all those years... :tong:

Jul 11, 2007, 1:46 PM
True, but it would probably help many poor 'confused' heteros and homos realize what's been missing for all those years... :tong:

I was, perhaps am still, a confused homo (although I prefer the non-derogatory term - gay man)....and proud of it :bipride:


Jul 11, 2007, 5:38 PM
I was, perhaps am still, a confused homo (although I prefer the non-derogatory term - gay man)....and proud of it :bipride:

but if you have sex with women or at least lust after them, why call yourself gay/homosexual?

That's just like guys who have sex with other men or who want it, and who call themselves "straight".

Jul 11, 2007, 7:20 PM
Creach, also, can you elaborate....


erm well i'm not actually quite sure what to say! *blush* ... could u be more specific maybe?

Jul 11, 2007, 8:42 PM
Ok, I'll be honest, I didn't read the whole thread so if somebody's already said this I'm sorry but it's two in the morning and my vision's starting to go blurry. I'd just like to say that I really disagree with what you're saying voltman, bisexuality is far more than sex. I'm a male bi and by god there's so much going on in my head, conflicting messages from two competing sources, I can't accept that that all stems from some pseudo-Freudian penis fascination (especially when you actually consider how horible a thing the penis really is). I think there's a very prevelent feeling among people that bisexuality is just about sex, that it's that simple, but it's not, it's complicated and in my view to find out why someone is bi there's no solution but to ask them because everyone has their own reasons.

This is my first post (long winded wasn't it?)

Jul 11, 2007, 9:19 PM
Bi is not in a book/scale Bi is what it is.

Jul 11, 2007, 10:19 PM
Hey 12voltman...

Maybe you and me should just give up and go hit ourselves in the face with a shovel or something....


Jul 11, 2007, 10:21 PM
erm well i'm not actually quite sure what to say! *blush* ... could u be more specific maybe?
Let me help you out there.....He does not understand what a "Willie" is.

Jul 12, 2007, 3:16 PM
I was, perhaps am still, a confused homo (although I prefer the non-derogatory term - gay man)....and proud of it :bipride:


:grouphug: hahaha sorry didn't think anyone would take what I said seriously, and nor should they.

Jul 12, 2007, 3:24 PM
Let me help you out there.....He does not understand what a "Willie" is.

Isn't that what little boys have....?


Jul 13, 2007, 7:13 PM
Personally, I don't find it a mystery at all. The mystery to me is why all people ain't bi. It seems so natural once you understand that all people (genders) are sexy and have pleasure to offer and like/need to receive. Some the same and some different - just like people.

That sums it up for me.

I liked your answer. I see your in Seattle, Port Angeles, here.