View Full Version : SPAM: watch out folks......

Jul 9, 2007, 9:04 AM
hey everyone,

I just received the following suspicious message from a user named "olivet":



complements of the season! How are you doing over there.Hope fine, i am Miss Olivet I am a young single pretty girl, never married, I am a member of this site, i saw your profile here and i carefully read your personal data. and became interested in you, I really need to speak with you for an important matters, please reply urgently to my direct Email address ( olivetdouglass06@yahoo.com) for further communications. ok

Am waiting to receiving your quick reply.
Yours Sincerely.
Miss Olivet P. Douglass

I searched for that email address on Google and found a couple pages listing email addresses used in scams. (here's one list: http://www.datingnmore.com/fraud/scam_email5.htm )

Just wanted people to know

take care

Jul 9, 2007, 3:08 PM


Jul 9, 2007, 3:24 PM
Suspicious messages like this should always be reported to Drew. I've done that in my time and he has always cancelled the offending membership before the person could get up to any more mischief.

Jul 9, 2007, 3:33 PM
I sent Drew a message this afternoon

Suspicious messages like this should always be reported to Drew. I've done that in my time and he has always cancelled the offending membership before the person could get up to any more mischief.

Jul 9, 2007, 4:38 PM
Damn! You mean I'm not going to make $20,000 helping them move that money out of Liberia? Or was it re-shipping all that internet merchandise... I'm helping soooo many generous people that I get them confused...!


The next time one of these con artists posts here, I think we should all bombard them w/ emails and overload their accounts!

I did have fun with one of these people once... I had them going for about 2 weeks -- they wanted a shipping address (they buy stuff online w/ stolen cards, have it shipped to you, and have you re-ship it to them overseas). I gave them an address that would have put me in the middle of the East River...

Skater Boy
Jul 9, 2007, 4:43 PM
I did have fun with one of these people once... I had them going for about 2 weeks -- they wanted a shipping address (they buy stuff online w/ stolen cards, have it shipped to you, and have you re-ship it to them overseas). I gave them an address that would have put me in the middle of the East River...

I would've given them the address "999 Letsby Avenue". Either that, or the address of the local police station...

Jul 9, 2007, 4:48 PM
yeah I got other emails from people like that.
Drew should edit the main post so that nobody clicks on that link.

Jul 9, 2007, 5:33 PM
hey y'all.....

just so you know, the link in my original post on this thread is totally safe. It's one of the links that came up on the Google search and wasn't in the message I received from the spammer. I wouldn't post anything that would link to malicious source code or a phishing site, etc. Of course clicking the email links in that post will open a new message in your default email program, but nothing will happen unless you actually click send.

Jul 9, 2007, 9:04 PM
The worst case scenario is that it could be a PHISHing scam. Clicking on the link could open your system to hijacking and other things.

I had something like that on myspace and replied to the sender. Big mistake. They hijacked my profile, but fortunately, myspace caught it and I was able to correct it before any real damage could be done.

Any others like it, do not even open, if you can do it that way.

Jul 11, 2007, 11:13 AM
Why not just let Yahoo handle it?

Try these addresses:

abuse@yahoo.com -or- spam@yahoo.com

Or forward it to the Federal Trade Commission at spam@uce.gov
