View Full Version : help please

Jul 5, 2007, 1:19 PM
ok so me and my girlfriend just became offical a week ago...shes my first girlfriend actually. anyways, her mom had always been suspicious of us and now she does kno that we are together. her mom said that she wuz ok with it BUT we havent been allowed to talk or see each other for the past 4 days (not sure how long its supposed to last) and i just feel like this is just the beginning with that woman. i kno she said she wuz ok with it at first but i really...REALLY....dont think she is....

i wuz just wonderin if anybodys had any experience with this sort of thing?
or if anyone has any advice...?


Jul 5, 2007, 3:20 PM
ok so me and my girlfriend just became offical a week ago...shes my first girlfriend actually. anyways, her mom had always been suspicious of us and now she does kno that we are together. her mom said that she wuz ok with it BUT we havent been allowed to talk or see each other for the past 4 days (not sure how long its supposed to last) and i just feel like this is just the beginning with that woman. i kno she said she wuz ok with it at first but i really...REALLY....dont think she is....

i wuz just wonderin if anybodys had any experience with this sort of thing?
or if anyone has any advice...?


Welcome to the site! I had to read your profile to understand clearly what you were speaking about... lol

Ok, so you are an 18 years old girl who has just a girlfriend from as little time as the 28th of June... Not sure if you have had a boyfriend before and how intimate is your relationship with this girl, but keep in mind that most mums (and dads) even if they seem understanding, they would prefer a "normal" relationship for her children. I told my mum and my sister that as I need a lot of sex, I also bed men, my sister thought I was joking, but after I assured them that I was not joking, they said that they were happy for me if I was happy. I was on holidays there and I bedded a few men. One morning after spending the night having sex with a girl and going home, my mum asked me if I had fun the previous night and I told her that I met a nice girl and had sex with her. She was beamingly glad and said "you see, you need to go out and meet more nice girls!". I couldn't hold my laughter...

All the best,


Jul 5, 2007, 4:18 PM
At such a young age it's difficult to have a relationship that parents do not approve of, especially since your new girlfriend is living at home. It's up to her to decide what the risks are. If she could end up homeless it simply isn't worth it. But if her parents simply disapprove, then it may be that she'll still be able to see you.

You're just going to have to talk to her and find out what's going on from her directly.

Skater Boy
Jul 5, 2007, 4:42 PM
"Not under my roof!"... isn't that what some parents shout at their children? Well, at 18 years old, your girlfriend is not really a child anymore. That said, whilst she is still dependant on her parents for some things, her hands may be tied. I always get the old chesnut: "If you don't like our rules, you can find somewhere else to live!" and thats probably good advice... if you want total freedom from the interference of your parents, the best thing to do is live independantly of them, if possible. But that isn't always possible.

I would suggest communicating with the family directly to find out what the situation is. ALWAYS be polite and civil, especially when you are actually asking them for their blessing to have a relationship with their daughter. But if it turns out that they passionately disapprove, I fear there may not be much you can do. Unless she comes to live at your house!

HTH... :2cents: