View Full Version : putting yourself out there

Jul 4, 2007, 12:58 AM
Just wondering how some of you put yourselves "out there". In other words, how would one let other bisexuals know that you are bi or bi-curious, without appearing totally gay/lesbian? I'm a bi curious dude with very little experience with guys, but have become really interested in exploring that side more, but am very straight acting/appearing.

Jul 4, 2007, 3:00 AM
Just be yourself, bottom line. Don't worry about the stereotypes of appearing "gay/lesbian". Also forget about the lines of "straight acting or appearing". Be yourself. You put out a personal ad and it shows your interested. If you see a guy wherever it is and he looks at you and he glances at you again and maybe a third time strike up a conversation. See where it goes you never know. Same with a woman. Just be honest with yourself and others and something may occur. If you want the world to know your bi, express it, if you feel to be more conservative let it show when you feel it is time. But always divulge to the one your with early on your bi or it ends up being trouble. Bisexuals are everywhere and are very good people, you will be quite happy with yourself for being yourself and let nature take its course and you will find the love you need.


:male: :female: :bipride:

Have you hugged your bi-friend today??

Jul 4, 2007, 3:05 AM
Just wondering how some of you put yourselves "out there". In other words, how would one let other bisexuals know that you are bi or bi-curious, without appearing totally gay/lesbian?

Well I guess you're on the right forum. Isn't the internet a wonderful thing? Surely there must be some nights in your area? If you're going to snog guys, you might have to accept that when you're doing it, you will appear to be gay. I don't think there's a definitive 'bi' look, or a way of kissing that says "hey guys I like girls too".

I'm a bi curious dude with very little experience with guys, but have become really interested in exploring that side more, but am very straight acting/appearing.

I hate the term "straight acting". how does one act gay?

d :flag3:

Jul 4, 2007, 6:05 AM
I'm married with kids, so my bisexuality is generally fantasy at the moment. I have only recently come to acknowledge my bisexuality through counselling. I've also only just told my wife so i have that whole journey unfolding.

There needs to be a secret handshake or something :tongue:
I'd love to talk and know people like me. It would help to not feel so isolated.

the mage
Jul 4, 2007, 8:11 AM
Well as I've said in the past,, there is no bisexual sex.
there is homo sex and hetero sex. People are Bi not sex.
So, when you're hangin it out in the bathouse you're gay.
Checkin out the babes on the beach you're straight.

Isolated??? wow..... get used to that feeling.

The Bi "club" is well hidden. you're usually in it for 10 years before you even know.

Jul 4, 2007, 3:09 PM
what about sex with another man and a woman (if you're male), or a man and another woman (if you're female) where there's sex between all genders or all people present?

That's bisexual-sex to me.

You're not that isolated when you're bisexual. I know gay people who feel REALLY isolated and I know heterosexuals that even though they're in the majority of the population, they too feel isolated.

I'm not isolated but then again I'm out and I have met and made lots of gay/bisexual friends, and I can tell who is bi and who isn't but I do have excellent intuition/gaydar or bidar.

Jul 4, 2007, 3:37 PM
I act like I normally do, and don't swish or call everyone Honey. I figure just be myself and let the pink tights speak for me.

Jul 4, 2007, 3:38 PM
Why don't you just get a button that says so? I know it sounds stupid, but it would solve the problem effectively.

Jul 4, 2007, 3:52 PM
Yeah, it can be a little nerve wracking trying to guess someones sexual identity. But it can be really rewarding when you tell a lady you think she's absolutely fascinating, ask her out to lunch and she accepts. :bigrin:

Jul 7, 2007, 12:46 AM
I would say to try to find a couple(either via here or another site) that is looking for a single male to join them. This way you can find someone that already knows what you are wanting to experience.