View Full Version : John Lennon 9.10.40 - 9.10.80

Oct 9, 2005, 5:43 AM
John Lennnon would have been 65 today, had he not be so cruelly murdered by Mark Chapman in December 1980.

It also happens to be my wedding anniversary.

"We All Shine On"

Love and Peace, as always,


Oct 9, 2005, 8:06 AM
Well happy anniversary to you and not such a happy anniversary to the Lennon family.

Oct 9, 2005, 9:10 AM
I remember when they announced John had died. What a sad day it was indeed.

A Happy Anniversary to you and your wife, Rupert!!!! I hope you have a lovely day! Leave the kids at home and do the town.

Arana :tong:

Oct 9, 2005, 9:25 AM
Ooops!! I kinda goofed off on the dates - Lennon was killed, of course, on the 8th December, 1980 - but, if he had lived, he would have been 65 today!!

Thanks Arana - but the kids stay around with us - they ARE part of the celebration!! (I had to undergo surgery so that we could have them - they were VERY planned :) ) One's off to the other end of the country tomorrow for a week - studying poetry and rambling across one of our National Parks - so it's actually a nice time together today.

Strange Days Indeed


Oct 9, 2005, 9:56 AM
I was in my first year of college when John Lennon was killed. I was a huge Beatles fan and was devastated when I'd heard the news.

Happy anniversary, Rupe! :bibounce:

Oct 9, 2005, 3:44 PM
Happy Anniversary Rupert...May all your coming days be filled with wedded happiness... :)

In memory of John Lennon, I fell in love with this comeback song:


Oct 9, 2005, 4:11 PM
happy anniversary rupert, from me and gina too

and i had just got home from school on the day john lennon was murdered, and i too listened to watching the wheel turn
it was a very sad day

:flag3: m.in.heels&hose :flag3:

Oct 9, 2005, 8:08 PM
Happy anniversary Rupert and may you and your wife enjoy many more happy years together.
John Lennon's untimely death rocked the entertainment industry and shocked the world. He has, however, left us with a legacy of wonderful songs and music and Christmas in our home always rocks to "Happy Christmas (War is Over)" from my favourite "Lennon Legend Best of John Lennon" CD.
His songs pleaded for equality, freedom from hunger, war and religious hatred and a united world. Perhaps one day his dreams will be realised, we can but live in hope. :)

Best wishes Jazzer

Oct 10, 2005, 4:45 AM
I don't know what possesses me some days - lol!! :)

I'd meant for the original post to open up any thoughts members had about the Beatles and John Lennon - you know memories of his life and work and maybe the manner of his death and our memories of the aftermath to that. I always feel the true lasting legacy of both John and the Beatles was the number of songs about love and peace - things they obviously felt strongly about .

I only added the bit about it John's birthday also being the date of my wedding as an "aside" - maybe I shouldn't have, although my speech that day did include a reference to John and his death and the fact that he would have reached his 50th birthday. It was never intentional to get wed on that day - just the earliest day we could book - purely coincidental - but a BIG thankyou for all of your kind thoughts regarding our anniversary.

And indeed

"Watching The Wheels Go Round"


Oct 11, 2005, 4:07 AM
I don't think I know of anyone from our generation who wasn't impacted by the loss of John Lennon...it was a frightening and scary moment in our lives to realize that someone who was so idolized by millions could be cut down in the prime of his life by a "fan" who couldn't separate reality from his fantasy.

And though you share the birthday of this man with your wedding anniversary, I do hope that you were able to rekindle some fond memories of your wedding Rupert....and to remember to celebrate the time that we all have together on this earth. John would have wanted it that way and I am sure that your marriage is a living testimony of love indeed!!!

Happy Anniversary and Best Wishes to you and yours,
