View Full Version : to say or not to say

Jul 1, 2007, 3:03 PM
do you say you're bi...?
do you say you're a straight wo/man...who likes to sleep with wo/men?
do you say you're gay wo/man....who likes to sleep with wo/men?

I want to love a man so much.
I want to fuck a woman so much.

I would say i am a gay man who likes to sleep with women. The bi label doesn't sit well with me.

Does it sit so well with every other Kinsey 2 or 5?
(i know the scale is outdated)

d :flag2:

Jul 1, 2007, 3:08 PM
I call myself bisexual because it's the easiest label for *other* people to understand. But then I hit square in the middle on the Kinsey.

Jul 1, 2007, 3:11 PM
I call myself "lesbian" :) after this site helped me realize I wasn't bisexual but a lesbian lol

I don't just tell people... I don't think its anyones business unless I choose to tell them.... if they ask, I might reply "yes" or "why?" (depending who it is lol)

Jul 1, 2007, 3:12 PM
I'm out to a few people only...

But I'd describe myself as a very open-minded and friendly straight guy (Kinsey 3) :)

Jul 1, 2007, 3:29 PM
my husband and myself refer to ourselves as bi

Skater Boy
Jul 1, 2007, 3:40 PM
do you say you're bi...?
do you say you're a straight wo/man...who likes to sleep with wo/men?
do you say you're gay wo/man....who likes to sleep with wo/men?

I want to love a man so much.
I want to fuck a woman so much.

I would say i am a gay man who likes to sleep with women. The bi label doesn't sit well with me.

Does it sit so well with every other Kinsey 2 or 5?
(i know the scale is outdated)

d :flag2:

After reading various definitions of what "sexuality" means:


I would say that you are "Bisexual". Apparently sexuality encompasses MORE THAN just physical (ie. libidinal) drives. So if you have feelings "romantically" towards the opposite sex, but physically toward the same sex (and vice versa), this still counts as Bisexuality. (I THINK!!!).

I just know that for me, physically, I'm bang in the middle of the scale. But romantically, I prefer women.

I guess I COULD say I'm "straight with homosexual leanings", but for me, the physical practicality of sex is the defining characteristic that I use to select my "label".

Jul 1, 2007, 4:03 PM
I just read the book Full Exposure by Susie Bright and I like what she says in here book.

Susie Bright: Next time someone asks you what you "are" sexually, tell them that nouns will not do. Deliver a story of the last time you were sexual,or imagined an erotic fantasy; and this description will be full of verbs and adjectives and even material that almost defies words. You may have to show it with your hands. Labels, every on of them, should be saved strictly for protest signs and sandwich boards.

Jul 1, 2007, 4:55 PM
Oh, for the love o' God!!!
Enough of this pathetic, hand-wringing "do I tell them?", "What do I do", blah x 3! I love my bi people, but, DAMN, some of you are just so frickin' whiney!!!

Here's the deal in a nutshell.
Here's my story. Glean from it whatever you may.

1.I didn't come out to anyone as anything until AFTER I got myself into awesome shape, i.e., built like a brick outhouse. No sense in declaring your sexuality if ya don't look sexy, I say.

2.I only sleep with people on the same Kinsey Scale point as me (3-and the scale's not outdated at all. It's awesome!!! It proves that there's no such thing as a sexual minority and that the vast majority of people aren't 100% hetero.)

3.When I used to sleep with gay men and straight women, I always felt like I was living a lie-unnatural even. Even in my porn selections, I felt like a liar when watching gay guys or striaght guy/girl.

4.After some introspection, I began to list my fave porn stars and most memorable,fulfilling sex, and to my immediate pleasure, I noticed that both were and were with those who always came out as bi. YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

5.I finally realized who I was, sexually speaking, and began to notice a sudden trend. I began to notice something which had always lurked beneath the surface: no matter how hot a gay guy or str8 girl was, I just wasn't interested. I used to ask myself when I went to a gay club and a hot gay guy would hit on me, "Why am I not turned on, but annoyed that this super-hot, masculine guy wants to f*ck me? WHT?". Ah, once my bidar kicked in, I had my answer: I'm only sexually compatible with those with whome I'm also sexually aligned-same Kinsey scale point.

6.Once I figured that out, all of my angst, worry, sadness and confusion lifted and I haven't looked back since!!!

7.Moral of story:
A.Find out where you fit on the Kinsey Scale.
B.Date and schtupp only those on that same point, for those are the only people who "get" your needs and desires and will be more than happy to "work you over" just the way you like it!!!
C.GET IN SHAPE!!! No point in knowing who you are and want you want if you're so out-of-shape, that no one'll want to give it to ya!!!

8.If The Scale's right(and I believe it is), and all of humanity's spread evenly along it, then, there are approximately 857,142,857 or 14.2857142857143% people on the exact same Kinsey Scale point as you on this Earth, so no more "feeling alone", becasue you ain't.

9.BTW, if someone wants to stay in the closet, leave them there.
Closet-cases usually aren't that much fun between the sheets, anyway.
That's my been my experience, anyway.

And that's the way it was.
Good night.
Good luck.

Fire Lotus
Jul 1, 2007, 5:42 PM
I love people, not genders. I usually use labels for other people, not myself. When I do, I'll say I'm bisexual or queer.

As for you, you define yourself in whatever way works and is good for you. There is no wrong way.

Jul 1, 2007, 6:48 PM
C.GET IN SHAPE!!! No point in knowing who you are and want you want if you're so out-of-shape, that no one'll want to give it to ya!!!


umm...there are many people on this site that are not "in shape". there are also many people who have been with and like people who aren't. i'm sure they would disagree with that.

normally i don't like to step into a shady area that could possibly start arguments with people on here but, that statement came across as being so incredibly shallow and ignorant that i couldn't help but say something...

Jul 1, 2007, 7:17 PM
Oh, for the love o' God!!!
Enough of this pathetic, hand-wringing "do I tell them?", "What do I do", blah x 3! I love my bi people, but, DAMN, some of you are just so frickin' whiney!!!

Here's the deal in a nutshell.
Here's my story. Glean from it whatever you may.

1.I didn't come out to anyone as anything until AFTER I got myself into awesome shape, i.e., built like a brick outhouse. No sense in declaring your sexuality if ya don't look sexy, I say.

2.I only sleep with people on the same Kinsey Scale point as me (3-and the scale's not outdated at all. It's awesome!!! It proves that there's no such thing as a sexual minority and that the vast majority of people aren't 100% hetero.)

3.When I used to sleep with gay men and straight women, I always felt like I was living a lie-unnatural even. Even in my porn selections, I felt like a liar when watching gay guys or striaght guy/girl.

4.After some introspection, I began to list my fave porn stars and most memorable,fulfilling sex, and to my immediate pleasure, I noticed that both were and were with those who always came out as bi. YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

5.I finally realized who I was, sexually speaking, and began to notice a sudden trend. I began to notice something which had always lurked beneath the surface: no matter how hot a gay guy or str8 girl was, I just wasn't interested. I used to ask myself when I went to a gay club and a hot gay guy would hit on me, "Why am I not turned on, but annoyed that this super-hot, masculine guy wants to f*ck me? WHT?". Ah, once my bidar kicked in, I had my answer: I'm only sexually compatible with those with whome I'm also sexually aligned-same Kinsey scale point.

6.Once I figured that out, all of my angst, worry, sadness and confusion lifted and I haven't looked back since!!!

7.Moral of story:
A.Find out where you fit on the Kinsey Scale.
B.Date and schtupp only those on that same point, for those are the only people who "get" your needs and desires and will be more than happy to "work you over" just the way you like it!!!
C.GET IN SHAPE!!! No point in knowing who you are and want you want if you're so out-of-shape, that no one'll want to give it to ya!!!

8.If The Scale's right(and I believe it is), and all of humanity's spread evenly along it, then, there are approximately 857,142,857 or 14.2857142857143% people on the exact same Kinsey Scale point as you on this Earth, so no more "feeling alone", becasue you ain't.

9.BTW, if someone wants to stay in the closet, leave them there.
Closet-cases usually aren't that much fun between the sheets, anyway.
That's my been my experience, anyway.

And that's the way it was.
Good night.
Good luck.

why all of this concentration on the Kinsey scale? It's not THAT accurate and it's rather outdated. Also some people's attractions change.

That's weird that you'd feel guilty about watching gay/hetero porn or sleeping with gay/hetero people. Why not just free yourself from your own constraints like you're saying that other people should?

I personally do have excellent gay/bi dar but I don't say no to gay men!

I personally don't have sex with hetero women but that's mainly because of how a lot of them do have STDs, don't use condoms or think that they need to, hetero women and men are getting HIV and don't know it since they don't get tested, and hetero women and men still think that HIV is a disease of "gay" people and IV drug users.

I'm out as bi/queer and I'm not into people who are closeted.

why not just identify as bi dafydd?

I know guys who are really bi but closeted about it and they call themselves "gay" and it just gets confusing when they talk about being a gay man who sleeps with women, a gay man who dates/has sex with women, or when they talk about how sexy women are since most gay men simply aren't sexually attracted to women/the opposite gender at all since that's what homosexuality is.

It also makes me think that they're not being true to who they really are, or that they're confused/ashamed about their true selves, and that they see sexuality and gender in strictly binary ways like we are taught by society to do when they're not this way.

It seems like lots of people who are really bi want to hold onto the gay and heterosexual labels since people do take comfort in binary labels/binary thinking and not the grey areas of gender/sexuality.

It's like SkaterBoy said, he's at least sexually attracted to men even though he only falls in love with women so calling himself heterosexual/straight wouldn't work since there's at least sexual attraction to both genders and he's not mono sexual like gay/heterosexual people are.

Jul 2, 2007, 2:35 PM
Oh, for the love o' God!!!
Enough of this pathetic, hand-wringing "do I tell them?", "What do I do", blah x 3! I love my bi people, but, DAMN, some of you are just so frickin' whiney!!!

4.After some introspection, I began to list my fave porn stars and most memorable,fulfilling sex, and to my immediate pleasure, I noticed that both were and were with those who always came out as bi. YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

I guess these questions I ask are *my* introspection just playing itself out on a forum.
So I should stop whining and posing questions and just start a thread like "who likes the taste of their own cum?" or "can u suck yourself off?"

The Kinsey stuff is nonsense, you're reducing desire to numbers.

And you don't have to get in shape to find love or sex. What an alienating, ignorant comment.

Thanks for your golden :2cents:


Jul 2, 2007, 2:39 PM
C.GET IN SHAPE!!! No point in knowing who you are and want you want if you're so out-of-shape, that no one'll want to give it to ya!!!

Ok so I just pulled a quote of one of your previous posts
"I've tended to notice that the "hotter" the person, the less likely anyone is to give a crap about their sexual orientation, esp. bi or gay. As my mom put it after she learned that study about gay men having the highest rates of test. in their systems, "This is why so many people have a problem with so many gay men. It's becuase most gay and bi people LOOK LIKE CRAP, don't take care of themselves, etc." Quote BIMUSCLEBOY

I guess after that load i can pretty much understand where you're coming from.


Jul 2, 2007, 4:00 PM
C.GET IN SHAPE!!! No point in knowing who you are and want you want if you're so out-of-shape, that no one'll want to give it to ya!!!"

umm...there are many people on this site that are not "in shape". there are also many people who have been with and like people who aren't. i'm sure they would disagree with that.

normally i don't like to step into a shady area that could possibly start arguments with people on here but, that statement came across as being so incredibly shallow and ignorant that i couldn't help but say something...

I agree with rissa. I'm in shape... Round's a shape. :bigrin:

Seriously, I understand that some people place a higher value on appearance, but that's not everyone. I'm not a wafer-thin runway model. I couldn't be if I tried. Some people would be turned off by my 8 tattoos; others not. Some people (such as my husband) like a gal who packs a little extra. "Gives him something to hold onto" as he usually tells me. He's not exactly slim, either.

The goal is to be with someone who turns you on & vice versa. If you're into looks, so be it. If you're into personality, then honey, hang on! Who cares what you want to label yourself.

Skater Boy
Jul 2, 2007, 5:34 PM
"BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER" as the saying goes.

That said, it does tend to be easier to get what you want when you have something good to offer in return.

But obviously what "good" means is also subjective.

Jul 2, 2007, 11:57 PM
I guess these questions I ask are *my* introspection just playing itself out on a forum.
So I should stop whining and posing questions and just start a thread like "who likes the taste of their own cum?" or "can u suck yourself off?"

The Kinsey stuff is nonsense, you're reducing desire to numbers.

And you don't have to get in shape to find love or sex. What an alienating, ignorant comment.

Thanks for your golden :2cents:


And many people come to this website to chat and interact with people who have different perspectives on sexuality, life etc. If I was only interested in finding play mates, I suppose I'd just post a picture of my genitals/bum on gaydar?!
I like the "whining". I think that's what makes this website so special.

Jul 4, 2007, 6:08 AM
I consider myself bisexual even though i have never had sex with a man. I am married with children but am certainly turned on by the idea of sex with males and females.

If asked ii i was bisexual, I would certainly say yes. I'm even on a bit of a mission of just telling people. if they don't then like me for who i am, then f..k them......

Lisa (va)
Jul 4, 2007, 1:20 PM
I do not go around town and anounce my sexuality to the general public.
But, on the chance someone suspects or asks, sure I will tell them. I tell them that yes I am bi as that seems more simpler than explaining my feelings.
Not sure how 'bi' I am: yes I have dated and loved both men and women, but I feel (for lack of a better word) either a lesbian with women or straight with men. I see folks more in terms of the person, not their genitals. If I care for someone it's simple - I care for that person, male or female.
As far as having to get into shape to love another person, that sounds kinda shallow as far as I am concerned. If the best thing you can say about your self is how buff you are or how big your penis is, I wonder is there anything else worthy of persueing.


hugs n kisses

Jul 4, 2007, 3:35 PM
I just tell people I am so desperate I will have sex with anyone. They understand. No further discussion is necessary.

Skater Boy
Jul 4, 2007, 6:05 PM
I just tell people I am so desperate I will have sex with anyone. They understand. No further discussion is necessary.

Until the one-legged, bearded, bald woman with the glass-eye and false-teeth says: "You look cute, hon... hows about a quickie?" ;) :bigrin:

Jul 4, 2007, 9:00 PM
do you say you're bi...?
I want to love a man so much.
I want to fuck a woman so much.

Sounds like you're a homoromantic bisexual.

Labels are just simple words. They cannot describe you. Yet we still use them.

I am sitting in a chair. I use the word "chair". Yet you know nothing about the kind of chair i'm sitting in. It could be a black desk chair with rollers and armrests, or it could be a comb back windsor. "chair" is a label.

"Bi" is a label. It gives us the broad strokes. We have to fill in the details. It would take all of us a essay to begin to describe what kind of bi we are. But WE know what we are. We use words to tell OTHER people.

I use "bi'. It's simple. Some people may assume wrong when i say it.... but i can re-educate them.

Jul 5, 2007, 1:58 AM
Sounds like you're a homoromantic bisexual.

That's great. I *love* it. Thank you so much Lorcan.



Jul 17, 2007, 4:17 AM
Ok so I just pulled a quote of one of your previous posts
"I've tended to notice that the "hotter" the person, the less likely anyone is to give a crap about their sexual orientation, esp. bi or gay. As my mom put it after she learned that study about gay men having the highest rates of test. in their systems, "This is why so many people have a problem with so many gay men. It's becuase most gay and bi people LOOK LIKE CRAP, don't take care of themselves, etc." Quote BIMUSCLEBOY

I guess after that load i can pretty much understand where you're coming from.

You will, no doubt, excuse me if don't exactly attach any credibility to your "load". It's really very hard to take any critique of my physical standards seriously by someone who looks like they've been in hospital for the last six months...It would be nice if just once, one one the people bitching about such things would actually look as though they could actually be considered...eh, forget it. Too much to ask. This reminds me of those unattractive women who always seemed to protest OUTSIDE of the Miss America pageant. They'd have been taken far more seriously if any of them looked like they could even compete in, much less win, a LOCAL pageant, not to mention the "national title". Criticism like that is usually taken more seriously if it's given by an "insider".
I guess the truth's too much to swallow, then.
God forbid people like taking care of themselves inside and out and have ANY types of standards or requirements of the same sort of effort by someone they might consider for a romantic connection,...etc.
My mom was right on the ball with her comment, but I guess some here just couldn't handle it. Made them look at a harsh truth they don't like, I guess.
I've as much right to post my views as anyone else here without being attacked, and you people piss and moan about being treated like sh*t.
What a bunch of hypocrites...

If the Kinsey Scale's so "outdated" why does THIS SITE ask us to use it to identify ourselves.....?

And sure, I'd date/sleep with/start a relationship w/ a gay guy or straight woman....if I wanted him to CONSTANTLY try to convince me that since I'm sleeping with him, I must really be gay or if I wanted her to keep badgering me about why I'm "only pretending" to like bi guys or have her costantly watch her suspiciously eye every guy with whom I come into any sort of contact that's too close for comfort for her liking, etc. Yeah, those types of relationships don't have any extra drama attached to them...though, according to many of the other posted comments on other threads, they do, and plenty of it. If you want to add that kind of extra drama to your life by being with someone who doesn't have a clue about or even try to understand your natural desires, have at it. I prefer to head that kind of nonsense off at the pass, which, for me, is not all that difficult, since I was never really that attracted to either one in the first place.

"Constraints"? No.
Common sense? Yes.
"Shallow"? No.
Honest? Hell, yes!!!!

Jul 17, 2007, 12:09 PM
You will, no doubt, excuse me if don't exactly attach any credibility to your "load". It's really very hard to take any critique of my physical standards seriously by someone who looks like they've been in hospital for the last six months...It would be nice if just once, one one the people bitching about such things would actually look as though they could actually be considered...eh, forget it. Too much to ask. This reminds me of those unattractive women who always seemed to protest OUTSIDE of the Miss America pageant. They'd have been taken far more seriously if any of them looked like they could even compete in, much less win, a LOCAL pageant, not to mention the "national title". Criticism like that is usually taken more seriously if it's given by an "insider".
I guess the truth's too much to swallow, then.
God forbid people like taking care of themselves inside and out and have ANY types of standards or requirements of the same sort of effort by someone they might consider for a romantic connection,...etc.
My mom was right on the ball with her comment, but I guess some here just couldn't handle it. Made them look at a harsh truth they don't like, I guess.
I've as much right to post my views as anyone else here without being attacked, and you people piss and moan about being treated like sh*t.
What a bunch of hypocrites...

If the Kinsey Scale's so "outdated" why does THIS SITE ask us to use it to identify ourselves.....?

And sure, I'd date/sleep with/start a relationship w/ a gay guy or straight woman....if I wanted him to CONSTANTLY try to convince me that since I'm sleeping with him, I must really be gay or if I wanted her to keep badgering me about why I'm "only pretending" to like bi guys or have her costantly watch her suspiciously eye every guy with whom I come into any sort of contact that's too close for comfort for her liking, etc. Yeah, those types of relationships don't have any extra drama attached to them...though, according to many of the other posted comments on other threads, they do, and plenty of it. If you want to add that kind of extra drama to your life by being with someone who doesn't have a clue about or even try to understand your natural desires, have at it. I prefer to head that kind of nonsense off at the pass, which, for me, is not all that difficult, since I was never really that attracted to either one in the first place.

"Constraints"? No.
Common sense? Yes.
"Shallow"? No.
Honest? Hell, yes!!!!

nice. real poetic.
'nuff said.


Jul 24, 2007, 3:41 AM
"'Nuff said"?
I'm so sick and tired of the self-loathing I keep seeing on sites like these. I thought that adults were supposed to be here, but with all the whining, it appears more like a nursery. "Feel my pain." "Worry about me!" "Help me like myself!" These seem to be the common themes I read on this site, and it's pathetic! GROW THE HELL UP, PEOPLE!!!
Whatever issues you have with your past, deal with them, get closure and move on! Whatever pain you were dealt in your past is just that, in your past. No, you didn't deserve it, but the only person who's being worn down by it is you, not the people who actually tried to and succeeded in hurting you, for each time you relive that pain, you let them hurt you again and again, without them even having to be in the general vicinity.
Do whatever the hell you have to do to be happy. If that means a change of location, friends, etc., do it. Why stay around people who treat you like crap, especially since you probably don't like them anyway. On this site, I constantly see people whining about who doesn't like them, etc. Have you ever asked yourselves, whether you liked, admired or respected them? Is their character, lifestyle, etc., one you'd like to genuinely emulate? Be honest. You may surprise yourself with your answer.
BTW, who picked out the flag's color combination? It's like we're gay enough to want/like/desire color coordination, but not gay enough to make it look good, like a diluted Pride flag that's trying too hard. I'm catch hell for that one, I'm sure.....eh, who cares? Maybe we could redesign our flag to look like Greece's. I like the blue & white combination. I mean if we're gonna try to create something to represent bisexuality, we could do a lot worse. Yeah, like that'll ever happen...
Aaaaaaaanyway, just learn to like yourselves first. Then, other people's opinions of you won't matter. However, since most of the folks here are American, land of profound self-loathing and the UK, land of projected profound self-lothing, I doubt that'll ever happen. Maybe the self-loathing is a WASP thing, who knows? Whatever it is, it's killing us and it's time to stop.
BTW, there's nothing "alienating"(oh, brother...*eyes roll*), etc., about wanting to get in/stay in great physical shape(and "round" doesn't count here), as long as you're doing it to please yourself and not for the approval of someone who doesn't give a crap about you. Just stop bitching about it, get off of your fat(or scrawny), flabby asses and get on a treadmill, already!!!
1.Get in shape!!!
2.Read the books you've always wanted to read!!!
3.Discover your own brand of spirituality/sexuality, and no, they're not mutually exclusive!!!
4.Don't dream it. BE IT!!!
5.The vast majority of people in the world are bisexual in varying degrees, so can we please end this "sexual minority" talk?!!! Do some of you look for ways to feel insignificant or does that happen by chance?!
All I'm saying is become the best you you can be in all ways, and your sexual orientation, while fun, will cease to define who are. It should become a nonissue. Like your color, gender, height, etc., they may be WHAT you are, but they're not WHO you are. There's a huge difference between the two. Don't waste your life being an orientation. It's exhausting!!!
Lastly, the Kinsey Sexuality Scale is, for me(and countless others), an invaluable tool in helping those who wish to do so evaluate themselves and discover exactly where one fits in in this community we call the human race. Is it "labelling"? No. It's self-discovery, and that's the most important facet of a human being's life. Nothing causes more angst or more joy. It's beautiful. Leave it at that.

Jul 24, 2007, 6:44 AM
If the Kinsey Scale's so "outdated" why does THIS SITE ask us to use it to identify ourselves.....?

Because human beings are obsessed with categorizing chaos and putting things into boxes/labels/order? Because as humans we see sexuality and gender as being static when it's fixed/free/fluid and anything but?

I've been all over in my attractions and I'll either be mostly equal to the point where I want/crave/constantly think about both genders, to where I'm so into men that I don't want ANYTHING to do with a woman at all and the idea of seeing a woman naked or having sex with a woman disgusts me but my attractions towards women don't go away forever like they have done for my male gay friends.

When I was a lot younger I thought that I was more on the hetero side; but I knew that deep down I probably wasn't since at the time if I had married a woman I would have just left her for a relationship with a man, and cheated on her with men.

I can't really put my romantic and sexual attraction into a ratio/percent/# on a scale or anything like that.

I just know that I've fallen in love and had sex with both men and women and that in general I get more romantically infatuated with men and I can go for periods as long as 6 months where I don't want anything to do with a woman at all, or else I'll be totally equal in my attractions. There's no # or percent or any ratio for this and I prefer the term queer since that would describe me and my ideas about gender/sexuality. Technically I'd be Bi/gay; but that doesn't make any sense at all and would just confuse people if I came out as being BOTH Bi and homosexual, since gay men and homosexual people aren't attracted to the opposite gender at all. I know I'd be somewhere in between both but there's not a word describing that and Bisexual and queer both describe me and cover a lot of ground.

I've used the Klein grid links that float around on this site and I just get told what I've written about myself in the 2nd paragraph of this post.

There's no number/ratio/percent for what I am since it goes back and forth. I don't care to even know what these things are even if I could somehow know this about myself since it wouldn't do any good at all.

I actually have read the original study on human male sexuality by Kinsey (and posted the Kinsey scale verbatim from the study on this site) and it is rather outdated and too clinical and too flat and it goes by someone's sexual history like who they've actually had sex with, and I do think that most people rate themselves way too low on it. I don't think that it's really something that you can rate yourself on as it was a tool used by sex researchers who would collect a person's sexual history (who they'd actually had sex with) and then assigned them a number based on it.

Also this site has the scale go from 1-7, when the original scale goes from 0-6. So a "4" on the original scale wouldn't be being equally attracted as on the original scale a "4" is someone that is a bit more into their own gender while a "3" is someone who is equally attracted to both genders. A "1" on the original scale is someone that tried sex ONCE with the same gender as a kid or they were molested or forced into sex with the same gender, or had sex like this once with a person of the same gender while in prison or in a gender segregated area.


I only gave myself a # on the scale on this site only because the site forces you to if you want to write a personal ad or add more to your profile on here. :(

Jul 24, 2007, 11:18 AM
I don't come right out and tell people I am bisexual. I tell them I am horny and misanthropic, and they usually figure it out from that.

Jul 24, 2007, 8:28 PM
I just tell people I am so desperate I will have sex with anyone. They understand. No further discussion is necessary.

Ahhh - errrr, Mister someotherguy - ahh err - sorry to bother you sir, but does that line really work? does it, huhh? :rotate: :smilies15 :cutelaugh :cutelaugh ROTFLMAO!!


Jul 24, 2007, 9:47 PM
Oh, for the love o' God!!!
Enough of this pathetic, hand-wringing "do I tell them?", "What do I do", blah x 3! I love my bi people, but, DAMN, some of you are just so frickin' whiney!!!

Here's the deal in a nutshell.
Here's my story. Glean from it whatever you may.

1.I didn't come out to anyone as anything until AFTER I got myself into awesome shape, i.e., built like a brick outhouse. No sense in declaring your sexuality if ya don't look sexy, I say.

2.I only sleep with people on the same Kinsey Scale point as me (3-and the scale's not outdated at all. It's awesome!!! It proves that there's no such thing as a sexual minority and that the vast majority of people aren't 100% hetero.)

3.When I used to sleep with gay men and straight women, I always felt like I was living a lie-unnatural even. Even in my porn selections, I felt like a liar when watching gay guys or striaght guy/girl.

4.After some introspection, I began to list my fave porn stars and most memorable,fulfilling sex, and to my immediate pleasure, I noticed that both were and were with those who always came out as bi. YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!

5.I finally realized who I was, sexually speaking, and began to notice a sudden trend. I began to notice something which had always lurked beneath the surface: no matter how hot a gay guy or str8 girl was, I just wasn't interested. I used to ask myself when I went to a gay club and a hot gay guy would hit on me, "Why am I not turned on, but annoyed that this super-hot, masculine guy wants to f*ck me? WHT?". Ah, once my bidar kicked in, I had my answer: I'm only sexually compatible with those with whome I'm also sexually aligned-same Kinsey scale point.

6.Once I figured that out, all of my angst, worry, sadness and confusion lifted and I haven't looked back since!!!

7.Moral of story:
A.Find out where you fit on the Kinsey Scale.
B.Date and schtupp only those on that same point, for those are the only people who "get" your needs and desires and will be more than happy to "work you over" just the way you like it!!!
C.GET IN SHAPE!!! No point in knowing who you are and want you want if you're so out-of-shape, that no one'll want to give it to ya!!!

8.If The Scale's right(and I believe it is), and all of humanity's spread evenly along it, then, there are approximately 857,142,857 or 14.2857142857143% people on the exact same Kinsey Scale point as you on this Earth, so no more "feeling alone", becasue you ain't.

9.BTW, if someone wants to stay in the closet, leave them there.
Closet-cases usually aren't that much fun between the sheets, anyway.
That's my been my experience, anyway.

And that's the way it was.
Good night.
Good luck.

Now THAT... is funny!


Jul 24, 2007, 11:36 PM
I am proud to consider myself bi, though i am more straight but enjoy being with a guy. :male: :flag1: :bipride:

Jul 24, 2007, 11:57 PM
"'Nuff said"? Get in shape.

From reading your posts, I get the distinct impression that you are some sort of self-absorbed body-building freak that I would want to get the hell away from just as fast as I could.

But good luck anyhow.


Jul 25, 2007, 4:31 AM
I am proud to consider myself bi, though i am more straight but enjoy being with a guy. :male: :flag1: :bipride:

The same as you. ;)

Aug 13, 2007, 12:03 PM
From reading your posts, I get the distinct impression that you are some sort of self-absorbed body-building freak that I would want to get the hell away from just as fast as I could.

But good luck anyhow.

"Self-absorbed": Your name for "guy who represents everything I really want, but could never really have, because I'm a loser."
You can call us whatever you want while you jerk off to our images and videos or the mental images you've saved after watching us walk down the street.
Blah, blah, blah.
Same old bullshit.
"Get away from"?
What makes you think I'd want you anywhere in my general vicinity?
Oy, the stupid shit some people spew as soon as they feel rejected.
Thanks for proving my points for me:cutelaugh

Get over it and grow up already.
Best of luck to you.

Aug 13, 2007, 12:52 PM
I must admit, I've made a mistake here.
I thought that I was joining a site of positive people who were interested in making positive changes and explorations in their lives, etc. I was definately wrong on that. It seems that this site, like many others, is really populated with people who have no life, and are only interested in whining about how "tough" their lives are, unwilling to acknowledge that 99.999% percent of the shit in their lives is of their own design. 'Living' in Darfur is TOUGH. Everything else you describe is a friggin' cakewalk. Stop whining.

I was looking for a community of which I could be proud, and I realize now that this ain't it. I've also come to reaffirm for myself the notion that what makes someone "my/your people" has NOTHING to do with something as arbitrary as gender, color or orientation, but similarities in ideas, hopes, dreams and goals(dreams w/ plans). I don't care about being bisexual or anything else, but it's sad, to me, anyway, that so many here are using their orientations as excuses to impose restrictions on thier own lives, and anyone here who step over that line and actually provide ideas to improve onesself(if that's desired) are subject to any number of unwarranted attacks and the like. That doesn't bode well for community(community?)-building by any stretch of the imagination. It just makes everyone even more pathetic and miserable than they were before they came to this 'community'. I hope that that aspect changes, but I don't hold out much hope.

There are some people on this site who are actually cool and have no interest in making others as miserable as they are, but their numbers, never that large to begin with, seem to be dwindling fast. If what I've said doesn't apply to you,.....However, there will be many who have problems with my ideas because they see themselves in an unflattering light and respond accordingly. Whaddyagonnado?

I really hope that the bisexual community becomes a real place of refuge for those who feel that they need a place to "belong" on their own personal life journey, etc., and not a place that's just as bigoted and ignorant as the gay and straight "worlds", though it's clear that some bisexuals are not above acting like their "bookended brethren".

Take care,
God bless,
Good night,
And good luck.


BTW, if you want to schtup anything that moves, have at it.
You'll just reinforce every nasty bisexual stereotype, but...enjoy!!!
I guess common sense doesn't fly too well around here.
I get it. Your mommies never loved some of you, and you're looking to compensate for that by any means available, in as many beds as necessary, leaving behind a plethora of people at all points of the Scale feeling deceived and betrayed. Yeah, that's something to celebrate and be proud of...actually, no, it's not, but I guess that you're all too open-minded to realize the consequnces of doing stupid shit with anyone around.
Calling yourselves "sexually fuid"*rolls eyes*or "just sexual" is no excuse to fuck other people over in order to compensate for your own personal feelings and issues of inferiority. Deal with that shit at home, by yourself. Don't involve others, because they're not there to be your personal sexual barometers/emotional whipping posts(unless they're into that).

Aug 13, 2007, 1:04 PM
Part of me understands where BiMuscleBoy is coming from, belive it or not...

Hear. Me. Out.

Let's be honest: All humans are shallow to a degree. To say otherwise is lying to yourself. It's nice to look good, and it's nice when hard work and genetics collide to provide something that is a feast for the eyes.According to his own words, BiMuscleBoy has done that, and to him, that is part of what he personally takes pride in. When I get back to school at the end of the month and I start working out again (now, I've been just working), I'll have something to be proud of too- - and in a city like Miami, that shit matters.

I also understand where he's coming from as to the "whining". Working with straights for a gay-friendly company is kinda unique. The company is looking out for you, but your co-workers just want you to get on with your life and be there. The attitude is common - -that's nice, but are you gonna help us out. There is only so much drama one can take before saying Enough. Especially if there is a simple solution that the person refuses to follow. It gets frustrating, especially if that problem is presented, and re-presented and it's obvious they didn't listen.

okay, ya'll.

Flame on.


Skater Boy
Aug 13, 2007, 2:10 PM
It all depends on whether one goes for "looks" or "personality". If you're personality-orientated, then a good-looking guy or girl may not have much advantage over one that isn't so aesthetically pleasing.

But there's no denying that being good looking opens a few doors in this day and age. Sad but oh-so-true.

Aug 17, 2007, 9:01 PM
Part of me understands where BiMuscleBoy is coming from, belive it or not...

Hear. Me. Out.

Let's be honest: All humans are shallow to a degree. To say otherwise is lying to yourself. It's nice to look good, and it's nice when hard work and genetics collide to provide something that is a feast for the eyes.According to his own words, BiMuscleBoy has done that, and to him, that is part of what he personally takes pride in. When I get back to school at the end of the month and I start working out again (now, I've been just working), I'll have something to be proud of too- - and in a city like Miami, that shit matters.

I also understand where he's coming from as to the "whining". Working with straights for a gay-friendly company is kinda unique. The company is looking out for you, but your co-workers just want you to get on with your life and be there. The attitude is common - -that's nice, but are you gonna help us out. There is only so much drama one can take before saying Enough. Especially if there is a simple solution that the person refuses to follow. It gets frustrating, especially if that problem is presented, and re-presented and it's obvious they didn't listen.

okay, ya'll.

Flame on.


Thanks for understanding, if only in part...:tong:
Anyway, I don't get why it's so hard for people to admit that looks, etc., do matter. Of course, it would be ideal to have both great looks and personality, and I know quite a few people with both, but because they tend to have high physical standards, they're often branded as superficial idiots by those who couldn't get into my hot, smart friends' pants.
Eh, well...I guess asking people to be honest(especially when it comes to what/who they're into & who they wish were into them) is never going to be well-received.
Yet another reason why Miami, Florida's the place to be!!!!!
Keep it fresh, tight, pouty and protrudin'!!!
As my late granddad would say, you are "firm like a Lucky Strike. So easy on the draw!!!"
That's a good thing, I assure you.
Take it light,

the mage
Aug 17, 2007, 9:42 PM
Well people, All I can say is that time will catch up to even the most studly...

Now that said, I keep in shape cause I want to live longer. I as said before, do not believe in the after life so I am making efforts to stay in this one as long as I can....

Limiting your self to labeled and pretty playmates will lead you a dull life.
I had a gay lover who was wonderful.
I had an overweight man make me tremble like a virgin.
Its all good if you live for experience, not pretty.

Aug 17, 2007, 9:49 PM
I identify as a straight-curious lesbian. And seriously that's what I tell people, any and all who may ask. If later, after thoroughly satisfying my curiousity, I think I'm bi, then bi it will be, but I really am not sure exactly how much I like men at present time. So until then...

Aug 18, 2007, 4:20 AM
I must admit, I've made a mistake here.
I thought that I was joining a site of positive people who were interested in making positive changes and explorations in their lives, etc. I was definately wrong on that. It seems that this site, like many others, is really populated with people who have no life, and are only interested in whining about how "tough" their lives are, unwilling to acknowledge that 99.999% percent of the shit in their lives is of their own design. 'Living' in Darfur is TOUGH. Everything else you describe is a friggin' cakewalk. Stop whining.

I was looking for a community of which I could be proud, and I realize now that this ain't it. I've also come to reaffirm for myself the notion that what makes someone "my/your people" has NOTHING to do with something as arbitrary as gender, color or orientation, but similarities in ideas, hopes, dreams and goals(dreams w/ plans). I don't care about being bisexual or anything else, but it's sad, to me, anyway, that so many here are using their orientations as excuses to impose restrictions on thier own lives, and anyone here who step over that line and actually provide ideas to improve onesself(if that's desired) are subject to any number of unwarranted attacks and the like. That doesn't bode well for community(community?)-building by any stretch of the imagination. It just makes everyone even more pathetic and miserable than they were before they came to this 'community'. I hope that that aspect changes, but I don't hold out much hope.

There are some people on this site who are actually cool and have no interest in making others as miserable as they are, but their numbers, never that large to begin with, seem to be dwindling fast. If what I've said doesn't apply to you,.....However, there will be many who have problems with my ideas because they see themselves in an unflattering light and respond accordingly. Whaddyagonnado?

I really hope that the bisexual community becomes a real place of refuge for those who feel that they need a place to "belong" on their own personal life journey, etc., and not a place that's just as bigoted and ignorant as the gay and straight "worlds", though it's clear that some bisexuals are not above acting like their "bookended brethren".

Take care,
God bless,
Good night,
And good luck.


BTW, if you want to schtup anything that moves, have at it.
You'll just reinforce every nasty bisexual stereotype, but...enjoy!!!
I guess common sense doesn't fly too well around here.
I get it. Your mommies never loved some of you, and you're looking to compensate for that by any means available, in as many beds as necessary, leaving behind a plethora of people at all points of the Scale feeling deceived and betrayed. Yeah, that's something to celebrate and be proud of...actually, no, it's not, but I guess that you're all too open-minded to realize the consequnces of doing stupid shit with anyone around.
Calling yourselves "sexually fuid"*rolls eyes*or "just sexual" is no excuse to fuck other people over in order to compensate for your own personal feelings and issues of inferiority. Deal with that shit at home, by yourself. Don't involve others, because they're not there to be your personal sexual barometers/emotional whipping posts(unless they're into that).

Why are you so angry?
You seem to think that people are either really health conscious with great bodies who take care of themselves or fat couch potatoes.
There are differences within these extremes.
Your insistance that hot bodies are the only way to go go is fascist. I believe you might be suffering from an adonis complex.
I've had sex with men and women of all different body types and to be honest the worst was with those who thought I should get down and kneel before the alter of their beuaty.
Check out my profile. I consider myself fit and in good shape, but my self worth comes from within. Your spouting body fascist trite, and it smacks of all those gym bunnies in the castro who go to the gym, because it makes them feel less lonely. You need to develop your mind aswell as your body. After all, you can't talk to a bicep over dinner, or share you anxieties with a six pack. Real relationships are made out of the meeting of minds, and the greatest sex I have had is when we both look into each other eyes and understand each other. What your suffering from is a sympton of what women have been suffering from for years: the glamourisation of perfect bodies on the covers of crapo lifestyle magazine. "You'll only feel great if you look like us". Men are now the target audience. Male grooming, the invasion of the six pack etc.
But really, most of us can get sex without looking like Brad Pitt (who in my opinion is a dog anyway).

I goto the gym, lift weights, eat sensibly, and could probably beat you in an arm wrestle :), but I appreciate human beings in all their forms and resent your implication that people on this site are overweight and bitter loners. You BIMUSCLEBOY2007 need to get a grip, and that's not on a dumb bell.
Your attitude is not pride, it's self infatuation.


Aug 18, 2007, 8:48 AM
Just have to weigh in on this one. MuscleBOY, kind of got my dander up. Where he gets the idea there are nothing but a bunch of whiners on this site is way beyond me :soapbox:. Will control myself and not put him down as he is probably just misguided and doesn't quite understand the content of most of the posts, on this site. I find that looks do matter at first, then personality, mindset, etc is the final determining factor. After one becomes more mature has been in the world awhile one quickly understands that that first impression is usually wrong, not right as most people seem to think. Yes I like to look at a nice sexy male or female body. Muscle boys just don't do it for me though, most just seem a little shallow to me. But that is just me Like to keep in shape myself, but not to the point of overdoing it, in other words don't do the "dumb" bell thing, just seems kind of dumb to me.....maybe that's why they call them that.....Hey don't get upset....just making a joke. Hope I haven't made anyone upset with this post, not usually so opinionated. Love this site and everyone on it, yes you too MuscleBoy, good luck and hope you find what you are looking for.....South Beach in Miami comes to mind. :grouphug:

Long Duck Dong
Aug 18, 2007, 9:28 AM

bimuscleboy... do me a fav and stop dropping the weights on your head for a moment

now as for my body.... its a long way from the * firm, flat, and muscular *... but hey, shit happens.... its called a 180 kph car accident....*shrugs*.... so much for the 5 ft 9, 170 pound *poser * body.....

but the interesting thing is that a lot of friends have told me that tho I have lost the muscle bound body aspect....I am still the same lovable, crank pot... and when they see me, they don't see the scars from endless surgeries.... they see a guy that shoulders a load that most body builders and fitness freaks, would never understand

so do me a favour, dude.... end up in a car accident..... get busted up pretty bad.... then start telling people that they should get a better body... cos I would settle for a day without pain....and I do not give a shit what I look like

lil bit of advice.... lay off the ego steroids.... many of the *non gym bunnies * that don't have the *poser * bodies, are people that are not in committed relationships with their own reflection, but committed to things like families, partners, work, community events etc....and the idea of spending a few hours a week in the gym just so people get something to peeve at, is not high on their list of things to do

the only time your body gets noticed is when you take ya clothes off.... the rest of the time, people notice your attitude......

sorry if I am not jerking off over your body..... I actually perfer real people that are not in a committed relationship with a weight set....
besides....rumour has it that old arnie was a top weight lifter... but a fuckin lousy kisser....whats the point in looking good if the only shaking of the bed that gets done, is when a person is bench pressing it

Aug 18, 2007, 12:49 PM
Who knows if BiMuscleBoy even has a nice body in reality?
He hasn't posted any pics of himself. ;)

Aug 18, 2007, 2:09 PM
Great point DD.
And I just wanted to add that there are dumb, vacuous people with sexy bodies and dumb, vacuous people who are out of shape. This is not about "we're bashing guys with great bodies" thread.

Skater Boy
Aug 18, 2007, 5:28 PM
Its simple... some people go for looks, some people go for personality, some people go for both.

I *wish* a cheeky smile and charming banter was enough to pull some of the hotties in the London niteclubs, but the truth is that it ain't...

That said, a good personality will go a long way.

Aug 18, 2007, 6:39 PM
Its simple... some people go for looks, some people go for personality, some people go for both.

I *wish* a cheeky smile and charming banter was enough to pull some of the hotties in the London niteclubs, but the truth is that it ain't...

That said, a good personality will go a long way.

I've seen your posts and Ive seen your bod. They are both devourable.

I'm swimming to the UK tomorrow. Bring a towel. :tongue:

I ain't a London Club hottie. . .but, I can cook and talk! (At the same time too!)


Skater Boy
Aug 18, 2007, 6:46 PM
I'm swimming to the UK tomorrow. Bring a towel. :tongue:

I ain't a London Club hottie. . .but, I can cook and talk! (At the same time too!)


Wow, its a LOOOOOOONG swim across the Atlantic, Taylor! I think an airplane might be slightly more advisable.

But girls who can cook and talk are always welcome in my book! :)

Although if we get bored of cooking and talking, I'm sure we'll think of something else! ;)

Aug 18, 2007, 6:54 PM
Wow, its a LOOOOOOONG swim across the Atlantic, Taylor! I think an airplane might be slightly more advisable.

But girls who can cook and talk are always welcome in my book! :)

Although if we get bored of cooking and talking, I'm sure we'll think of something else! ;)

If I get my water wings , it shouldn't be so bad. . .only about a month or so. ;)

Oh, yeah... there's plenty that can be done... maybe even could be done with friends, yes? :tong:


Aug 18, 2007, 8:51 PM
once again: poor bimuscleboy i think he doth protest too much.

not that it matters i cycle 2 hours a day and have done so for over 15 yrs. not for how good it makes my legs look, but for the health benefits. it's who you are inside that counts, not what you look like. :2cents:


Aug 18, 2007, 9:00 PM
Apparently, I've struck some major nerves here.
Some of you boys still pining for the cute boy in homeroom, huh?
Let it go, already.
Move on with your lives.
It's over.
He doesn't love you.

Aug 18, 2007, 9:10 PM
silly,sad little boy. what he does'nt realize is that no one cares.


Aug 18, 2007, 9:14 PM
silly,sad little boy. what he does'nt realize is that no one cares.


It always cute when people take time out of their lives to tell you how much don't care about you.
Sweet, really.

Aug 18, 2007, 11:27 PM
Who knows if BiMuscleBoy even has a nice body in reality?
He hasn't posted any pics of himself. ;)

I'll vouch for him. He ain't ugly. The word of a woman may not mean much to you, but visually, and in many other ways, he's a catch.


Aug 18, 2007, 11:37 PM
IThe word of a woman may not mean much to you

So, because DD has very little attraction to women, he doesn't respect them as intellectual beings?
That sounds flawed. Like I said, assume nothing. Not giving you crap, really. Just stating that I respectfully beg to differ. Diamonddog is a brilliant, intense, multifaceted individual. I relate to him perhaps better than anyone here. I don't get why you and him seem to butt heads so much, but whatever, it tain't me business, really. I speak first. A week or two later I think about it, if at all. Character flaw, what can I say?
I hate to revert to the old tactic of 'blame it on the diagnosis', but if you read up on Asperger's, some of my quirks might make a little more sense. I'm really not the detached nihilistic void of icy blackness that I come across as. I think.

Aug 18, 2007, 11:53 PM
Methinks Bimuscleboy whacks it in front of a mirror.
Say what you will, the world is not a realm of pure absolutes like you seem to have deluded yourself into thinking.
What about a 16 year old kid already with 2 years of college working 50 hrs a week, going to college at night, and living in a motel because his parents disowned him for being gay (a few years before he was my first boyfriend). Is he a whiny bitch ass?
What about a person who has to take seizure medications that make them fat, diabetic and destroy their liver and kidneys, just so they don't die in their sleep?
Do they need to suck it up and adopt your ideal vision of human progress?
Oh, and don't knock the community. The community is solid. What's killing it (like every worthwhile subculture) is arrogant scenester bullshit like that which you spew.
Get over yourself.

Aug 19, 2007, 12:46 AM
So, because DD has very little attraction to women, he doesn't respect them as intellectual beings?
That sounds flawed. Like I said, assume nothing. Not giving you crap, really. Just stating that I respectfully beg to differ. Diamonddog is a brilliant, intense, multifaceted individual. I relate to him perhaps better than anyone here. I don't get why you and him seem to butt heads so much, but whatever, it tain't me business, really. I speak first. A week or two later I think about it, if at all. Character flaw, what can I say?
I hate to revert to the old tactic of 'blame it on the diagnosis', but if you read up on Asperger's, some of my quirks might make a little more sense. I'm really not the detached nihilistic void of icy blackness that I come across as. I think.

I was thinking... he wouldn't respect the judgment of one in regards to a man's appearance.

As to why I butt heads with him... it's Sodium and Water - - I wish it were sodium and Chlorine, but c'est la vie.


Aug 19, 2007, 1:02 AM
I'll vouch for him. He ain't ugly. The word of a woman may not mean much to you, but visually, and in many other ways, he's a catch.

Thanks for vouching for me, Taylor.
I mean that.
I sincerely appreciate it.
The word of a smart, beautiful woman like you means a lot to me.

Long Duck Dong
Aug 19, 2007, 1:55 AM
well taylormade, I will accept your word about bimuscleboy.....

sadly, as I have said earlier.... his non existent pics of his body, is not what made a impression on the members... it was his opinion

I will openly admit that a body that is well balanced, can be a eye catcher.... but in 90% of cases, its not the body that catchs a persons attention.. its the voice and the personality.....
that is unless that bimuscleboy thinks that his body catchs the eyes of blind people as well

most of the people in bisexual.com that I respect and look up to... have not had to *stand on a ego pedestal * they have just posted some of the most average things....and yet, caught my eye better than any well balanced body

I am sorry but the sad fact is that bimuscleboy's body is not catching my eye.... its only his attitude that is catching my eye

regardless of what his body looks like.... his opinion that bodies that are not well balanced, are not beautiful, is enuf to tell me that seeing his body would not make a difference to my opinion, that bimuscleboy and his mirror must be soulmates, cos he is struggling to see past his own reflection and ego, with his judgements of others

Aug 19, 2007, 2:48 AM
Anyone with a profile name like BIMUSCLEBOY2007 seems like they're overcompensating for something.


Aug 19, 2007, 2:55 AM
Maybe Bimuscleboy2007 is really into hardbodies.

Good for him, although judging from his posts, I don't think I'd want to know him.

Skater Boy
Aug 19, 2007, 11:14 AM
LOL, Is it just me, or can anyone else smell burning?


Hahaaa! I think the conclusion we're arriving at is that:

People who find looks very important are shallow. BiMuscleBoy and Taylor think that looks are very important. Ergo, BiMuscleboy and Taylor are shallow.

Would that be correct?

Mar 23, 2008, 1:04 AM
LOL, Is it just me, or can anyone else smell burning?


Hahaaa! I think the conclusion we're arriving at is that:

People who find looks very important are shallow. BiMuscleBoy and Taylor think that looks are very important. Ergo, BiMuscleboy and Taylor are shallow.

That's just something ugly people say.

Mar 23, 2008, 1:14 AM
5.I finally realized who I was, sexually speaking, and began to notice a sudden trend. I began to notice something which had always lurked beneath the surface: no matter how hot a gay guy or str8 girl was, I just wasn't interested. I used to ask myself when I went to a gay club and a hot gay guy would hit on me, "Why am I not turned on, but annoyed that this super-hot, masculine guy wants to f*ck me? WHT?". Ah, once my bidar kicked in, I had my answer: I'm only sexually compatible with those with whome I'm also sexually aligned-same Kinsey scale point.

that makes total sense to me. I get aggravated in situations like that as well. I never thought about that before.

Mar 23, 2008, 8:44 AM
do you say you're bi...?
do you say you're a straight wo/man...who likes to sleep with wo/men?
do you say you're gay wo/man....who likes to sleep with wo/men?

I want to love a man so much.
I want to fuck a woman so much.

I would say i am a gay man who likes to sleep with women. The bi label doesn't sit well with me.

Does it sit so well with every other Kinsey 2 or 5?
(i know the scale is outdated)

d :flag2:

Oh my goodness me, I indeed did read some flavoured responses...

Do I say that I'm bi?........... Well i use that term loosely because not everyone understands what omnisexual/pansexual is.

But being bisexual is a very wide scale indeed and the kinsley scale is only a meassure. Nothing conclusive, plus it wasn't designed for anyone who identifies as Pangender.

Attractivness does play a role in it all. Sad to say, and sorry to fule the old beauty vs intelligence debate.

Some people are shallow and simply go for looks with their chosen mate.
Others go for personality.... Although still the person MUST be on some level attractive to that person otherwise for( as Friday comes before Saturday) they really wouldn't be attracted to the said person.

I on the other hand do go for looks as well as character. The person might well be the handsomist or the most astounding female ever- but when they open their mouths and hmm, they're as stupid then I loose interest pretty quick.

Does that make me shallow????

Some indeed would think of me as shallow- I am not that shallow thanks. I just would like my mate to be well rounded. If looks was that unimportant then I'd be dating the local bag person who sits on the town square.

Get my drift??

Everyone has types of people that they like. Be it based on the persons' factory settings, or settings that a person has learned in life.


the mage
Mar 23, 2008, 11:36 AM
do you say you're bi...?
do you say you're a straight wo/man...who likes to sleep with wo/men?
do you say you're gay wo/man....who likes to sleep with wo/men?

I want to love a man so much.
I want to fuck a woman so much.

I would say i am a gay man who likes to sleep with women. The bi label doesn't sit well with me.

Does it sit so well with every other Kinsey 2 or 5?
(i know the scale is outdated)

d :flag2:

Only the people you love, trust, fuck need to know your sex.
Call yourself a person first.

shameless agitator
Mar 23, 2008, 7:22 PM
Wow, its a LOOOOOOONG swim across the Atlantic, Taylor! I think an airplane might be slightly more advisable.

But girls who can cook and talk are always welcome in my book! :)

Although if we get bored of cooking and talking, I'm sure we'll think of something else! ;)What about guys who can cook and talk (and fix things too)? I'm a smoker, so I don't think I'm in shape enough to swim but I might be able to make it if I took the plane advice

Skater Boy
Mar 23, 2008, 7:45 PM
What about guys who can cook and talk (and fix things too)? I'm a smoker, so I don't think I'm in shape enough to swim but I might be able to make it if I took the plane advice

Hey, the more the merrier dude... I certainly don't discriminate against men! :bigrin:

Admittedly I'm not too keen on smokers though, but I guess there are much worse habits... and more important things to take my mind off them! ;)

Mar 23, 2008, 11:06 PM
I like the term queer. They reclaimed that slur in the late 1980s as a way to move past the limitations of the terms for gay and bisexual. If I have to describe myself in the more traditional terms, I would say bisexual, since I think that's basic fact; I am attracted to both men and women. Nevertheless, some people still use the term "gay" to describe all subcultures of same-sex involvement, so I have occasionally called myself gay for simplicity's sake as well. And at other times, I have referred to my lifestyle as "straight" since I'm married.

I guess I just use whichever term gets my point across, based on the context. To tell you the truth, this has never stressed me out that much, but I understand the perspective of those who do find the whole issue stressful.

Regarding what BiMuscleBoy2007 said a few posts ago, I have to just point out that I am muscular and considered attractive within the gay community's standards. (If you want the stats, I'm 6', 185#, with a 46 chest and a 34 waist, and I look like I'm in my mid-20s). Even so, I do not put that much importance on looks, and I also haven't found that being attractive has helped me that much in meeting men. Once you get past the initial flirtations or hook-up, looks give way to deeper questions about personality matching. I also don't generally like dating other muscular men, since most of them obsess about working out and don't have interesting things to say in conversation. I have usually hooked up with guys who are on the chubby side and not considered "hot commodities." And I've been very happy with the sex I've had with such non-hotties. So I don't think your BiMuscleBoy's theory about the importance of attraction really applies to everyone.

I also don't think the bisexual and gay men I know "whine" as much as biMuscleBoy2007 implied in his earlier posts.

Mar 24, 2008, 12:42 AM
LOL, Is it just me, or can anyone else smell burning?

Hahaaa! I think the conclusion we're arriving at is that:

People who find looks very important are shallow. BiMuscleBoy and Taylor think that looks are very important. Ergo, BiMuscleboy and Taylor are shallow.

Would that be correct?

I don't think of myself as shallow.

I just refuse to waste my time pursuing sex/or allowing myself to sleep with someone I am not sexually attracted to. Doesn't mean every girl I nail will look like Jennifer Tilly or every guy I sleep with will look like Christian Bale... just that, I'll stick to my standards.

I refuse to bitch about not finding women anymore. It's no longer worth it. It happens... But I will probably bitch about it within a week... :tongue:
