View Full Version : sometimes...i'm a spaz...

Jul 1, 2007, 4:56 AM
i'm sure it has happened to more people than me. you are sitting down, watching tv or reading a good book and your mind starts to wonder when suddenly...

the DUMBEST most random thought pops into your head.

here's some of mine.

i have heard that chopsticks were invented to replace forks and knives because they are harsh utensils that should not be present at a peaceful meal. but, if someone gets pissed off, couldn't they just stab you with a chopstick?

another one of my random thoughts is actually kind of...wrong.

many years ago, i suddenly decided that if i HAD to eat a human being (not in the sexual way you perverts lol), i wouldn't want to eat a german. i think i would rather eat an italian (and yes, i'm expecting for atleast ONE person to call me racist but, whatever, it was a random thought and i couldn't help it).

if anyone has any good ones they would like to share, feel free.

by the way, starting this thread was a random thought as well :tong:

Jul 1, 2007, 4:14 PM
Random thoughts...............

You mean like: If corn oil is made from corn, and olive oil is made from olives, what exactly do they make baby oil from?


If pro means for,
and con means against,
and progress means to go forward,
what does congress mean??

Jul 1, 2007, 4:36 PM
I have random thoughts all the time, then can't remember them when I want to. I need a new hard drive for my brain I think.

Jul 1, 2007, 6:50 PM
...that baby oil one was a little creapy lol

Jul 1, 2007, 8:35 PM
...that baby oil one was a little creapy lol
How bout baby POWDER?!?!?
Chew on that for a while :eek:

Jul 1, 2007, 8:54 PM

Jul 1, 2007, 11:27 PM
How bout baby POWDER?!?!?
Chew on that for a while :eek:

Y'all are sick, sick, sick, sick, sick. That must be why I like it here! :cool:

Jul 1, 2007, 11:33 PM
Ok, this is going to sound really, really stupid but when I was a young teenager I wondered how guy/guy anal sex could be done without the bottom guy's dick hurting from being pressed against the bed.

I was naive in the ways of sex and male genitalia when I was a kid.

:oh: :oh: :oh:

Jul 1, 2007, 11:34 PM

Jul 2, 2007, 12:28 AM
Ok, this is going to sound really, really stupid but when I was a young teenager I wondered how guy/guy anal sex could be done without the bottom guy's dick hurting from being pressed against the bed.

Oh you think THAT'S bad? When I was young *I* used to wonder why people on the news were so upset about youth in Asia when in reality they were talking about EUTHANASIA! Duh.

Jul 2, 2007, 12:54 AM
When shipping packaging material, what do they cushion it with?

If security guards throw a party, do they let each other in?

Jul 5, 2007, 12:29 AM
i'm sure it has happened to more people than me. you are sitting down, watching tv or reading a good book and your mind starts to wonder when suddenly...

the DUMBEST most random thought pops into your head.

here's some of mine.

i have heard that chopsticks were invented to replace forks and knives because they are harsh utensils that should not be present at a peaceful meal. but, if someone gets pissed off, couldn't they just stab you with a chopstick?

another one of my random thoughts is actually kind of...wrong.

many years ago, i suddenly decided that if i HAD to eat a human being (not in the sexual way you perverts lol), i wouldn't want to eat a german. i think i would rather eat an italian (and yes, i'm expecting for atleast ONE person to call me racist but, whatever, it was a random thought and i couldn't help it).

if anyone has any good ones they would like to share, feel free.

by the way, starting this thread was a random thought as well :tong:

This should answer your question:

HONG KONG (Reuters) - A Hong Kong woman who blinded her boyfriend in one eye in a fight six years ago has been jailed for jabbing a chopstick into his other eye, a newspaper reported on Wednesday.

Last November, Po Shiu-fong, 58, accused long-time boyfriend Kwok Wai-ming, 49, of having an affair, the South China Morning Post reported.

During the row, Po stabbed a plastic chopstick into his left eye, which she had already blinded six years ago when she poked it with her finger.

"Po became hysterical when she saw the wound and mopped it with a towel. The pair then went to bed," the paper said.

"The next morning they had another argument in which she grabbed a chopstick and stabbed Kwok's right eye," it said.

Two days later, he sought medical treatment and filed a police report against Po, whom he had dated since 1993.

The paper said he didn't report the attack six years ago, telling the court his silence was "a love sacrifice".

Kwok lost 10 to 20 percent vision in his right eye, the paper said.

Po was jailed for six months on Tuesday.

"If I forgive her, God would not forgive me," the paper quoted Kwok as saying. "No matter what, nothing could compensate for the loss of my eye."

Jul 5, 2007, 1:15 AM
i wish i could have read that joy but, i have major eye issues and the second that i read anything having to do with eyes i stopped reading...haha.

but i read enough to know that I WAS RIGHT!

Jul 5, 2007, 1:24 AM
i wish i could have read that joy but, i have major eye issues and the second that i read anything having to do with eyes i stopped reading...haha.

but i read enough to know that I WAS RIGHT!

Good for you, feels good doesn't it!

Jul 5, 2007, 1:38 AM
yeah...i love when i'm right :bigrin:

now i'm gonna go rub it in my husbands face (like i usally do when i'm right) cause when i first told him my thought he rolled his eyes. god, he lived in japan for 3 years...i can't believe he never saw anyone attack someone with a chopstick!

Jul 5, 2007, 3:47 AM
yeah...i love when i'm right :bigrin:

now i'm gonna go rub it in my husbands face (like i usally do when i'm right) cause when i first told him my thought he rolled his eyes. god, he lived in japan for 3 years...i can't believe he never saw anyone attack someone with a chopstick!

Now, that is a true pitty.