View Full Version : In Memory of a baby that died to thoughtless parents

Jun 29, 2007, 4:46 PM
People are SO STUPID.....

NEVER EVER EVER leave a baby or small child in the car when doing errands... especially in the summer time where the car heats up in seconds.

http://www.kpho.com/news/13593680/detail.html <-- Baby left in SUV dies.
Seems her father "forgot" he had the baby in the car. She was only 3 months old.

Really people... If you are taking a baby in the car with you... REMEMBER HER/HIM.... This couple had 4 other children so we're not talking about new parents. (which is common if your a new parent)

In Memory of Amberlee Elizabeth Brown - aged 3 months.


Jun 29, 2007, 6:08 PM
I don't understand it either. It's happened more than a few times around here in Iowa/Illinois also. How in the world could you forget your 3 month old baby or any child for that matter in the car, especially when it's so HOT! :drool: :(

Jun 29, 2007, 6:31 PM
Hi Tasha. Well it's storie's like this one and other's that have happend that make a couple like my wife and i, who weren't able to have kids wonder how some people are alloewed to be parent's and not others. Now i dont want to indict the parents in this story because we dont know all of the situation that led up to this horrible tragedy, but there are plenty of other's that have happend in the past to make you wonder how some people have kids and other's don't. I hope this doesn't sound like sour grapes on my part,that's not really my intention here. Just makes me sad and angry when i see thing's like this... Just my :2cents:worth...

Jun 29, 2007, 6:36 PM
ever since having children, i have become very sensitive about these things. anytime i ever see or hear about a child/baby being hurt, tortured or killed whether accidentally or not i always get a lump in my throat. this is why i did not go to the link you left. this is also why i viewed the post twice before actualy writing anything. since i didn't go to the link i can't actually give much of an opinion but all i know that it is very unfortunate what happened. it is also very unfortunate that a 3 month old baby is so easily forgotten. if they could forget a baby in the car, it makes me wonder if they really paid much attention to her at home...especially having other children.

Jun 29, 2007, 6:48 PM
ever since having children, i have become very sensitive about these things. anytime i ever see or hear about a child/baby being hurt, tortured or killed whether accidentally or not i always get a lump in my throat. this is why i did not go to the link you left. this is also why i viewed the post twice before actualy writing anything. since i didn't go to the link i can't actually give much of an opinion but all i know that it is very unfortunate what happened. it is also very unfortunate that a 3 month old baby is so easily forgotten. if they could forget a baby in the car, it makes me wonder if they really paid much attention to her at home...especially having other children.

Ya, they are wondering why no one noticed the baby wasn't there once the father got home.... he did errands, went home, in the house BUT left the baby in the car for 2 hours.

Its sad. I don't see how you can forget a 3 month old baby.... I don't have kids but Im ALWAYS watching babies... I always notice if the babys not around and ask where he/she is. (etc such as if Im at a friends house who has a baby

Da Doctor
Jun 30, 2007, 6:41 AM
Well we just had a recent tragedy here as well. Herion addict's child got into her stash of methadone. So she leaves to get more methadone while the child dies.

Jun 30, 2007, 8:15 AM
This is so sad. It just breaks my heart.

I likewise don't know how you could forget your child in a car like this.

Jun 30, 2007, 9:17 AM
Didn't respond to this yesterday because it was too sad. Must've been a really good kid too if he didn't notice her.

Me-centric universe these days - too busy "running errands" to fill time and the spiritual vacuum in the soul?

Of course, I'm not the one who has to live with it for the rest of my life either so I should shut my mouth. Sometimes I think the "takes a village to raise a child" may be "outdated" but it was a good thing.

the mage
Jun 30, 2007, 9:24 AM
Well, assuming its a regular guy on a regular day that maybe had a beer or 2 with a sleeping kid in the car doing errands and just getting distracted....
There went his life..... along with the poor kid.

Extremely good odds this will end the marriage too. That is just how it goes.

We're just animals. Nature is cruel.
Forgiving is human.

Jun 30, 2007, 9:27 AM
Well, assuming its a regular guy on a regular day that maybe had a beer or 2 with a sleeping kid in the car doing errands and just getting distracted....
There went his life..... along with the poor kid.

Extremely good odds this will end the marriage too. That is just how it goes.

We're just animals. Nature is cruel.
Forgiving is human.

I agree with you.

This happens way too often.

Still sad...

Jun 30, 2007, 10:19 AM
It is needlessly senseless. I live very close to the city in which this happened. For the life of me, it seems to happen every summer.
For Fucks Sake!!! I live in Arizona. We have had over ten days in a row now where the temp has been above 110 degrees. It doesn't take but minutes for the temp to rise dramatically.

Rest in peace sweet angel. :(

Jun 30, 2007, 10:37 AM
It's so horrible. It happens where I live more than 10 times per year. Not just babies either, dogs, the elderly. It's just thoughtless. Granted my city is the Northern California Lowlife capital, but it's just stupid. I forget a lot of things but I'd never forget a child.


Jun 30, 2007, 4:16 PM
My eyes welled up when I read this. My this child's soul rest in peace. Children are a gift from the Good Lord, have to be looked after well and taken care of. If one cannot do this DON'T HAVE CHILDREN. It's a sin to bring a child into this world and leave it to suffer. It is Very Unfortunate that we often hear how children are killed because of carelessness of their stupid parents.


Jun 30, 2007, 8:07 PM
This kind of thing happens all too often. Have you ever noticed that almost every one of these involves parents who are driving SUV's? The most trendy class of vehicle on the road?

Here's the point. These Yuppys all play the success track and get themselves established. Fine and dandy; can't fault them for that. But then they start to notice that something is missing from their lives. Family. It looks so good (for them) when promotion time comes along or when they have to show that they are more than just the dedicated professional ("Joe here is a real family man"), so they have a kid or 2 and move on. It's all really about image for them.
The problem is that they are still on the success track and the kids are a commodity; a tool to be used to present an image of the perfect (yeah right) family (we have a niece and 3 nephews that are victims of this, so we know).

Now this is not a universal truism about all career oriented folks, but it is an epidemic problem and getting worse every day.