View Full Version : i'm a sims 2 addict!

Jun 29, 2007, 1:19 PM
i've been playing this computer game for about two years now. a few weeks ago i got the seasons expansion pack and yesterday i bought the pets expansion pack. though i feel a little foolish admiting it, i am SO addicted!

does anyone else love the sims 2?

i know a lot of people on this site are online a lot, which makes me wonder if anyone of you are game people as well as internet people. with computer games like the sims, the sims 2, vampire masquerade, world of warcraft, and SO MANY MORE...i'd like to see who is actually interested in what.

Jun 29, 2007, 1:25 PM
Yep I play the Sims :)
My sims character is a very lesbian character lol

I think shes a homewrecker however..... she made married women fall in love with her and the husband divorced her!!!!!!!!!!!! *GASPS*
Was not my doing... the wife fell in love with my sim character first.


Jun 29, 2007, 5:33 PM
i have made lesbians in the past haha. we adopted a few kids as well.

funny though, the one time when i should have divorced someone in the game i chose to kill them instead :tong: . mainly because i was too annoyed to remember how to divorce but, i got my frustration out anyway haha.

Jun 29, 2007, 5:57 PM
i have made lesbians in the past haha. we adopted a few kids as well.

funny though, the one time when i should have divorced someone in the game i chose to kill them instead :tong: . mainly because i was too annoyed to remember how to divorce but, i got my frustration out anyway haha.

YOU KILLED?!?!?! My sim could never kill lol But its funny tho. I love the sim ghosts hehe Just be careful cause the ghosts can kil your sim :(


Jun 29, 2007, 6:38 PM
i know! i remember the first time i had to beg the grim reaper to let my pregnant wife live after a ghost jumped out and spooked her! lol it was kind of amusing.

but yes, i killed a guy by having him go into the pool then taking the ladder away. an old trick from the first version of sims.

Jun 29, 2007, 6:50 PM
i know! i remember the first time i had to beg the grim reaper to let my pregnant wife live after a ghost jumped out and spooked her! lol it was kind of amusing.

but yes, i killed a guy by having him go into the pool then taking the ladder away. an old trick from the first version of sims.

lol I made a hidden room, lured a guy there, took away the windows and door lol he died. hehe
Its rather funny you can get away with murder on the Sims hehe....


Jun 29, 2007, 7:43 PM
wow, i didn't even think of that! next time one of the sims pisses me off i'm gonna have to try it out haha. i can't remember if there are any other ways of killing your sims like that.

by the way, have you noticed we are the only ones who care about this thread right now? lol

Jun 29, 2007, 7:54 PM
I dont have sims at the moment but i got pissed off once at my sims character for getting fired and i made him burn his house down an he died.


Jun 29, 2007, 8:08 PM
lmao that is great!

how did you make him burn it down? i thought that only happened by accident. i would love to try that one too! haha

Jun 29, 2007, 8:18 PM
wow, i didn't even think of that! next time one of the sims pisses me off i'm gonna have to try it out haha. i can't remember if there are any other ways of killing your sims like that.

by the way, have you noticed we are the only ones who care about this thread right now? lol

LOL ya... just be QUICK when you do the hidden room thing tho cause they tend to walk out fast. and you need your own sim out first (don't let the other one follow)
What I did was i made a bigger room... then waited till there was a good space between the 2 sims FROZE GAME and redid the room and putting a wall between my sim and the one I want to kill lol That way when you resume game, your sim is safe and the other one is left to die :) May take a few sim days tho as they will die by hunger usually.

Ya Forbidden, how do you make a sim burn something down or did you purposly make him cause the fire? and blocked his exists?