View Full Version : Bi or Just Oversexed

Jun 27, 2007, 7:18 PM
I never real thought about being bi-sexual. As a teenager I knew that getting head felt good whether from a guy or a gal. As I got older I realized that participating or recipricating felt even more exciting. To this day I just think of myself as someone who is oversexed or who has a strong sex drive.

Jun 27, 2007, 7:25 PM
Yes, but there are many people with strong sex drives who would not find it gratifying to receive head from someone of the same sex. And I agree with DiamondDog that this isn't simply because they don't allow themselves to; some people, sadly, really are only capable of satisfaction with one sex. No one said life was fair.

the mage
Jun 27, 2007, 8:22 PM
Yup, oversexed is not necessarily Bi.
Right here are people fiercely proud of their monogamy yet still feel Bi.
I personally know numbers guys, you know the ones who count the pussy's they've done,(in the 100's) no way they touch a guy.
Theory blown....

Jun 28, 2007, 1:19 AM
Oversexed and bi are two different things. I have been bisexual all my life, but only able to admit it and speak of it in the last 6 years. I too am oversexed, as told by many of the sex partners I have had in the past. Most of those sex partners were female, with some men. I have always fantasized about sex with men, more than women. Lately I have been only with another man as a sexual partner. How we view ourselves is fluid. So it is possible to be bi and oversexed. But one persons idea of oversexed may be different than someone elses. So everything is relative too. Just some thoughts to keep in mind on lifes journey. :three: :male: :male:

Jun 28, 2007, 3:23 AM
To me, I realized that when I made love to a woman, I wasn't just (expletive)-ing her to get off. I think it might have to relate to how you feel about it. With me, men and women are completely different in the sensations I feel when I'm with them. Do I want to orgasm? Yes, most definitely. But am I very satisfied if I don't? Yes. Because, when I'm with a person intimately the point for me is being able to feel them. If it's a girl, then I seek the feeling of how soft she is, how her body begins to change when her desire grows, the way that when she reaches orgasm her thighs will quiver under my hands, she will get this very enchanting look in her eyes and the way her face looks. When I'm with a man I seek the way his arms feel-so hard in comparison to mine, the wonder of how his bits and pieces are so different than me and how, just like a girl-only more different in a wonderful magical sort of way-they change too with his desire, how when he has fulfillment I get to see a face that is so different from the one he wears every day that he shows to the public world suddenly becomes completely vulnerable and I get to see it, how his thighs are hard and rough to my soft and smooth. To me, when I make love to some one, I'm not trying to free myself from desire by having release-I want to be with them. I need to be with them, I need to feel them-I need to have the experience of seeing them as they really are, which is how they are when I'm with them intimately. There is no exaggerated tough front, no feigned inddifference to the world, they don't have the energy to think about how they react to what I do so they can figure out a way to take advantage of the situation so they can either please me with their reaction or keep themselves isolated away from me with a neutral response. When I'm with a person it's because of my desire for them but also because I want to be able to actually see them as they truely are. Am I oversexed? My automatic response is that there is no such thing as being oversexed. You simply are. What you are. My second is that I can't possibly feel what I do when I need a person to have it related only to my desire to get off. And to feel what I do when they give themselves to me. I can't get what I want from a woman from a man and I can't get what I want from a man from a woman. We might like to think and say that a man is the same as a woman, but their not. Women and men each have uniquely different qualities that are without a doubt irrevocably unique to their sex. And it is those differences that drive me towards them, that make thoughts of them run wild in my head. I used the idea that I was simply oversexed to deny facing the homosexual aspects of my sexuality from myself. So I didn't have to face it. So I would never have to face any sort of repulsion or anger from those in charge of the world that are "normal." So that if someone came up to me and called me "dyke" it couldn't possibly be true. So that the one thing my family has always demanded I never be would never be. And in doing so I gave myself eight years of temporary freedom from rejection but I also lost eight years of being able to make love to a woman. Do I regret it? No, I simply evolved as I was able to. But, do I resent it? Yes, I do. Very much. People are not as driven by their need to get off as we want to think they are. People are driven by themselves. It is an insult to our beautiful ability to make love, to give and receive pleasure at will, to simplify our sexuality by giving it a nubering system to qualify if they are this amount of gay or this amount of straight so we can pretend that we use this system logically to avoid some and seek others. We avail ourselves so much of this self abuse to avoid what we really fear-that the man or the woman we are with, that person who holds so much sway over our souls, will leave us for another because of their sexuality. Since I've been able to admit to myself that I am in fact a bendy-sexual I have experianced a revelation about my sexuality every hour. The things I said I would never engage in, never do, I find myself admiting to not only being able to do, but enjoy. It is my deep and personal belief now that when we quantify and qualify our sexualities we are only trying desperately to make ourselves more acceptable to others and to the self we so desperately think we are.

Jun 28, 2007, 8:16 AM
I didn't think there was such a thing a too much sex.....LOL

Jun 28, 2007, 9:53 AM
Please write more, JoyJoyHollywood! that was fascinating and valuable

Jun 28, 2007, 10:23 AM
I didn't think there was such a thing a too much sex.....LOL


Jun 28, 2007, 1:43 PM
Please write more, JoyJoyHollywood! that was fascinating and valuable

That's a beautiful but dangerous compliment, thank you. My Ma has always said that I am, in fact, The Mouth of the South (way too much, way too loud).

Jun 28, 2007, 2:44 PM
I'm not really sure this has anything to do with what you're saying or not; I'm throwing it out anyways (vive le' caffiene).

I'm bi sexual, and probably always have been. For the most part I've usually either gone after one or the other. That might have been different if I'd had both equally available to me during my promiscuous period; I don't know.

But I get different things from different genders; sexually (beyond the obvious; eg, I love oral sex from women, hate it from men) and emotionally.

On the other hand, I slept with a guy once who was your literal "any hole's a goal" guy. He was a clinically diagnosed sexual addict. He was very closeted and did not see himself in any way queer. I tend to agree with him, actually; he wasn't queer, he just lacked any sense of self-control (as well as introspection).

I guess I'm saying this to say that yeah, there's a difference and only you can say which you fit into. :cool:

Jun 28, 2007, 3:44 PM
I concur with Snowblind1 (the summery in his profile is pure hilarious genius by the way). Men and women are just different in what you feel and need from them.

But you know what's really sad? Five thousand years ago their were no Homosexuals. No Bisexuals. No Trans-sexuals. And no Heterosexuals.
There was no societal division based on human sexuality. Tast did run differently for them on the individual level as it does for us today, but it was never really thought about to the degree that our society stresses now. As a reason to shy away, feel discomfort or anger. Division did exist in regard to politics, religion, the tribe or the clan but within the cultures they never really established a pecking order or seperation from each other based on an individuals desires and wants. We really are such savages with our false nobility.