View Full Version : Have you ever come off to someone you liked the wrong way?

Jun 27, 2007, 12:28 PM
I liked this person and knew him for awhile and I'm a guy but was never sure if he was bi or straight, cus I felt like he would flirt but he would also tell people he was straight. He also mentioned he had a fiance. The thing is i knew him a little and he always treated me nice, and about 6 months after knowing him he started acting real interested in me by asking me questions about me. Well one of the earlier questions he asked was do I like men women, or both real casually after the day i noticed a change in his behavior and it made me uncomfortable and the phrase i dont know slipped out of my mouth. I was literally in shock the way he came off to me. I dont think it was the actual question that bugged me as much as the fact the day before he started showing more interest in me than i ever noticed before. I kind of feel like if I had time to get used to his new behavior I wouldnt have reacted like so. I also felt like he was trying to cruise me which I guess pissed me off a little. Anyway I felt embarrased and chalk it up to a learning experience anyway cus he did have a fiance. Anyone else go through something like this?

Jun 27, 2007, 12:51 PM
Welcome to the human condition. EVERYBODY has moments where they'd like to snatch the words back out of the air. The one thing that puzzles me is why you resented being cruised (if that's what was happening). Why not just take it as a compliment?

Jun 27, 2007, 1:07 PM
Wow Wordsie..me agrees wiv ya! :tong:

Jun 27, 2007, 1:18 PM
Wow Wordsie..me agrees wiv ya! :tong:

Astounding, isn't it? :)

Jun 27, 2007, 2:27 PM
Welcome to the human condition. EVERYBODY has moments where they'd like to snatch the words back out of the air.
That's exactly what I was going to say. :cool:

Jun 27, 2007, 2:32 PM
The one thing that puzzles me is why you resented being cruised (if that's what was happening). Why not just take it as a compliment?

That's my question as well. Sounds like it might have led to something nice.

Jun 27, 2007, 2:38 PM
Wow miami, you really like this question. You ask variations of the same in chat all the time.

Very true biwords...we wouldn't be human if we didn't have the occassional foot in mouth disease...I have a chronic case of it. :tong:

Jun 28, 2007, 5:49 PM
That's my question as well. Sounds like it might have led to something nice.

Occupational hazzard?



Jun 28, 2007, 6:16 PM
That's my question as well. Sounds like it might have led to something nice.

true but miamiuu did say that the guy (or girl?) had a fiance and personally I wouldn't want to get involved with someone that wants to cheat unknowingly on their partner and I'd feel bad about being a homewrecker.

Anyway if he was just flirting/cruising you just take it as a compliment.

I will flirt with men and women and cruise people but that doesn't necessarily mean that I do want sex with them or that even if they do want sex with me that I'd even have it with them.