View Full Version : Anyone purposly gotten drunk......

Jun 20, 2007, 5:57 PM
Has anyone here purposely ever gotten drunk in order to kiss someone they like rather suddenly (like say you hug them, then plant a BIG one on thier lips)

just to see how that person will recat to it?? THEN that way if they were not comfortable, you could easily blame it on the drink you had rather than your feelings for that person??

Jun 20, 2007, 5:59 PM
i haven't actually done that on purpose, but i've told people that i was going to get drunk and kiss them, then blame it on the alcohol lol.

Jun 20, 2007, 6:14 PM
No. I can't say that I've ever gotten drunk on purpose to do this.

I will get flirty/touchy feely and kiss/make out with friends when I've had a few drinks but I do that when sober too if we're both OK with it.

If I like someone I will tell them when I'm sober and I'll kiss or hug them then as a greeting/goodbye.

I also don't like how people in our society "blame" alcohol, being drunk, or on other drugs for things. Like if they get drunk and have sex with someone.

I've had sex with people where we were both drunk/intoxicated and there's no need to "blame" anything we drank/took, as it's between two consensual adults.

Nobody was forced into anything, and we had an agreement that if anyone was doing anything (or even suggested) to the other person and they didn't like it either of us would say something and it would stop immediatley.

Skater Boy
Jun 20, 2007, 6:20 PM
Not specifically, but when I get drunk I often attempt to kiss people, and it does become embarassing after a while. Especially if the person DOESN'T want to be kissed. Probably something to do with the lowered inhibitions. But its one of the reasons I don't drink much anymore.

Jun 20, 2007, 8:24 PM
Never done that, but I once decided I was going to match an Irish family friend beer for beer. I did it, but I passed out in the car on the way home and was still drunk when I got up for work in the morning.

Jun 20, 2007, 8:29 PM
I never have either :)

But I know when Im drunk Im in a huggy/kissy mood lol
Its a good thing I can control how much I have to drink lol maybe thats why I like to be the driver, cause it forces me to only have ONE glass of wine or bottle of beer hehe

Jun 20, 2007, 8:58 PM
Ah..... liquid courage! Yes, I have and them some...hehe :tong:

Jun 20, 2007, 9:11 PM
I think more people do that unintentionally then intentionally. Drinking can make you a lot braver. lol I talk more when I drink....not that I make any sense though.

Jun 20, 2007, 9:18 PM
I didn't get drunk to kiss someone on purpose, but it ended up happening.

Jun 20, 2007, 9:36 PM
Is it bad that I want to plot to get me and my cousin drunk just so I can kiss her ? :) lol (no, we're not blood related... as Im adopted)

I agree, Im very quiet and shy, but when I drink, Im more open and talkive!! :)

Jun 20, 2007, 9:45 PM
Is it bad that I want to plot to get me and my cousin drunk just so I can kiss her ? :) lol (no, we're not blood related... as Im adopted)

I agree, Im very quiet and shy, but when I drink, Im more open and talkive!! :)

Sounds like a bad idea as well as icky. I mean it IS your cousin and she is family even though she's not related by blood to you. Do you really want your aunt and the rest of your family knowing this or thinking that you have a sexual attraction to your cousin?

If any of my cousins tried to kiss/make out with me and we were drunk I'd get mad and think that they were really weird, quasi incesteous (or at least had latent incest fantasies), and that they were trying to take advantage of me.

Jun 20, 2007, 9:50 PM
Ah, we joked in the past about dating :) Joked about if we werent cousins we'll date each other and so on.
I once asked her if we'll make a good couple and she said no cause we're too much alike and shes scared we'll end up hating each other!! :) Just cause we're to much alike.

I wouldn't :) I do plan to get her drunk a couple days before her wedding just so she can have fun!! Shes so stressed out and needs to unwind. (stress from wedding planning and school stuff) she likes the idea lol

Jun 21, 2007, 6:27 AM
Back in my drinking days, I drank to relax my inhibitions, and help move things toward the bedroom, but I never got drunk to kiss someone, and have an e3xcuse if they didn't respond well. :2cents:

BTW I have been sober over 9.5 years now....... :bipride:

Jun 21, 2007, 5:21 PM
To fuck some of the things I've fucked I had to blind rotten drunk :eek:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Jun 21, 2007, 6:06 PM
To fuck some of the things I've fucked I had to blind rotten drunk :eek:

LOL!! No never done it and to be honest can't say I ever have thought about it either!! ((not until now anyway)) lol ;)

Jun 21, 2007, 6:29 PM
Getting drunk didn't play into it, but me and this girl I knew used to eat demerol and fuck like stoned test animals.

Jun 21, 2007, 6:54 PM
Or the woman I met at a bar in Houston. My blood alcohol must've been 3 times the legal limit. She was the most beautiful woman in the world and most accomodating to my advances.
She drove me to a motel room and we commenced to stumble into the bedroom and we made love and I was like a stallion (or I think I was like a stallion). Then came the morning and I looked over at the altar of beauty laying next to me.

Oh my God...

Her wig was laying in the bed next to her head. What hair was left looked like she had radiation poisoning. Her false teeth were laying on the bedside table. One false eyelash was twisted down onto her nose and stuck on the wart that was there. The falsies were on the floor. Her ostomy bag was leaking. The left lower leg was a prosthesis. The corset was off and allowing her over abundance of weight to unevenly distribute to her left side. She hadn't shaved her legs in her lifetime.
As she opened one eye as I was desperately trying to sneak out the door while trying to hide my nakedness with a pillowcase, she grogilly said, and I quote, "See anything you would like?".
I shouted back, "Sure, just throw it at me, but don't aim at my ass cause that is the last thing you are gonna see of me".

Morale to the story.....

Never kiss a frog when you're blood alcohol is 3 times the legal limit.



Jun 21, 2007, 7:16 PM
I didn't do it purposely,but my first kiss and very first bisexual experience happened when I was dead drunk. I carried on with the same women for quite some time (on and off for about a year, I'd guess), always when we were both looped. I thought for a while after that I could only let go and have bisexual sex when I'd been drinking.
'Course I became more comfortable with that part of myself over time and quit drinking to loosen up cuz it wasn't needed anymore. I've become very comfortable with my sexuality and no longer need a crutch.

Jun 21, 2007, 7:38 PM
A large group of us were partying on a sandbar, plenty of weed and beer going around, when the wife of my friend and I started the touchy feely kissy game. My wife was there also , but it was dark..and she was plowed too. Anyway,,we never had sex, but about as close as one can getwith my weenie still in my swimsuit.. I was able to finger her to orgasm..... before the incident, we acted with proper decorum, and when we saw them later. it was as if nothing had taken place. I always wonder if he and my wife................hummmmmmmmmmm :tong:

Jun 21, 2007, 8:30 PM
A large group of us were partying on a sandbar, plenty of weed and beer going around, when the wife of my friend and I started the touchy feely kissy game. My wife was there also , but it was dark..and she was plowed too. Anyway,,we never had sex, but about as close as one can getwith my weenie still in my swimsuit.. I was able to finger her to orgasm..... before the incident, we acted with proper decorum, and when we saw them later. it was as if nothing had taken place. I always wonder if he and my wife................hummmmmmmmmmm :tong:

How's that not having sex? You masturbated her and gave her an orgasm.

Azrael-Mmmmmm your story brings back nice memories! ;)

When I used to take percocets (that I was legally prescribed by a doctor/oral surgeon when I had my wisdom teeth yanked out) I would j/o for hours and edge and think about being tied up and having someone flog me and I'd take off my shirt and pants and get completely naked and just enjoy the opiate itch and rub my body all over the carpet!

Jun 22, 2007, 2:44 AM
I can't say that I have, but...

..that's not a bad idea.... :devil:

Jun 22, 2007, 7:07 PM
Fortunately, (or sadly) alcohol, or at least an abundence ofalcohol and I don't gel.
I learned that very quickly, so I've never got drunk to kiss or "ta da" anyone.

I just hope no one had to get drunk to want to kiss me...... :( :( :(

Jun 22, 2007, 7:39 PM
Nope. I am 100% honest sober or drunk. The only reason I would drink and do things is to ease myself since I'm such a shy, nervous, and paranoid person. I open up a little too much in that state and reveal TMI. It's amusing to talk about the next day when it happens. My boyfriend nicknames me "porno mouth" then. BUT I'm sure it would help me chill out after only doing that once (drinking and opening up thing).
I'm not the type to say or do stuff I do not mean when I'm drunk. I'm a very meaningful person, so yeah. I find it to be bullshit when people do opposite of that, and it's just mean and hurtful.

Hope that made sense, came out all correctly, and etc...