View Full Version : Rudiest Customers You've Had...... (for poeple who work)

Jun 20, 2007, 2:24 PM
What are some of your horror stories about dealing with rude customers at work?? (state where you work or what you do)

You can tell about the rudiest customers or maybe the stupidiest one.

One of mine:

Im a small girl, 5'1 and 100 lbs, I also have back problems.... this big and musclar guy comes to my till with 24 packs pop cases and some groceries.
THEN he expects ME to put everythnig in my cart... I put the easy stuff in expecting him to do the heavy ones... he SAW I was struggling to just lift it for the scanner.
But no.. he looks at me, the cases then back at me.
I lift and yikes... my back is so gonna kill me, i could feel pain so I dropped the case into the cart, hurting my wrist. He was pissed I dropped it... well, guess what? If he wanted his other 2 cases he could do them himself cause Im NOT gonna hurt myself.
So I go back to my till ignoring him lol moved on to the next customer.... (this next customer was a woman who, after the man left, said "what an idiot...." and wanted to know if my wrist was OK cause she had seen it "twist funny" lol )

Jun 20, 2007, 3:03 PM
This isn't my story but I read it once off a computer customer service board.

Someone called in and told the tech that he was installing a new operating system when a smaller screen popped upand told him to press any key to continue.

The person said they looked and looked but could not find the "any" key anywhere!

Jun 20, 2007, 4:20 PM
Drunk people tryin to buy beer at 3am when I used to work at a grocery store,

My computer tells me when I sell and cant sell, so please you've
got over 12 items (beer casepack) we'll have to ring u up at the other end
of the store.

Supprisingly they walked all the way down to the regular checkstands. LOL
I was laughing so hard I cried.

Jun 20, 2007, 4:34 PM

At this grocery store, customers get all upset cause the price is all wrong....
Hello? if you'll give me your Safeway card, THE PRICE WILL BE RIGHT lol


Jun 20, 2007, 4:39 PM
lol i used to work for safeway they sucked so I gave them the middle finger.

I hated workin graveyard there. I once had a drunk guy come up to me
and give me $7 in dimes to buy 2 24oz mickies.

Jun 20, 2007, 4:56 PM
I work at a resort and we have a RUDE woman who has more money than she knows what to do with. She is just the meanest creature ever alive.....I guess being poor is a better way of life. I am happy...not miserable. Then again maybe she just needs to get laid! :2cents:

Jun 20, 2007, 4:57 PM
lol don't you hate it when people just dump HANDFULS of change in your hand and get all pissy when you count it and starting with the highest coins first lol
I mean, they gave you the change, course you're gonna pick out what you want and the quickest way too.

Safeway.... ahhh
People call this Slaveway hehe

Jun 20, 2007, 4:59 PM
I work at a resort and we have a RUDE woman who has more money than she knows what to do with. She is just the meanest creature ever alive.....I guess being poor is a better way of life. I am happy...not miserable. Then again maybe she just needs to get laid! :2cents:

lol you know what they say... you can have all the money you want in the world and be a very miserable person.
Proves money doesn't buy you happiness.

Money is nice to have but I think the HAPPIEST people are those who have enough money to live comfortably or less than they'll like to have but they are happy, thats all that matters :)

Jun 20, 2007, 5:03 PM
agreed, drunks have to be one of the rudest costomers to deal with cause there is just no reasoning with them...on the other hand they can also be the funniest customers.

Sick people are also rude. I worked in an urgentcare and you could tell the really sick people because they were the most pleasant. The ones that just didn't feel good would get biligerant and nasty if they had to wait any length of time and give me the hardest time. We had one lady come in for a hangnail, crying that she was in such pain and wanted it covered on workers comp because she'd pulled in working. She was a pain all the while she was there till she left. Now the guy with his finger in a container...very pleasant. Go figure.

Jun 20, 2007, 5:10 PM
When I found out Safeway closed at midnight, I freaked lol

I had assumed it closed at 9pm like every other store around here so I put I was free to work from 7am to closeing.

There was NO WAY I was gonna be outside at midnight especially when theres a bar very very near Safeway lol
So I went to the manager, who was understanding and let me change it to 7am - 9pm the latest :)

Also my fears is being deaf, I wouldn;t hear if someone came up behind me, so its scary when Im by myself at night cause I wouldn't hear them nor see them should they be hiding.

So I like to be safe :) Im rarely ever out anyway after 10pm tho unless Im with someone I trust.

Jun 20, 2007, 5:44 PM
Heh Tash, I'd be your bodyguard.

Jun 20, 2007, 5:49 PM
ooook boys and girls, this is a long one...

tony and i worked at dollar tree together a few years back. we both were at the register and we both had long lines of people. we were joking with each other and the customers, lightening the mood. tony screwed something up and and said "oh man i'm acting retarded" and i said "eh, it's ok, nothing new" and we both started laughing. this guy came up next to my register and started telling me that "god created this world based on words" and i just stood there trying to ignore him. he kept harassing me and saying that i shouldn't be so mean to people.

he got in my line and i told him that i refused to ring him up because i didn't want to deal with him anymore and he started telling me that it was my job and i had to. tony, the manager at the time, chimed in and told him that if a cashier doesn't feel comfortable ringing someone up for whatever reason they weren't supposed to, and that pissed him off more. so tony just rang him up on my register and while he was being rung up he turned to his grandson and said "now, she is the reason why there are bad people in the world. don't grow up to be a low life like her." and his grandson looked up at me and asked "why are you so mean anyway?".

as he was leaving he started yelling at me that i didn't do my job as a cashier and he was going to right a letter to the company about me, and i very nicely yelled back, in front of all the customers on line, "go the fuck ahead you worthless piece of shit. and while your at it, let the company know that i flipped you off." ...and then i gave him the finger. the customers all laughed and applauded. tony was not happy because he was afraid that we were going to get fired. we didn't. the guy used to be a regular there. none of the managers has seen him come in since.

usually i'm pretty good about treating the customer well, even if they are jerks but, as soon as he started talking to his grandson like that, i had had enough and really didn't care if i got fired or not.

Jun 20, 2007, 6:32 PM
The male half of the couple is black and has been working retail for almost a decade. It never really causes issues, but the worst experience he's had with a customer was actually about race and was with a black woman.

He was working retail at one point and was asked by the black female customer which CD had a particular R. Kelly song on it (a pretty well-known R&B singer in the US). When he said he didn't know, she immediately launched into a tirade about the fact that he was 'dressed like a white boy', how he clearly didn't listen to 'black' music and was denying his heritage. She topped off the whole thing with, 'It's really, really sad when we look in the mirror every day and hate the color of the skin of the person we see'.

Of course, none of that made any sort of sense, but it was still all he could do not to fly over the counter and respond physically. Thankfully, another employee in his department appeared and basically dragged the woman to the CD section and helped her while a manager dragged him outside to cool off.

Jun 20, 2007, 7:14 PM
When I was 19 I had a summer job as a door-to-door salesperson abroad.
Right, not the most gratifying way to meet people. You don't get a lot more consideration than Jehovah's witnesses. :rolleyes:

One day a guy just told me "go back to your country, you dirty foreigner"

Rude AND xenophobic. Do I win?

Jun 20, 2007, 9:57 PM
One of my summer jobs back in college was working at a bread thrift store. There we sold bread 3 days before the final sell date on the package, and were at the mercy of whatever the bread trucks returned with from the stores on their daily rounds. One regular customer got pissy as all hell that we didn't have the bread he wanted -- we're talking belligerant as all get-out! Then, when he came to check out, he had a filled-out punchcard which entitled the holder to $5 off, as long as the pre-tax sale was $5. His total was something around $4.35. He started to get even more upset. My manager told me to just give him the discount, as she just wanted to get him the hell out of the store.

Jun 21, 2007, 1:31 AM
when I was working at walmart all my other customers never said n e thing about me putting out the carts, they understood that was hard for me to do( I was the people greeter). although there was one that was never happy with me. she was an elderly woman that always walked half way across the parking lot to get to the door and expected there to always be carts there and she also never once smiled. I didnt hear the end of it from her till I quit working there.

Mrs. Taz

Jun 21, 2007, 1:57 AM
I still have issues with people ignoring my hearing impaired sign... especially those that don't understand what "hearing impaired" means lol

I realized lately the way Ive been doing my hair (pulling the sides back to REALLY show my implant so its not hidding in my hair) is making peopel REALLY see the implant cause they'll be looking, once Im looking at them, they tell me thier Safeway number (phone number if no card) or hand me thier card.
Some actually ask for paper so they can just write down the number lol

There was woman who accussed me of wearing an Ipod at work just cause she could see the wire from my cochlear implant lol

*shakes head* I took off one side piece and said "does this look like an ipod?"
Shes glaring at it and a customer behind her decided to help me by taking out HER ipod saying "THIS is an ipod..... THAT'S an hearing aid device.... leave her alone....." (she saying this in an "god, you're just an idiot" tone)
Woman leaves fast and girl looks at me and smiles "Hi."

I can't believe someone thought it was an Ipod!! lol the 2 look NOTHING alike.

Jun 21, 2007, 3:53 AM
As they say, money do not buy class or decency. The daughter of a friend of mine was working as a waitress in a restaurant. A very well known developper and multimillioner, ask her name...she said Petra (her name) his answer was ...you must be very poor with a name like that hahaha Her answer was ...yes i am ..but a make my living honestly.
The intersting part, i thing is called KARMA. Now she works as a head waitress on a Very exclusive Golf Club.. Members Only Etc. Etc...this "gentelman" arrive requesting a booking on the "gourmet room " Her answer...Sorry Sir, but for this room you need a 24 h booking. End of story :bigrin:

Jun 21, 2007, 6:04 AM
agreed, drunks have to be one of the rudest costomers to deal with cause there is just no reasoning with them...on the other hand they can also be the funniest customers.

Sick people are also rude. I worked in an urgentcare and you could tell the really sick people because they were the most pleasant. The ones that just didn't feel good would get biligerant and nasty if they had to wait any length of time and give me the hardest time. We had one lady come in for a hangnail, crying that she was in such pain and wanted it covered on workers comp because she'd pulled in working. She was a pain all the while she was there till she left. Now the guy with his finger in a container...very pleasant. Go figure.

I saw an interesting presentation about the idea that people sometimes get addicted to the hormones in their own bodies. They keep putting themselves in situations that will illicit the emotional (and thus hormonal) response they desire - I'm sure it's all tied together with past memories and perhaps mental state too .. keep playing the same old stuff out over and over like a bad dream.

Or perhaps there is a simpler explanation - she might have had a simple case of "heart and ass" trouble - in other words she doesn't have the heart to get up off her ass.

If some of these slackers would use the same level of thought in NORMAL life that they use to come up with disability claims they would be friggin' geniuses.

Jun 21, 2007, 6:09 AM
After reading some of these - all I can say is it takes all kinds of people to make the world go around .. even jerks ..

Jun 21, 2007, 7:06 AM
Right out of high school I worked at a local store, this guy pulls up in a dodge viper, and I was just amazed at his prized possession. So when he comes in to pay for his gas, I mentioned to him how beautiful his car was, I also asked how much something like that would cost. He said " more than you'll ever make in a year " I'll never forget that, because he crushed me right down. Still pisses me off to this day to think about that. :(

Jun 21, 2007, 7:29 PM
I was in Pizza Hut one time waiting behind a drunk man for my take-out order. He was giving the cashier a rough time and was so drunk that he tried to pay her twice then cursed a blue streak at her when she told him he'd already paid for his food. I told her she shoulda just rang him up again, cuz she sure wasn't being paid enough to have to put up with that sort of crap!

Jun 21, 2007, 7:41 PM
Oh, I used to work at an antique store and would have the same man come in all the time trying to get the price down on a piece of antique glassware that he wanted. I had a set amount I could come down and couldn't go below that. Didn't matter how many times I told the guy 'no', he'd still come in and offer way less than I could accept. He wasn't a pleasant man in the least and was always rude about it.
One day he came in and my co-worker was there. He'd also had to deal with this guy and had less patience than I had. When the guy approached him and started arguing with him over the piece of glassware. My co-worker said, "No, I'd rather drop it on the floor and not have to put up with you!" and he DID! CRASH! The piece shattered and the aggravating man practically tripped over his own feet trying to get out the door. We never did see him in there again. My co-worker said if the boss wanted to take it out of his paycheck, he was more than willing to lose the few dollars than have to keep putting up with the rude customer.

Jun 21, 2007, 7:50 PM
Right out of high school I worked at a local store, this guy pulls up in a dodge viper, and I was just amazed at his prized possession. So when he comes in to pay for his gas, I mentioned to him how beautiful his car was, I also asked how much something like that would cost. He said " more than you'll ever make in a year " I'll never forget that, because he crushed me right down. Still pisses me off to this day to think about that. :(

Well GEL, sometimes the universe has an interesting way of dealing with things - if he hasn't already wrapped the car around a telephone pole you can be sure he's paying a lot to put premium gas in a car that probably gets like 10 MPG.

Jun 22, 2007, 1:35 AM
I worked at a flower shop my junior year, and I had nothing to do with the arrangements. I mostly did bags of candy, blew up balloons, and put together stuff for the shop to give to the cheerleaders at school to throw out at football games for free advertisement, and the computer work since I was young and knew how computers worked. Haha. But my boss stepped out for a few minutes to make a delivery, and I was there alone, and some lady came in griping about her arrangement. I didn't know what to say, so I just kind of stood there and listened. And she was throwing out curse words and everything, asking me what the hell happened and stuff. It was c-c-c-raaazy.

Jun 22, 2007, 2:37 AM
Was working at a theatre and we'd put up a production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. We had a patron call after seeing the performance. She left a lengthy message about how she objected to the language used (the character Big Daddy throws out the N word a few times) and how "we should call up the people who write plays and tell them they should use better words."

I worked for Capital One for 3 months. Inbound calls, but at the end of each call I had to try and sell payment protection and prescription discounts and all sorts of crap. Always fun when the person that called in is at the bar, drunk, and called cause they can't figure out how to use their freaking card and they can't grasp the concept that we truly do not know what the PIN for your card is. That's why you're supposed to write that shit down.

The more you work around the public, the less faith you have in the intelligence level and manners of the masses.

Jun 22, 2007, 1:29 PM
AHHHHHH..dealing with rude people... :rolleyes:

I work at a blood center and all our customers are "volunteer" blood donors. So they are coming in on their own time and getting nothing in return except knowing that they just saved a life. However, with some people you would think we asked them to cut off their leg or pull a tooth out. They act as if it was such a bother for them to come in when their schedule is so full. They just don't have the time. We get very tired of hearing that. We know people are busy and have busy lives to lead. You just want to tell them to stop being so selfish and only looking at material things and realize what is really needed in the world to survive. :disgust:

In the end....you never realize how much blood products are needed until someone you KNOW and LOVE needs it. That's reality! I work there and donate myself knowing that we have to have blood for people to live, there is NO replacement for blood. When my dad fell last October, everytime they hung a bag of red cells and platelets (he received over 22 units) I was very proud to of what I do everyday. :angel:

Jun 22, 2007, 2:06 PM
hey, don't forget about all of the rude cashiers/managers/co-workers etc.! sometimes they are worse than rude customers...

Jun 22, 2007, 6:09 PM
Rudest customer I had ever had?

That would have to be at the porn store... Downtown Hamilton.

Guy comes in, about 2PM, drunk as anything, and says he wants a dirty book. I look at the girl who is supposed to be team leader of the store (management without the salary), while she tries to figure out what kind of book he's looking for. Luckily, knowing about three words of Serbian, I hear the one for vulva, and realize he's looking for a porno magazine. I point out one for $20, and he says he's looking at paying more. I shrug, give him a Private Magazine (trust me, very high quality photography, even if it a hetero book), and say it's $40. He pays for it, leaves and we think nothing of it.

He comes back in at 4pm, even drunker, and demands a refund. Amazingly, he uses a Serbian word for penis, and I realize that 1) he was looking for something without a penis, and 2) I'm not touching the book, nor the bag, nor the damn receipt, at least not without several layer of latex gloves. He gets even more belligerent when *he* realizes I'm trying to subtly steer him to the door. He starts insulting the girl I'm working with, finally touching her trigger with a "You go and eat your own shit, bitch" type comment.

She yelled at the top of her voice, "Fuck off and take your fucking cum-stained book with you, you fucking loser!" I wasn't sure which one I was going to have to restrain - the girl who was theoretically my boss, or the drunkard who was spitting and swearing and making quite the nuisance of himself.

Jun 22, 2007, 7:13 PM
In the business I'm in (boutique travel) there tends to be a generalisation, but that's all.
The more $$$ you have, the ruder you are.
But that is a sweeping statement.

The rudest people I've encountered tend to be Travel Insurance companies when you wish to make a claim on a client's behalf.
They give arrogance a new meaning!!! :eek:

Apr 11, 2015, 8:29 AM
Great thread!