View Full Version : What foods can you NOT live without??? (do not read on a empty tummy)

Jun 20, 2007, 1:15 PM
Im sure we all have a food we have got to have.... what foods do you live and nothing will ever make you stop eating it (unless health reasons such as diabets... )

AERO chocolate bars. mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!
Hersley Kisses. (not hugs tho. Allergic :( )

Jun 20, 2007, 4:36 PM
BBQ, PIZZA, MAC N CHEESE, Caesar Salad, Jamba Juice - smoothies, Starbucks, Gawd I'd also have to say Buca Di Beppo. My fav italian resteraunt.

Jun 20, 2007, 4:48 PM
MMmmm Pizza :)

I love pizza too :) I love pasta as well ... I LOVE italian FOOOOOOOOOOOD

Jun 20, 2007, 8:54 PM
Peanut Butter!!! :bigrin:

Jun 20, 2007, 9:12 PM
Mueseli, Quinoa, Halloumi/most cheese in general, Humous, Peppers, Olives, Corriander.
just off the top of my head. all kinds of stuff! I could go on

Jun 20, 2007, 9:12 PM
Resses Peanut Butter Cups

Jun 20, 2007, 9:14 PM
pasta and rice is hard for me to live without even though I have to limit them now.

Jun 20, 2007, 9:15 PM
Chocolate -- If there isn't any in heaven, I ain't going! :)

Jun 20, 2007, 11:05 PM
Fresh fruit, vegetables, yoghurts, and granola. :)
If I don't eat the fruits/veggies my body starts to hate me. ;)

I don't eat fast food and I purposely boycott it and even if I am traveling with friends I'll not eat or eat something else rather than eat it.

Jun 20, 2007, 11:47 PM

Jun 21, 2007, 12:17 AM
Did you hear?? Pizza Hut has brought back P'zones!! I'm officially doomed.

Jun 21, 2007, 1:03 AM
Sushi (once a week or else. . .I don't feel in balance)
Cherry Coke
Cap'n Crunch
Mac and cheese
Bottled Water
Cherry Sours
Honey Dew Melons
Granny Smith Apples


Jun 21, 2007, 1:29 AM
I like many foods but if I had to give everything else up and could only eat one thing--it would be Peanut Butter--preferably Jiff smooth

Jun 21, 2007, 1:51 AM
i am down with the PB, but i like all natural, and crunchy!

nabeyaki udon
dal makahni
saag paneer
fresh coconut milk (water)
"men's" bread
plain yogurt and berries
honey, chinese grapefruit, chevre and crusty bread (sounds weird, i know, but it evolved out of isolation living in tianjin, china-- and stuck)

Jun 21, 2007, 6:09 AM
steak medium rare when i cut into it my husband says it stll moos. also seafood of any kind. i'm a real carnivore.


Jun 21, 2007, 7:26 PM
Pizza and chocolate. And if ya count booze as food (and who doesn't? ;) ) really good bourbon.

Jun 21, 2007, 7:28 PM
Thai food and sushi! I can never get enough! hehe ;)

Jun 22, 2007, 7:56 AM
Diet Soda
Need a sushi fix now and then
seafood in general

Jun 22, 2007, 9:11 AM
I forgot to mention anything made by Häagen-Dazs or Ben n Jerry! Yum!! :)

Jun 22, 2007, 9:41 AM
pizza, starbuck's banana java chip frappachino, chocolate, pineapple (dunno why :)) cheese, burgers, fries, milkshake (gotta be burger king)

As you can tell i'm really healthy ;) :bigrin:

Jun 22, 2007, 12:10 PM
:bigrin: pickled chicken feet.......smoked turkey testicles, deep fried squrrel brains, jack in the box tacos, goat milk. :rolleyes:

Jun 22, 2007, 1:08 PM
Cherry coke
Chocolate (anything)
Happy Joe's Pizza (Iowa chain)
potato salad
cake with frosting :drool:

That about covers it!! :bigrin:

Skater Boy
Jun 22, 2007, 1:26 PM
Coke "Blak" (which is Coca Cola mixed with coffee... hard to find, but real nice!)

Fillet steak (medium rare, although its a bit of a treat due to the cost)

Sushi (although I recently got a stomach infection from it, so I'm being a bit cautious)

Jolly Rancher candy

Chocolate Pretzels

Most pasta dishes... like spaghetti, etc.

Faustino V Reserva Rioja (red wine)

V8 vegetable juice

Any vegatables (as long as they're not frozen or over-cooked!)

beef bourguignon

Club sandwiches

Hazelnut latte

Hockey Girl
Jun 22, 2007, 8:00 PM
Coffee (also a hazelnut latte person)

Chocolate - duh, I'ma chick :)

Cuban food

Indian food

Jun 22, 2007, 8:56 PM
Faustino V Reserva Rioja (red wine)

You would love the Marques De Cacares Rioja. This chef lady I used to work 4 turned me on to Spanish wine :bigrin:

Skater Boy
Jun 22, 2007, 9:39 PM
You would love the Marques De Cacares Rioja. This chef lady I used to work 4 turned me on to Spanish wine :bigrin:

Thanks, will try and track some down when I get a chance. I'm also pretty fond of Tempranillo...

Jun 23, 2007, 3:24 AM
Jolly Rancher candy


Jun 23, 2007, 3:27 AM
:bigrin: pickled chicken feet.......smoked turkey testicles, deep fried squrrel brains, jack in the box tacos, goat milk. :rolleyes:

hey! actually goat milk is good, and the cheese and yogurt is even better, and- some would profess- gentler on the human digestive system than cow's.

and now i have to find one of my bizzare china restaurant menu pics...

Jun 23, 2007, 4:04 AM
It's all been said, but I'll throw in my two cents. I have to have brown rice, peanut butter, and goopy chocolate ripple ice cream.
. . . . . In different dishes . . . . . . . . . . .

Jun 23, 2007, 11:55 AM
:bigrin: I'd have to say pizza, grilled chicken and of course orange pineapple icecream. :tong:

Skater Boy
Oct 23, 2007, 3:45 PM
OMFG... Nuits-Saint-Georges, Cote D'Or Burgundy... just had a 2004 bottle by Marchand and it is silky as f-u-c-k. Rich and deep, but not overwhelmingly so... fruity enough, but certainly not like drinking a glass full of Ribena. Just a teeny-tiny hint of spice or oak, if at all. Oh-so-balanced. At less than 20 quid, we're not talking top of the range or even premium vintages, but if you like red wine, then NSG comes highly recommended! :tongue:

Oct 23, 2007, 7:00 PM
- Yellow Tail Chardonnay
- green chili chicken enchiladas
- chicken curry
- whiskey & lemonade (or scotch & soda for those in the US)
- cheetos.....regular or poofs
- cheese - brie, champagne mushroom brie, gouda, yoghurt cheese, goat cheese (plain or flavored), any fancy cheese I s'pose lol (especially love cheese and crackers and fruit and wine...:bigrin:)

Skater Boy
Oct 23, 2007, 7:30 PM
- cheese - brie, champagne mushroom brie, gouda, yoghurt cheese, goat cheese (plain or flavored), any fancy cheese I s'pose lol

Yup, cheese is kewl. My latest "thing" is for Feta cheese in Greek salads and pasta dishes. Brie and Camembert are good, but I only like them when young and firm (sound familiar? ;) :bigrin:)... not too keen on it when it goes mushy and excessively soft. For sandwiches, I LOVE Swiss cheese! And any of those ones like Gouda, Jarlsberg, Leerdammer, Emmental, Havarti, etc. Oh, and if you haven't tried Wensleydale WITH CRANBERRIES, then you simply MUST!!! Parmeasan is also superb shaved into salads, etc.

I think the ONLY cheeses I DON'T like are ones like Gorgonzola, Blue Cheese, and anything that smells REALLY unpleasant.

Oct 23, 2007, 7:45 PM
LOL I must be the only "Hethern" (Southern Pronounciation) here!
I Dearly love a big pot of Collard Greens and Bacon, or fresh green beans and bacon cooked all day in a crockpot.
A huge pork roast and veggies cooked until it just Falls apart
Pulled pork in BBQ sauce on Hoagie rolls
Chickie and Dumplin's
Beer braised ribletes,
Drunken Chicken on the BBQ
White corn slathed with butter
Sweet cornbread
Butterbeans and Ham hocks
Hobo Stew and cornbread(Gotta have the cornbread!)
Chickie n homemade Noodles
Salsbury steak and mashed taters
Creamed gravy over mashed taters or rice
Creamed onions over Ham
And lets not forget the Bisquits, taters, and sausage gravy for breakfasts..
(Hope my friend Wanderingrichard just drooled all over his keyboard!) lmao
Bon Appitite Ya'll..
Cat ^..^

Oct 23, 2007, 8:09 PM
omg where do i start lol
hot wings
pop tarts
french fries
anything thats yummy
and last but not least
ben in jerry icecream

Oct 23, 2007, 8:11 PM
I like bleu cheeses as well, Sk8rBoy - sorry!......Saga Bleu is one of my favorites mmmmmmm. I do like brie when has been baked and is all melted and soft and gooey.....:tongue: spread on some warm French or Italian crusty bread. I love Havarti too, especially the dill Havarti. Ohhh, almost forgot about the Monterrey Jack Pepper cheese (either just jalapeno or if I'm feeling adventurous, Habanero Jack Pepper):eek:. Damn, now I'm hungry..........:tong:

Skater Boy
Oct 23, 2007, 8:20 PM
I do like brie when has been baked and is all melted and soft and gooey.....:tongue: spread on some warm French or Italian crusty bread.

My father tried "baking brie" once... it didn't work out the way he hoped, and the whole thing melted into a big gooey mess inside the oven. It was hilarious! thankfully he hasn't tried it since. :bigrin:

Skater Boy
Oct 23, 2007, 8:26 PM
omg where do i start lol
hot wings
pop tarts
french fries
anything thats yummy
and last but not least
ben in jerry icecream

Wow, what a healthy diet. They used to sell "Pop Tarts" over here a while back, but after the novelty wore off, everyone stopped buying them, and they withdrew them from stores. I think I still remember trying the chocolate ones... they were weird... gimme a slice of toast (or a waffle/pancake) instead for breakfast anyday.

Oct 23, 2007, 8:37 PM
My father tried "baking brie" once... it didn't work out the way he hoped, and the whole thing melted into a big gooey mess inside the oven. It was hilarious! thankfully he hasn't tried it since. :bigrin:

LOL, I bet it was!!! heehee.... Well I have not tried making baked brie myself, but have seen it made and obviously had it when I've been out. The way I've had it/seen it made is it has been wrapped in a puff pastry, making sure all seams are sealed and then a couple of "notches" cut into the top to let the steam out and baked til the puff pastry is puffed and golden brown...God, I wish I could've seen that tho! What a mess that must have been! LOL:eek:

Oct 23, 2007, 11:32 PM
There are dozens of "can't live without" foods on my list and very few of them are healthy. Any two items on this list would suffice for my proverbial "last meal."

Fried Catfish (so good I'll vote for it twice)
Fried Chicken
New York Strip Steak - Medium Rare
Anything containing caramel
Biscuits and Gravy
Jerk Chicken
Ackee and Saltfish
A really good calzone
Sbarro's Pizza
Barbecued Ribs
Crawfish Etoufe
Fried Dill Pickles (if you don't live in the South, you don't know.)
Fresh cold tomatos
Cookie Dough Ice Cream

damn, I'm hungry

Oct 24, 2007, 12:06 AM
I have to have the following to exist:

Oreos, not too many at a time, but I have to have them.
T-bone steak off the grill.
Rice Krispies.
A big glass of skim milk.
Mashed potatoes and gravy. Usually beef, turkey or chicken gravy.
I love a good meatloaf, meatballs, turkey, chicken (skinless) and hamburgers.
Ham that soaked with pineapple slices.
Being a Minnesotan, I crave a good hotdish on cold winter days. Uff da!
To me, pancakes are small gifts from heaven when done right.
I love pineapple jam in my PBJ sammwiches.

My wife has taken upon herself to introduce me to healthier foods, so ask me again in a year!!

Oct 24, 2007, 1:01 AM
my mom's mac n'cheese, steaming hot, bubbly in the middle, thick and crusty english cheadder cheese on the edge of the crock; grilled shrimp and scallops on a skewer; starbucks java chip; see's candies (nuts and chews); ceaser salad (with anchovies fillets, like the original); garlic mashed potatos; steak and kidney pie, shepards pie, chicken pot pie; a crisp saviguon blanc; anchor steam beer or dos equis amber; fresh peaches, apricots, and plums; grilled veggies with olive oil; olives of any kind; and ice tea!

Oct 24, 2007, 1:20 AM
There are dozens of "can't live without" foods on my list and very few of them are healthy. Any two items on this list would suffice for my proverbial "last meal."

Fried Catfish (so good I'll vote for it twice)
Fried Chicken
New York Strip Steak - Medium Rare
Anything containing caramel
Biscuits and Gravy
Jerk Chicken
Ackee and Saltfish
A really good calzone
Sbarro's Pizza
Barbecued Ribs
Crawfish Etoufe
Fried Dill Pickles (if you don't live in the South, you don't know.)
Fresh cold tomatos
Cookie Dough Ice Cream

damn, I'm hungry

A non-Jamaican who knows about Ackee.

What new wonders will this board bring?


Oct 24, 2007, 8:20 AM
A non-Jamaican who knows about Ackee.

What new wonders will this board bring?


Wiggles er bootie an munchies on a Jamaica Pattie:bigrin:

Oct 24, 2007, 11:47 AM
Barbecued ribs.

Crabs legs

Chocolate(any form Dark, light or white)

Garlic Bread

:bigrin: I'll think of more later :bigrin:

Oct 24, 2007, 2:25 PM
Tomatoes, fresh home-grown (not those styrofoam imitations you get in the supermarket) or sun-dried
Fresh peaches, from the farm (getting damn near impossible to find decent ones in the stores)
Oatmeal-raisin cookies
Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia
A good craft-brewed beer (yes, beer is a food -- don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!)

Oct 24, 2007, 3:05 PM
apples and crunchy peanut butter

oriental raman noodles

vegetarian chili


rice and corn

and corona...since booze counts.

i'm a vegetarian now, but before i ate honey bbq wings like 4 times a week. we have a great little wings place.

also, from my pre-vegetarian days, there is a bbq place near here and they serve something called a "shack tater." it's a huge baked potato with bbq beef and three kinds of cheese. i dream about them sometimes...

Oct 24, 2007, 5:41 PM
Indian food !!! Rice and chicken curry, meat and fish. Have to have it. With out atleast one of these dishes I would feel sick. I call it my Indian injection !!!


Oct 24, 2007, 7:17 PM
Mine would be-
Thai Beef salad,
Thai Beef Noodle soup,
Any fruit and vegies

The Barefoot Contess
Oct 24, 2007, 7:20 PM
Chocolate (fair trade, please)
Coffee (fair trade)
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, peach
Salmon, tuna
Sushi (I could survive on that)
Manchego cheese
Spanish red wine (tempranillo is one of the best kinds of grapes out there)
White wine
Mediterranean extra virgin olive oil with some good bread to dip in
Cookie dough ice cream, cappuccino ice cream
Patatas alioli

Oct 24, 2007, 10:11 PM
Cow anyway you cut it...

Oct 25, 2007, 9:11 AM
ICE CREAM:tong:.... I HAVE TO HAVE IT!!!!!:female:

Oct 25, 2007, 4:04 PM
hi everybody i'm new here:female:. anyway the food i can't live without has to be chocolate:bigrin:. (bars, ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, cake, brownies, milk,) i've got to make a dash to the corner store:tongue:. talk to everybody again soon:)

Oct 25, 2007, 5:13 PM
Definitly Kylmäsavustettu lohi (cold smoked salmon) and lihapullat (Finnish meatballs).
That's my favorite.

Oct 25, 2007, 11:16 PM
"Good Beef" and spuds. and nothing else.:tongue:

Oct 27, 2007, 8:59 AM
Im sure we all have a food we have got to have.... what foods do you live and nothing will ever make you stop eating it (unless health reasons such as diabets... )

All those yummy combinations of carbs, cheeses, and tomato sauces we attribute to the Italians.

And diabetes has only led to careful (and meager) portion control...

Oct 27, 2007, 10:15 AM
ToK.. moren ne thin else... wivout ToK life aint worth livin...:tong:

A rare an yummie delicacy....:bigrin:

Oct 29, 2007, 5:12 PM
Forgot about bratwurst - specifically, Usingers bratwurst from Milwaukee (none of this crappy Johnsonville stuff - blech! LOL)

Oct 29, 2007, 5:44 PM
Pears and also cheeseburgers with mushrooms

Oct 29, 2007, 7:57 PM
popcorn !

Oct 29, 2007, 8:31 PM
Clootie Dumpling


Selkirk Bannocks

Arbroath Smokies

Apple Pie and Cream

The skin of a rice pudding

Liver and Onions



Steak Pie with Puff Pastry, boiled new potatoes turnip carrots and peas.

Oct 30, 2007, 4:39 AM
hmm, so many choices!
Homeade bread
Sundried tomatoes
salsa -Homemade, none of this store bought gazpacho they call salsa

Apr 12, 2015, 6:52 PM
Oreos, sweet red peppers, and rye toast with butter.

Apr 12, 2015, 10:13 PM
Oh I could live without these foods but life is so much pleasant with chocolate in my life. Ice tea is up there as well.

Nov 4, 2015, 6:19 PM
Lasagna, cheesecake, Cobb salad, and chef salad are my favorite foods. I'm totally addicted to eating salads! I'm taking about vegetable based salads. I actually really hate mayonnaise based salads. I crave salads so much that if I go more than a day or so without eating a salad, I'm ready to tear down the walls for one. Salads are the one food I couldn't live without. The irony is that as a child I absolutely hated salads! My parents forced me to eat salads a few times when I was a boy, and I would gag trying to eat them I hated them so much. As a very athletic teenager I started really loving salads. I ate salads almost everyday by the time I was in college. It's kind of ironic that I went from being the biggest salad hater, to being one of the biggest salad lovers you'll ever meet. It still amazes my parents to see me happily eating big salads.

Here's the tie in between my favorite foods, my personality, and sex. People have told me that my love of salads is kind of unusual in that I'm the only man they know who actually claims that salads are my favorite food. That's also true for me personally. I've never met another man who claims salads as their favorite food. Moreover, I've had people say that my addiction to eating salads is an effeminate trait in my personality, because they only know women who love salads as much as I do, including my first feeder. I always thought that was very strange. I don't understand how being addicted to salads is a feminine trait of my personality. I've always thought that food is kind of gender neutral, and that my favorite foods don't really characterize my personality. Sorry for being so long winded, but some of my experiences with my favorite foods have been very peculiar.

Annika L
Nov 5, 2015, 10:03 AM
chocolate...particularly dark chocolate
popcorn (I don't make it as often as I like...but I get edgy when I go a long time without)

I've learned that yogurt...plain whole yogurt...just makes me feel really good.

I am learning how to live without peanut butter

Nov 5, 2015, 3:34 PM
Irn-bru.. a drink, but trust no food dus wot it dus morning afta nite b4 wen otha more serious drinkies have been scooped in ridiculous quantities... Haggis.. Clootie Dumplin'... pears.. grapes.. plums... most kindsa fruit. Dark choccie... me 1ce a month Haddie n chips...

....as for peanut butter.. never liked it so givin' up is no prob...

Nov 5, 2015, 4:41 PM
Pizza !

Nov 6, 2015, 6:17 AM
Pizza !Fond as I am of the occasional pizza, Pep, I have 2 admit that but for the kids it is something we wud have less of and if I never had ne ever again, I wudn't miss it in least.. and those overblown deep pan things are pretty grim... not for me at all... tho Kate and the kids will happily munch through a 9 or 10" thus placing ther arse size in serious danger in fullness of time.. and I kno our eldest daughter nips in for a pizza a bit more often than is gud for her wen out on dates or wiv 'er m8s..

..but wile I dont mind if I never have another pizza long as I live.. think I wud go in2 serious withdrawal if cheese of almost ne kind suddenly disappeared from me life.. ver little nicer than cheese n wine.. and garlic, tomato, peppers n chillies vanishing wud serpently not help me enjoy life.. cheese 2 can do serious damage 2 the figure if we munch too much too often, so sparingly is best and of course that helps to increase enjoyment in the flavour.. and nev eat it str8 from the fridge! Get it out of the fridge for at least an hour b4 munching. Around 10c flavour is at its best!

Nov 6, 2015, 11:02 AM
I'm also a lover of your aforementioned foods & consume them regularly. From that selection, I would have the hardest time giving up garlic. My consumption is even higher during this time of year as it inevitably ends up in generous amounts in all my comfort foods. Now if I could just get my hands on a nice 12" self-rising, grilled chicken, garlic flavored pizza.........:tongue: :impleased ;)

Nov 6, 2015, 12:44 PM
Maybe I missed , but I can't believe no one said BACON