View Full Version : the real kinsey scale.

Jun 20, 2007, 4:29 AM
As promised in this thread: http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?p=61920#post61920

I said I'd post the kinsey scale. In college I got bored and copied it out of the actual study itself, so here it is in its entirety. Sorry for the typos.

ok here's the scale straight from the source itself.

0.Individuals are rated as 0's if they make no physical contacts which result in erotic arousal or orgasm, and make no psychic responses to individuals of their own sex. Their socio-sexual contacts and responses are exclusively with indivduals of the opposite sex.

1.Individuals are rated as 1's if they have only had incidental homosexual contacts which have involved physical or psychic response, or incidental psychic responses without physical contact. The great preponderance of their socio-sexual experience and reactions is directed toward inviduals of the opposite sex. Such homosexual experiences as these individuals have may occur only a single time or two, or at least infrequently in comparrison to the amount of their heterosexual experience. Their homosexual experiences never involve as specific phychic reactions as they make to heterosexual stimuli. Sometimes the homosexual activities in which they engage may be inspired by curiosity, or may be more or less forced upon them by other indivduals, perhaps when they are asleep or when they are drunk, or under some other peculiar circumstance.

2. Individuals are rated as 2's if they have more t han incidental homosexual experience, and/or if they respond rather definitely to homosexual stimuli. Their heterosexual experiences and/or reactions still surpass their homosexual experiences and/or reactions. THese individuals may only have a small amount of homosexual experience or they may have a considerable amount of it, but in every case it is surpassed by the amount of heterosexual experience that they have within the same period of time. THey usually recognize their quite specific arousal by homosexual stimuli, but their responses to the oposite sex are still stronger. A few of these individuals may have all their overt experience in the homosexual, but their psychic reactions to persons of the opposite sex indicate that they are still predominantly heterosexual. This latter situation most often found among young males who have not ventured to have actual intercourse with girls, while their orientation is definitely heterosexual. On the other hand, there are some males who should be rated as 2's because of their strong reactions to their own sex, even though they have never had overt relations with them.

3. Individuals who are rated as 3's stand midway on the heterosexual-homosexual scale. They are about equally homosexual and heterosexual in their overt experience and/or their psychic reactions. In general, t hey accept and equally enjoy both types of contacts, and have no strong preference for one or the other. Some persons are rated 3's, even though theymay have a larger amount of experience of one sort, because they respond psychically to partners of both sexes, and it is only a matter of circumstance that brings them into more frequent contact with one of the sexes. Such a situation is not unusual among single males, for male contacts are often more available to them than female contacts. Married males, on the other hand, find it simpler to secure a sexual outlet through intercourse with their wives, even though some of them may be as interested in males as they are females.

4. Individuals are rated as 4's if they have more overt activity and or psychich reactions in the homosexual, while still maintaining a fair amount of heterosexual activity and ore responding rather definitley to heterosexual stimuli.

5. Individuals are rated as 5's if they are almost entirely homosexual in their overt activities and or reactions. They do have incidental experience with the opposite sex and sometimes react psychically to individuals of the opposite sex.

6. Individuals are rated as 6's if they are exclusively homosexual, both in regard to their overt experience and in regard to their psychich reactions.

It will be observed that this is a seven-point scale, with 0 and 6 as the extreme points, and with 3 as the midpoint in the classification. On opposite sides of the midpoint the following relations hold:
0 is the opposite of 6
1 is the opposite of 5
2 is the opposite of 4

Jun 23, 2007, 4:21 AM
How do you all feel about the Kinsey scale?

Personally I see it as being rather outdated and shows sexuality to be mostly static; but I see why it had to be created and what it does.

Also I think that people rate themselves too low on it.

Lisa (va)
Jun 23, 2007, 4:25 PM
Personally I believe the scale is about as important as labeling yourself. I basically chose 3 because I have probably been all at one time or another. I hardly think a number or a label can define a person: the folks I have dated, I have done so because of the person not their sex. Though the physical mechanics of sex change from one sex to another, on an emotional level (for me at least) the feelings are the same. So regardless of what number I am, whether I'm dating a woman or a man, simply stating I am just me.


hugs n kisses