View Full Version : New Bi Given Guys a Try... need someones experience/advice

Jun 19, 2007, 8:01 PM
Ok... so... I need to ask something; i need some advice. Wait, let me start out with some background. I'm 26 and till recently, i was only with girls. And i was pretty much completely attracted to them sexually. I thought straight sex, and two girls, and girls masturbating was hot. But, within the last several months, i've been all about guys. I mean, thinking about girls used to be way hotter, but now thinking about guys is. I've always thought boys were good looking but I just never experimented with a one until recently. Now I'm full on confused because I think I'm more gay now, but I still want to mess with girls. Has anyone out there been through this? I mean, has your preference changed back and forth? I actually think I remember when I was way younger being more attracted to guys also, and then it switched to being more attracted girls for a long time, and now the guy thing is back. HELP!! My head hurts and I'm freakin out cause i've lived so straight for such a long time that I don't know if my friends can handle me coming out as bi or whatever. I mean, these are friends I've had since i was like 14 and when i bring up the topic jokingly, some laugh and say we wouldn't be friends and I can't tell if they're just continuing the joke or if they're serious. I guess ultimately I just don't feel like I can talk to anyone about this and I'm just curious if the preference thing bounces back and forth for anyone else because even the guy I'm with right now doesn't understand me.

Jun 19, 2007, 8:28 PM
I've been in a similar situation.
Been only with girls until three years ago, but was thinking about guys a lot. Since then I've been with guys a little more often than girls. It was not an easy time, but I suppose most people here went through the same thing.

I just came out to one of my closest friends (female) and it really helped letting the steam off. I don't feel the need to tell anyone else at this stage.
Probably not ready to rock the boat yet.

I'm not sure going out to your friends would be such a good idea as long as you're not sure where all this is going. But that's just my opinion. Maybe you could tell only one person who knows you well and is not related to your group of friends, and see if it helps?

I'm sure many people would think "if they can't accept you the way you are, they don't deserve you", but let's face it having one of your oldest friends telling you he's bi can be a little unsettling, and I suppose your friends could have an awkward reaction.

Anyway feel free to drop me a line if you want to talk about it