View Full Version : Have you been following "CHOICES", the bisexual comic?

Oct 6, 2005, 7:38 PM
Hi everyone!

Have you already discovered "Choices, The Bi Adventures of Tara, Daniel, Edward, and Trina", the bisexual free comic on this site?

I was chatting with somebody the other day and I commented this comic (which you can find and see the adventures from the beginning till the most recently here, just by clicking on the "FUN STUFF" tag, and then choosing the bisexual comic link). I was surprised that my chatter hadn't discovered it yet.

I'm still quite new to this site, but when I have some time, I wander around and peek here and there (maybe a bit of my peeping tom nature also... :cool: ).

I like arts in general and mainly drawing, painting and all kinds of visual arts are some of my interests... Although I enjoy pleasure with all my senses... (ask someone who has been with me blindfolded, while I've used some ice cubes, feathers, ice-cream, strawberries, liquid chocolate, edible underwear, melted wax and other sense enhancers for some feedback... :rolleyes: ), it seems the most stimuli come from visual images, so I really enjoyed the comic here.

I wish I could have been that open (metaphorically speaking... ;) ) enjoying that action by myself, being one of the 2 boys, reaching pleasure to a maximum without any inhibitions (I still have a few... :bigrin: ). Some of the "Choices" adventures I like are (apart from the rather stimulating drawings):

-when Tara's priest father made some funny comments...
-Santa being in the naughty list.
-skinny dipping.
-having sex on the beach.
-the glory hole.
-cruising in the park.
-some funny snowmen.
-one of the guys cross-dressing.
-some naughty scenes with Santa and elves included...

Well, I really enjoyed them, and had a really hard :male: time not having more... :(

All the best,


Oct 6, 2005, 11:03 PM
I love the Comic, been looking forward to the next one. its great fun, and a pleasent tongue in cheek way of describing bis. But dont let your straight friends see it. they will get the idea that we are all screwing each other ALL the time.
Who is your favorite character?
Lyon :bipride:

Oct 7, 2005, 9:28 AM
I love the comic, I could not pick one character as a favorite it is just great work :bipride:

Oct 10, 2005, 2:29 AM
would love to see more of it, but here we are into the 2nd week , almost the 3rd, of oct. and they still have sept.'s up without change.. am beginning to think that the strip has been canceled..

Oct 10, 2005, 11:24 PM
Episode 20 my fave.Hanging out with your best mate.Looking forward to more.

Oct 11, 2005, 11:34 AM
I really do enjoy them as well. Altho I wish they were just a bit longer.