View Full Version : Forums gettin reely borin!!

Jun 19, 2007, 8:39 AM
One thing me luffs is a rite gud barney on summat substantial.. been a few rows recently an cant say me wosnt involved an gettin rite stroppy eitha.. but lookin at current crop of threads its as if eitha peeps don wanna hav ne kinda meaty debate, or cos its summa they don wan gud solid row... Now don mind not rowin.. but it jus seems as if peeps r starting threads 2 recycle old discussion or r jus gettin off on peeps sex lives.. or jus cos they feel they shud. Thats fine but we live in a big bad if wonderful world and surely ther more that concerns us than the size of cocks, tits, how many peeps we shagged, wot shaggable celebrity we wish wos bi an so on. Trivia is gud an its fun..but its not life an if we 2 be taken seriously as a group and as a kind, we havta get back 2 gud old fashioned debate an havin a gud barney 2 show we aint jus the sex obsessed whores many in both the str8 an gay community think us 2 be.

We havta show the world that we think wiv more than jus the end of our clits an our cocks....

meteast chick
Jun 19, 2007, 8:44 AM
I like a good mix of questions/forums, from the 'boring' to the raise your eyebrows sort. I know what you're talking about dear, but considering the more rowdy ones we've had lately I actually feel like we need a little less steam on this site right now...

...however...if you feel like steamin' it up in other ways...I wouldn't say no!!! :yikes2:

luv and kisses,

Jun 19, 2007, 8:57 AM
I like a good mix of questions/forums, from the 'boring' to the raise your eyebrows sort. I know what you're talking about dear, but considering the more rowdy ones we've had lately I actually feel like we need a little less steam on this site right now...

...however...if you feel like steamin' it up in other ways...I wouldn't say no!!! :yikes2:

luv and kisses,
Have thoughta that 2 Met an can c wy peeps mita shyed away a bit...not sure they shudda but undastand...

An steamin up?? lil ole me???? as iff.... tee hee :tong:

The Cheshire Cat
Jun 19, 2007, 9:36 AM
I know what ya mean Darkeyes...I found your debates very interesting. Also the responses of people from other countries and political systems. :bigrin:

Jun 19, 2007, 9:45 AM
I've been a part of alot of forums. . .and I find that forum life moves on an ebb-and-flow; to keep it high drama burns people out quickly, but to keep it calm at all times puts people to sleep and sends them else where.

It's a good sign when a forum can keep this balance. So, welcome the boredom, dark. . .because you'll miss it when the drama starts again.


Jun 19, 2007, 9:53 AM
Actually--having things lighter is not such a bad thing---we have had some pretty hot (and not in the sexual meaning) threads in recent months---

It is summer as well and "the living is eazzzzzyyyy!!!"

Jun 19, 2007, 10:50 AM
***Slaps Frances on the back of the head with a large wet fish***

quit your belly aching. It will get heated here again soon enough. :tong:

Jun 19, 2007, 11:01 AM
***Slaps Frances on the back of the head with a large wet fish***

quit your belly aching. It will get heated here again soon enough. :tong:
Soggies up Rans nose an face.. getya own towel...an don u dare argue wiv me...gud barney cant cum soon enuff!!!! So ther..stick that in ya pipe an smoke it!!! :bigrin:

Heated?? or heated??? tee hee... :tong:

Jun 19, 2007, 11:36 AM
I find all the sex talk threads DEPRESSING lol No, Im not gonna say why but Its currently depressing for now lol

I like how this board isn't full of rude people like some forums Ive seen where ask a simple question you're called stupid.

This is my most often come to board lol

Since my Vampire Lover disappered without a word of goodbye :( Im gonna have to turn someone else a vampire.... any volunteers? :)

Jun 19, 2007, 11:38 AM
*ignites a potassium nitrate improvised explosive device*
That'll keep yas busy for a bit :tong: